West Coast Pro “Friday the 13th” results (9/13): Vetter’s review of Jiah Jewell and Levi Shapiro vs. Calvin Tankman and Beef, Alpha Zo vs. Bret the Threat, Chris Nasty vs. Aaron Solo

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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West Coast Pro “Friday the 13th”
Streamed on YouTube.com
September 13, 2024 in San Francisco, California at The Foundry SF

This show aired live and free on Youtube. This is a small room and the lights are low; lighting is just so-so. It appears the crowd is 150-200.

1. Jaguar Montoya vs. Abigail Warren. Montoya wore a Jaguar mask to the ring but he removed it in the ring; he’s a bit hefty and wears a black-and-purple singlet. I don’t think I’ve seen “La Bruja” Warren before; she is fairly rotund. Basic action; both seem about the same height, weight, and neither seem to be in particularly good shape. Abigail hit a back suplex at 4:30 and they were both down. Montoya hit an F5 slam for a nearfall. Warren hit a running kick for the pin. That really was not good. At all.

Abigail Warren defeated Jaguar Montoya at 6:40.

Eddie Power and Kyrie DK hit the ring. I haven’t seen them before; Power said they are the most recent graduates, but they haven’t had a match yet. I am probably spelling a name wrong, as it wasn’t on the screen Power issued an open challenge! This isn’t going to end well for them…

2. Juicy Finau vs. Eddie Power and Kyrie DK in a handicap match. Finau is wearing a full body outfit; I’m used to seeing him wear a Blue Meanie-style half-shirt to allow his massive gut to hang out. It looks like he is wearing a hoodie UNDER his singlet. Power is short. Kyrie is Black and bald and wore gear that is quite similar to Myron Reed’s. The rookies charged at him and just bounced off. Finau splashed both of them in the corner. He put both guys on his shoulders and hit a double Samoan Drop for the pin.

Juicy Finau defeated Eddie Power and Kyrie DK at 1:24.

3. Ishmael Vaughn vs. Loverboy Leo vs. Red Hot Tommy Mars vs. J2 vs. Jayson Xavier. Leo wore basic black gear. Tommy is a rocker and he carried drumsticks. Sound is terrible from the announcer; I have no idea what she’s saying. J2 is Asian and wore a glittery red coat. Xavier also wore basic black and he has a good physique. Ishmael is a big Black man and the only one of these five I’ve seen before. J2 hit a senton for a nearfall at 2:30. Vaughn hit a flip dive to the floor on everyone. In the ring, Vaughn hit a brainbuster for a nearfall at 4:00.

Tommy hit an Exploder Suplex. They did a tower spot out of the corner at 6:00. Xavier put Mars in a Sharpshooter, but Leo broke it up. Leo hit a suplex for a nearfall. Mars caught Vaughn with a superkick at 8:30. Mars leapt off the ropes, but Vaughn cut him in half with a spear and scored the pin. I would not be surprised if everyone in this match except Vaughn has had 20 or fewer matches each. Mars and Xavier stood out of the new faces.

Ishmael Vaughn defeated Loverboy Leo, Red Hot Tommy Mars, J2, and Jayson Xavier at 8:59.

4. Chris Nasty vs. Aaron Solo. Nasty wore a black singlet; he charged and hit a shotgun dropkick at the bell. Solo hit a powerslam into the corner and took control. He hit a top-rope doublestomp as Nasty was tied in the Tree of Woe, then a DDT move, for the pin. Basic.

Aaron Solo defeated Chris Nasty at 1:33. 

5. “Los Suavecitos” Danny Rose and Ricky Gee vs. “Creature Feature” Lazarus and Count Noctis for the WCPW Tag Team Titles. According to cagematch.net, this is Lazarus’ first match since he wildly, recklessly, threw a chair at Su Yung and busted open her face in early August. He is in a light pink singlet tonight. Suavecitos have appeared on AEW/ROH TV before. Lazarus and the diminutive Rose opened. Gee hit a huracanrana on Noctis. The heels worked Noctis over in their corner, and this was an extensive, extensive beatdown with not much to describe.

Noctis hit a double German Suplex at 8:00. Lazarus got the hot tag and hit some clotheslines, then a dive through the ropes, then a top-rope missile dropkick for a nearfall. All four fought in the ring. Rose and Gee accidentally collided. Rose clotheslined Noctis to the floor. Noctis hit a spin kick. Gee hit a spin kick on Noctis, then a DDT. CF eah bit a heel! They hit stereo Tombstone Piledrivers for nearfalls at 12:00. Gee hit a superkick on Lazarus. Los Suavecitos hit stereo superkicks on him. They hit a team Crucifix Driver move on Lazarus and pinned him. Compared to the first four matches, that was decent.

Danny Rose and Ricky Gee defeated Count Noctis and Lazarus to retain the WCPW Tag Team titles at 12:48.

6. Beatrice Domino vs. Gypsy Mac. I haven’t seen Beatrice before; at first glance she looks like Queen Aminata, but she wore loose, black clothes. Mac wore what appears to be a hockey jersey; she took that off in the ring and she’s in a black top and bottom. Domino hit some clotheslines and she is much bigger. She hit a senton for a nearfall at 2:00. Gypsy dove through the ropes onto Domino. In the ring, Gypsy hit a thrust jab to the throat and got a nearfall, then a snap suplex for a nearfall at 4:00. Gypsy hit a Dragon Suplex; Domino hit a German Suplex, and she was fired up.

Beatrice hit some overhand chops. She hit a Lungblower. then a Vader Bomb for a nearfall at 6:30. Mac hit a DDT for a nearfall, then a uranage for a nearfall. Mac hit a Buzzsaw Kick. Beatrice hit a Stomp to the head for the pin. Okay action; I really liked the effort here.

Beatrice Domino defeated Gypsy Mac at 7:49.

7. Miko Alana and Journey Fatu vs. J Mainey andVinnie Massaro. I saw Miko and Mainey on a recent all-women’s show from California. Journey is now bald and put on some weight; he has Umaga’s body shape at this point. Massaro is the overly stereotypical Italian gimmick. Miko is in black; Mainey has a white or silver top and denim shorts, and they opened with basic standing switches. The men got in at 2:30. They hit shoulder tackles with neither man going down. Fatu hit a flying body block to finally knock Vinnie down. He hit a splash into the corner and a running buttbump in the corner for a nearfall at 6:30. Miko got in and she hit some stomps on Massaro, too, then a basement dropkick as Vinnie was seated on the mat.

Fatu got back in and tied up Vinnie on the mat. Fatu hit a Samoan Drop for a nearfall at 9:00, but he missed a top-rope moonsault, and they were both down. The women got hot tags; Mainey hit some dropkicks. Mainey hit an Unprettier, but Fatu made the save. Mainey hit some forearm strikes on Fatu, and she ducked his forearm. Vinnie dropkicked Fatu to the floor, and the men fought at ringside. Miko slammed Mainey face-first for a nearfall at 13:00. The women fought some more; the men tried to separate them but they punched the guys! The guys rolled to the floor and brought some doors into the ring! Vinnie speared Fatu through a door. Mainey tied Miko in a Cattle Mutilation, and Miko tapped out. That was decent; I liked that the men never actually struck the (MUCH smaller) women.

J Mainey and Vinnie Massaro defeated Miko and Journey Fatu at 15:26.

A 32-minute intermission. Yep, a full thirty two minutes, from the 1:34 mark to the 2:06 mark. Yes, I fast-forwarded over it, but if I was at the live show, I would be annoyed. Intermission needs to be kept to 15-20 minutes.

8. Man Like Dereiss vs. Titus Alexander. Yes, I tuned in solely for this match. Titus has competed a lot in Japan this year, and UK star Dereiss has made several trips to the U.S. this year, too. `The commentators immediately noted that Titus main evented a “night at Korakuen Hall” recently. They opened by … dancing? The ref got into it too. Dereiss hit some shoulder tackles at 2:30 and a deep armdrag. He hit a crossbody block. Titus hit a shotgun dropkick and a suplex for a nearfall. He hit a stiff kick to the spine at 5:00. They tried suplexing each other, until Dereiss hit one, and they were both down. Dereiss hit some European Uppercuts, then a Blockbuster for a nearfall at 7:00.

Titus hit a top-rope crossbody block and they were both down. Titus hit a Lethal Injection, then a brainbuster for a nearfall. This match is just worlds better than many on the first half of the show. Dereiss hit a German Suplex. Titus dove through the ropes onto him at 10:00. (There is almost zeo room in front of the fans.) Dereiss hit a superplex and they were both down; they both baely got up at the nine-count. Titus nailed a LOUD chop. They traded rollups. Titus hit a superkick. Dereiss hit a kip-up stunner for a nearfall at 12:30 and this crowd is rightfully going nuts for this action. Dereiss got an O’Connor Roll for a nearfall. Titus hit a running knee and a Chaos Theory/rolling German Suplex for the pin. A really good match.

Titus Alexander defeated Man Like Dereiss at 14:37.

9. Alpha Zo vs. Bret the Threat. Bret, the shoot fighter, has red hair and a beard, and he’s a young Timothy Thatcher clone. Zo has really trimmed down in the past 18 or so months. Intense lockups to open, and a lot of reversals on the mat. Zo hit a backbreaker over his knee at 2:00. Bret snapped Zo’s arm across the top rope, and he began working over the limb. Zo hit some hard kicks, sending Bret into the corner, then a diving back elbow for a nearfall at 4:30.

Zo hit a stiff kick to the back. Bret hit some punches to the stomach and he locked in a crossarm breaker. He switched to a Triangle Choke, but Zo hit a powerbomb to escape. Zo hit a jumping knee to the chin and a German Suplex for a nearfall. Bret went for a hammerlock move. Zo hit a pump-handle powerbomb for a nearfall at 9:30. Bret hit a German Suplex. Zo hit a clothesline, then a short-arm clothesline, for the pin. Good action.

Alpha Zo defeated Bret the Threat at 10:06.

10. Jiah Jewell and Levi Shapiro vs. “Beeftank” Calvin Tankman and Beef. I always say the scrawny Jiah is a mix of Skinner and Lase LeRoux; he is MUCH smaller than everyone else in this match. Levi is a regular here; he’s older and a bit thicker. This match took place maybe two hours after Beef’s AEW Rampage match aired. Levi and Tank opened, and Levi’s height advantage is greater than I imagined. Levi hit a hard clothesline in the corner at 3:00. Jiah entered and worked over Beef’s left arm. Tankman and Jiah brawled into the crowd. Tankman bodyslammed him onto the hard floor at 6:30.

Levi and Tank also were brawling on the floor but they were in the shadows. In the ring, Jiah hit a missile dropkick on Tank for a nearfall. Jiah and Levi hit a team suplex on Tank at 9:00. Beef hit a uranage on Levi. Tankman hit a back suplex on Levi for a nearfall at 11:00. Tankman hit some loud chops on Levi; Levi hit some chops back. Beef hit a Stinger Splash on Levi, then a senton for a nearfall. Tankman and Jewell entered at 14:30 and traded blows. Jiah hit a top-rope crossbody block but Calvin forcefully kicked out. Jiah hit a sunset flip and a tornado DDT for a nearfall. Tankman nailed a spinning back fist! Tankman hit a superplex, but Beef missed a splash. Jiah immediately rolled up Tank for the pin!

Jiah Jewell and Levi Shapiro defeated “Beeftank” Calvin Tankman and Beef at 17:41.

* The winners left. Tankman lifted Beef’s arm, but then he forearmed him and stomped on his partner! He nailed the Rikishi Driver (sit-out piledriver).

Final Thoughts: Titus-Dereiss is definitely worth checking out. I enjoyed Zo-Bret for second; both have vastly improved. Main event takes third, as I’m a huge fan of Tankman. I am not seeing ‘it’ in Jiah Jewell yet, and I don’t see him in main events at this point of his career. So, if you want to check this out, watch the hour post-intermission.

I will be blunt… there were a lot of new faces here. I know they have to start somewhere, but it meant a very uneven first hour with some matches moving at two-thirds speed; it was really noticeable compared to the crisp, fast-paced Titus-Dereiss. I don’t know why you bring in Aaron Solo and have him win that quickly and it already be over. The production here also was sadly far below average. Sound was rough; on wrestlers who didn’t get on-screen graphics, it was challenging to guess what their names were. I did some Google research to find out the correct name for “Red Hot” Tommy Mars. The lighting was a bit problematic, too, particularly when the action spilled to the floor. I won’t complain too much because this was free on youtube, it featured one very good match, and I always like seeing Tankman, too.


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