ROH on HonorClub results (9/12): Robinson’s review of ROH TV Champ Atlantis Jr. vs. Peter Avalon in a Proving Ground match, Harley Cameron vs. Queen Aminata, Rocky Romero vs. Lio Rush

By Sam Robinson, Contributor (@altaine)

Ring of Honor on HonorClub (Episode 81)
Taped August 11, 2024 in Arlington, Texas at Esports Stadium Arlington
Streamed September 12, 2024 on HonorClub

Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman were on commentary, and Bobby Cruise was the ring announcer…

*Unless otherwise noted, all matches started and ended with the Code of Honor handshake…

The show opened with a rundown of the matches that will air during this episode…

1. ROH TV Champion Atlantis Jr. vs. Peter Avalon in a Proving Ground match. Atlantis started with some arm work and even locked in a standing Kimura that Avalon used the ropes to break. Avalon hit an arm drag and posed on the ropes. Atlantis turned up the speed, hit an arm drag and a sit out scoop slam for a two count. During a lucha running spot, Avalon came down bad on his knee on a leapfrog and fell to the corner, but it was a distraction and he hit Atlantis from behind.

Avalon went for the mask but the ref pulled him off. Avalon put Atlantis on the top rope but Atlantis fought him off and hit a flying cross body block. Atlantis hit a superkick and a step up enzuigiri. Avalon got dumped to ringside and Atlantis dove at him on the floor. Back in the ring, Atlantis got a two count. Avalon rolled him up for a two count. Avalon hit a moonsault press from the top rope for a two count. Avalon hit the Jericho springboard dropkick and dove onto Atlantis on the outside. Back in the ring, Atlantis hit a snap powerslam and a frog splash from the top for the pinfall.

Atlantis Jr. defeated Peter Avalon by pinfall in 6:30.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Atlantis continues to be a step slow luchador.

Backstage, Billie Starkz called an emergency meeting with Athena. Athena said that Lexi was great, and needed an upgrade. Billie was annoyed while Athena ran down new names for Lexi and snapped. Billie said Lexi was getting credit for things that Billie has done. Athena said she was just a bit jealous. “Snitches get stitches.” Billie was mad as Athena walked off…

2. Harley Cameron vs. Queen Aminata. Aminata locked in a head-scissors with her legs and wiggled her butt in the face of Cameron. Aminata hit a snapmare and a PK for a two count. Cameron hit a hotshot on the ropes and pulled Aminata to the outside and threw her against the apron. The women exchanged chops outside. Back in the ring, Cameron hit a series of knee lifts and a Russian leg sweep for a one count. Cameron hit a clothesline and used a mount pin for a two count. Aminata came back with a snap suplex and a clothesline.

Aminata hit a fisherman’s neckbreaker for a two count. Aminata missed a hip attack in the corner but hit the big face wash kick, and used a mount pin of her own, high on the face for a two count. Cameron came back with a flying head scissors and some shoulder blocks and a foot choke in the corner. Cameron hit Soul Food and a backstabber for a two count. Aminata came back with a double chop to the chest that got a two count. Aminata tried her air raid crash but got rolled up for a two count. Aminata hit her headbutt for the pinfall.

Queen Aminata defeated Harley Cameron by pinfall in 7:15.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Serviceable TV match, but for me the outcome was never in doubt.

A recap aired from All Out involving Top Flight…

3. Action Andretti and “Top Flight” Dante Martin and Darius Martin (w/Leila Grey) vs. Vin Parker, Dante Leon, and CD Bennett. Andretti worked an arm early before he and Darius hit some tandem strikes for a two count. Parker pulled the hair of Darius to make a tag. Darius hit a dropkick and worked an arm. Dante and Leon tagged in and Dante hit a clothesline in the corner and then Top Flight hit a double dropkick for a two count.

Leon knocked Andretti out of the ring with a knee lift and his tag partners took some shots at ringside. Back in the ring, Leon hit a swanton to the back of a standing Andretti for a two coin. Andretti hit a huracanrana on two jobbers and took all three jobbers to town with clotheslines and a handspring back elbow. Andretti hit a rolling samoan drop and a standing shooting star for a broken up nearfall. Bennett tried to get something going, but Top Flight hit some suplexes on him and Dante hit a spinning slam move to get the pinfall.

Action Andretti and “Top Flight” Dante Martin and Darius Martin defeated Vin Parker, Dante Leon, and CD Bennett by pinfall 5:45.

Robinson’s Ruminations: This seemed like someone got in the ear of these kids and gave them the “slow down and work a hold” speech, cause that’s what this match was until the end. Totally fine, but not as exciting as a normal Top Flight match.

Backstage, Santos asked Harley Cameron about her loss to Aminata. Before Cameron could answer, Rachel Ellering came in to frame to give her a taste of her own medicine from the last couple of weeks…

4. “The Outrunners” Truth Magnum and Turbo Floyd (w/Erica Leigh) vs. Fly Def. Fly Def took too long on the double ax handle to the arm, and Outrunners hit a double scoop slam and double elbow drop and posed. Magnum hit some right hands and a big chop. Outrunners hit the double ax handle spot. Outrunners cleared the partner and then hit their finisher for the pinfall.

“The Outrunners” Truth Magnum and Turbo Floyd defeated Fly Def by pinfall in 2:30.

After the match, The Iron Savages came down to ringside and commenced the 3 on 2 beatdown. Just as Savages set up for the Transformer splash, The Infantry ran down to make the save. The Outrunners and Infantry shook hands…

Robinson’s Ruminations: Squash match hour starts now. The beatdown after the match and the handshake really meant less than nothing. It’s just trying to set up more meaningless matches in the ROH tag division.

An ad aired for the latest AEW mobile game where you collect action figures…

5. Robyn Renegade vs. Angelica Risk. Renegade got on her knees to taunt the shorter Risk, who put Renegade’s head in her chest. The women exchanged chops. Renegade hit a high knee to the face. Renegade hit a suplex that got a pair of one count covers. Renegade locked in a chin lock and when Risk tried to fight out she got thrown by her hair. Renegade missed knees in the corner and got rolled up for a two count. Renegade blocked a flying head-scissors with a side slam for a two count. Risk kicked Renegade into the rope and hit a 619 kick. Renegade hit a pump-handle flatliner for the pinfall.

Robyn Renegade defeated Angelica Risk by pinfall in 3:45.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Squash match hour continues. This one wasn’t quite sloppy, but certainly not smooth. There were places where the wrestlers didn’t connect correctly.

Backstage, Jacoby Watts said that EJ Nduka can have his fight anytime, whether it be himself or Nick Comoroto, who just stood there smiling without speaking…

6. “The Righteous” Vincent and Dutch vs. James Blackheart and JC Valentine. Vincent hugged Blackheart and whispered to him for the code of honor and hit a running back elbow. Vincent used a school boy to throw Blackheart into the turnbuckle. Valentine tagged in and so did Dutch. Dutch hit a clothesline and a T-Bone suplex. Blackheart tried to punch Dutch but it wasn’t sold. Blackheart ran into the black hole slam. Valentine got hit with a double fireman’s carry slam. Blackheart got hit with Orange Sunshine for the pinfall.

“The Righteous” Vincent and Dutch defeated James Blackheart and JC Valentine by pinfall in 2:50.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Squash match hour continues with notorious squash match enjoyers The Righteous.

Another All Out recap aired and focused on Sammy Guevara and Dustin Rhodes…

7. Ariya Daivari (w/Mark Sterling) vs. Sammy Guevara. Sterling and Daivari did some heel mic work on the way to the ring. Daivari hit a shoulder tackle but Sammy just kipped right up. Sammy posed on the ropes as the crowd chanted his name. Daivari worked a wrist lock but Sammy flipped out and Daivari came back with a knee lift. Sammy backflipped over a charging Daivari and hit a drop kick that sent Daivari to ringside. Sammy teased diving and hit the Tranquilo pose. Sammy followed Daivari outside and hit some chops around ringside. Sammy let some kids hold the arms of Daivari as he threw some of those chops.

Daivari yelled at Sammy who followed him, and Daivari took advantage. Daivari threw Sammy into the ring post and hugged Sterling. Back in the ring, Daivari threw Sammy into the turnbuckle repeatedly. Daivari threw Sammy hard into the buckle. Sammy got a boot up, but Daivari used a backslide to get a two count. Daivari hit a drop toe hold and an elbow to the back. Daivari looped Sammy in the ropes and punched and bit at his head. Sterling got in some choking as the ref was distracted. Daivari locked in a sleeper that went to the mat. The ref checked Sammy’s hands and got two drops before Sammy fired up and pushed Daivari into the corner. The men did a double clothesline for a double down. The men traded punches and chops in the middle of the ring until Sammy fired up and hit a flying forearm, kipped up and hit a running clothesline.

Sammy did the ten punches in the corner and a stalling suplex for a two count. Sammy called for GTH but Daivari slid out but Sammy rolled him up for two. Sammy hit a high knee and called for the 630. Sterling got on the apron and Tony Nese pulled Sammy down on the turnbuckle. Daivari hit a huge clothesline for a two count and all the Athletes were stunned. Sammy hit a springboard moonsault press onto Nese and Woods at ringside, hit a springboard cutter on Daivari, knocked Sterling off the apron, hit a GTH on Daivari and got the pinfall.

Sammy Guevara defeated Ariya Daivari by pinfall in 11:10.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Squash match hour took an interlude for a good TV match. The outcome was never in doubt, but the nearfall after Nese and Woods came down had me buy in.

Backstage, Lexi unenthusiastically interviewed Red Velvet. She asked her how it feels to be in possession of Billie Starkz’s championship. Velvet called Lexi bitter and said that’s how it’s been in ROH for too long and that the mean girl era was over. Diamante slid in and said, “No good deed goes unpunished.” Velvet asked when she was going to step up. Diamante said you’ll see…

8. Lady Frost vs. Promise Braxton. There were dueling chants for the women as Frost hit a running blockbuster for a two count. Braxton came back with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and a meteora to the back of the head for a two count. Braxton locked in a chin lock until Frost fought out with the weakest knees I’ve ever seen. Frost hit a flying clothesline. Frost hit a flying head scissors from the outside and landed on her damn feet! Frost hit a cannonball in the corner and got a two count. Promise came back with and exploder suplex, but missed a knee drop. Frost hit a spin kick that looked weak too. Frost went to the top and hit a twisting moonsault splash for the pinfall.

Lady Frost defeated Promise Braxton by pinfall in 3:20.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Squash match hour resumes. Frost looked a little weak in this one. Not sure if she was being gentle with Braxton who is a bit on the skinny side or what.

A commercial aired for Grand Slam Australia.

9. Willie Mack vs. Exodus Prime. Mack hit a shoulder tackle without even trying. Mack hit a Mexican arm drag. Mack hit a flying head scissors and a big forearm in the corner. Mack hit an inverted cannonball in the corner and got a one count. Mack hit some chops on Prime and when the crowd chanted “one more time” he twisted the nipples of Prime for the full four count. Mack tried a tip up and Prime hit an atomic drop out of it and a back suplex.

Prime hit a clothesline in the corner and a back elbow off the middle rope for a two count. Prime hit a knee drop to the face and choked Mack on the ropes. Prime hit a slingshot leg drop and a springboard senton for a two count. Prime tried to suplex Mack but Mack hit a running brainbuster for a double down. Mack hit a big clothesline and a knee lift. Mack hit a scoop slam and a standing moonsault for a two count. Mack went for the stunner but Prime hit a wheelbarrow flatliner for a two count. Prime called for the end and tried a butterfly move but Mack flipped Prime over and hit a stunner. Mack hit a frog splash for the pinfall.

Willie Mack defeated Exodus Prime by pinfall in 7:50.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Nice showcase match for Mack that let Prime show a bit of something. I like what I see from Prime. Apparently ICP have been running shows again according to Riccaboni during this match and the tight of Mack that said “The Chocolate Juggalo”. Maybe I’ll have to track those shows down, as I’m a long time ICP fan.

Backstage, Anthony Henry pulled a camera in close and said JD Drake will be back soon. Henry said he’s got no control of Beef, who then came in soaking wet saying he was warming up. Henry told Beef to chill and got a phone call and it seemed to be JD and he talked a bit of trash about Beef. Henry told Beef to chill or JD would slap him in the face…

Robinson’s Ruminations: I guess we’re going to get a JD Drake and Beef feud?

10. Preston Vance vs. KM. During Vance’s entrance, a cutaway promo said that he was picked by Brodie Lee and he doesn’t need anyone else. Vance hit some clothesline and a back suplex. Vance hit some clubbing forearms while KM was tied in the ropes. KM hit a hotshot on the ropes but Vance threw him into the barricades and chopped him. Vance threw KM into the stairs. KM hit a shoulder block against the apron and broke the refs count. Vance hit a suplex on the floor at the bottom of the ramp. Back in the ring Vance did the Brodie Lee arm gesture and tried a discus lariat, but KM blocked. Vance hit a spinebuster. Vance did the Brodie arm gesture again and hit the discus lariat this time for the pinfall.

Preston Vance defeated KM by pinfall in 3:30.

Robinson’s Ruminations: AEW really believes that the legacy of Brodie Lee means far more than it does. Don’t get me wrong, I loved Brodie but being a Brodie Lee tribute act can only get you so far. That said, Vance looked good here. He’s looking jacked these days and looked crisp in the ring.

A commercial aired for Forbidden Door 2025…

11. Fuego Del Sol and “SAP” Serpentico and Angelico vs. Joe Alonzo and “Ace of Space Academy” LSG and Colton Charles. Angelico locked in a one handed straight jacket on Alonzo as the announcers talked about Pokemon Go. All the faces hit some big moves and superkicks on LSG. Charles came in and got dumped to ringside by the luchadors. Serpentico dove on the jobbers at ringside. Serpentico rolled up Alonzo for a two count. Serpentico hit a flying head scissors and rolled up Alonzo with a cradle for a two count. Alonzo raked the eyes and hit a double ax handle. Ace of Space hit some team work moves and Charles hit a clothesline for a two count on Serpentico.

LSG punched Serpentico down and got a two count too. Alonzo hit a scoop slam on Serpentico but the shoulders weren’t down for the cover. Alonozo hit a dropkick and knocked Fuego to the floor. Serpentico tried some fancy rope work, but got tripped up, had to wait for the jobber to catch up to him so he could push him off for the formula hot tag. Angelico took it to Ace of Space and hit a clothesline on Charles to knock him to ringside. Angelico hit the rebound kick and a rollup for a broken up nearfall. Charles got sent into the tornado DDT from Fuego by Serpentico. Fuego hit a moonsault press on the jobbers on the outside. Anglico locked in another new variation on his death lock submission for the tap out while the luchadors stood by watching.

Fuego Del Sol and “SAP” Serpentico and Angelico defeated Joe Alonzo and “Ace of Space Academy” LSG and Colton Charles by submission in 6:30.

Robinson’s Ruminations: This was all standard formula tag match stuff. It’s a shame Serpentico got tripped up, but him waiting for the jobber to grab him instead of making the tag really shows the flaws in the AEW tag match formula.

An Uno and Chugs podcast commercial aired…

12. AR Fox and Komander (w/Alex Abrahantes) vs. Ariel Dominguez and Brillante RB. Komander got a quick roll up on Dominguez for a two count, but Dominguez came back with one of his own for another two count. Dominguez used the ropes to get the leverage on a lock up. Komander hit an arm drag, but Dominguez grabbed a head scissors from the mat, Komander flipped out and they both tried drop kicks for a stalemate. Brillante and Fox came in and Fox hit some shoulder blocks. After some lucha reversals, Fox got a roll up for a two count.

Dominguez tagged in and tried a wheelbarrow but Fox slammed him down and Brillante broke up the nearfall. Fox fought off both jobbers and hit a dropkick on Brillante in the corner, hit a roll back cutter on Dominguez and another cutter on Brillante. The jobbers fled to ringside and Fox hit a big flip dive on them. Komander tagged in and he also dove on Brillante at ringside. Back in the ring, Fox hit a spinning suplex and Komander hit the rope walking shooting star for the pinfall on Brilliante.

AR Fox and Komander defeated Ariel Dominguez and Brilliante RB by pinfall in 4:45.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Fine lucha action, but it didn’t get enough time to cook. Was basically a squash match.

13. Lio Rush vs. Rocky Romero. The men traded headlocks and then Rocky hit an arm drag and a basement dropkick to the face. Rocky hit some chops in the corner, but Rush fought back with some chops of his own. Rush hit a flying head scissors and a hip toss. Rush did some misdirection and hit a dropkick. Rocky went to ringside and Rush teased a dive, but Rocky ran out of the way. Rush held the ropes for Rocky but Rocky thought it was a trap and went around the ring to get in. The men shoved each other then traded chops in the middle of the ring. Rush hit some forearms and chops. More Rush misdirection but Rocky got a drop toe hold into the corner.

Rocky hit a backbreaker and then a spinning backbreaker. Rocky tossed Rush to ringside and ran him into the ring apron. Back in the ring, Rocky got a two count. Rocky hit a vertical suplex for a two count. Rocky locked in a bow and arrow over the knees and then a camel clutch. Rush got out with a jaw jacker. Rocky hit a snapmare and a kick to the back for a one count. Rocky locked in a chinlock, but Rush fought out with some punches. Rush hit an around the world DDT for a double down. The men traded clotheslines in the corner and Rush cut off the Four-ever clotheslines with a clothesline out of the corner.

Rush hit a falcon arrow for a two count. Rush hit Rocky with some kicks to the gut and forearms. Rocky hit the rewind kick but Rush schoolboyed him and hit the spin kick. Rush went for his bottom rope stunner but Rocky caught him and hit Shurnoi for a two count. Rush hit the bottom rope stunner and went to the top hit his Final Hour frog splash for the pinfall.

Lio Rush defeated Rocky Romero by pinfall in 11:20.

Robinson’s Ruminations: This seemed like another “slow down and work a body part” match to teach a high flyer how to work slower. The match went eleven minutes, but you wouldn’t be able to tell by how short my recap is. This was a lot of slow methodical work down the middle from Rocky.

The overall show is nothing worth going out of your way to see. This was still matches from the Esports Stadium tapings, so seriously, just how much ROH did Tony Khan subject Texas to?


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