Deadlock Pro Wrestling “High Noon” results: Vetter’s review of Mike Bailey and Jake Something vs. Ace Austin and Chris Bey for the DPW Tag Titles, Calvin Tankman vs. Trevor Lee for the DPW Title

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Deadlock Pro Wrestling “High Noon”
Available via
August 18, 2024 in Pasadena, Texas at Campbell Hall

Deadlock Pro Wrestling released “High Noon” on Saturday, August 24. Rich Bocchini, Caprice Coleman, and Veda Scott provided commentary. I know this building; it’s used by New Texas Pro. Attendance is perhaps 400.

* The show opened with highlights of Violence is Forever winning a tag tournament, along with some other highlights.

* Backstage, Calvin Tankman took a phone call. Titus Alexander was standing nearby and asked who had called. Tankman said it was Trevor Lee, and he slammed the phone on the floor.

1. “Violence is Forever” Kevin Ku and Dominic Garrini vs.”CPF” Danny Black and Joe Lando. CPF are the under-sized Brits who have competed across the U.S. in recent weeks, notably in GCW. Ku just returned to action earlier in the weekend after being out with an injury for a month. CPF attacked from behind while The Cranberries “Zombie” was still playing and they were booed. Lando (reddish hair) hit a corkscrew senton on Garrini at 1:30, and CPF worked over Dominic. Black snapped Dominic’s fingers and they stomped on Garrini in their corner. Garrini  hit a neckbreaker over his knee on Lando at 5:00 and he finally was able to tag in Ku, who hit a double missile dropkick and loud chops on both opponents.

Ku nailed a butterfly suplex. Garrini leveled Black with a hard chop, then a stiff spinning back fist. Ku hit a German Suplex on Black. Lando nailed a Shooting Star Press on Ku for a believable nearfall at 8:00. Garrini nailed a brainbuster on the floor on Black! In the ring, ViF hit Chasing the Dragon (spin kick-and-brainbuster combo) for the pin on Lando. The winner wasn’t really in doubt but it was a really good match.

“Violence is Forever” Kevin Ku and Dominic Garrini defeated “CPF” Danny Black and Joe Lando at 8:46

* A commercial aired for the Carolina Classic, which returns Sept. 15. Last year, Jay Malichi (Je’Von Evans) won it before he signed with NXT.

2. Trish Adora vs. Ashley Vox in a tournament match. They shook hands before locking up, and Trish is notably bigger. Vox hit a dropkick and a rolling cannonball in the corner for a nearfall at 2:00. Trish nailed a backbreaker over her knee, and she tied Vox upside down in a pretzel. Trish snapped an arm and she got a nearfall at 4:30. Adora unloaded some hard chops. Vox hit a tornado DDT and they were both down. Vox hit a huracanrana and she fish-hooked the mouth. Ashley pulled down the straps of her singlet and she tied her in a sleeperhold, but Adora turned it into a Backpack Stunner to escape at 9:00.

They hit headbutts and both went down. They traded forearm strikes while on their knees, then while standing. Ashley hit a Canadian Destroyer, but Adora rolled to the floor to avoid being pinned. Vox dove through the ropes onto Adora. In the ring, Vox hit a DDT for a nearfall. Adora applied a Cattle Mutilation, but Vox reached the ropes at 11:30. Adora hit a Bubba Bomb for a believable nearfall and Trish was shocked she didn’t win it there. Adora immediately hit her high-angle German Suplex with the bridge for the pin. A superb women’s match.

Trish Adora defeated Ashley Vox in a tournament match at 12:37

* Outside, Kevin Ku talked about coming back from his injury. He said we “bleed orange-and-black.”

3. LaBron Kozone vs. Alec Price. LaBron has the size advantage; Price rolled to the floor at the bell. Kozone caught Price and hit a bodyslam at 2:00, then an elbow drop to the face, and he hip-tossed Alec across the ring! Price hit a running knee to the back of the head in the ropes at 4:00. Kozone hit a spinning back elbow. Price hit a doublestomp to the chest and a senton, and he kept Kozone grounded. Kozone hit a delayed vertical suplex, then a T-Bone suplex. Kozone hit a legsweep and a senton for a nearfall at 7:00. Kozone put him in a Torture Rack and turned it into a stunner! He hit a standing powerbomb for a nearfall.

Price hit his series of running knees in the corner. Price hit a springboard leg drop and his springboard Blockbuster for a nearfall at 9:00, then a springboard dive to the floor. Kozone hit another sit-out powerbomb for a nearfall. Price hit a superkick; Kozone hopped up and hit an enzuigiri. Kozone hit Ball Game (a second-rope clothesline as Price was straddling the top rope) for the pin. Good match. As Kozone headed to the back, he told the cameras that Adam Priest should watch his back.

LaBron Kozone defeated Alec Price at 10:42.

* Outside, Trish Adora talked about her win to advance in the women’s tournament.

* A video package aired that showed the feud between Adam Priest and Kevin Blackwood.

4. Adam Priest vs. Kevin Blackwood for the DPW National Title. I always compare short gatekeeper Priest to Jaime Noble. They charged at each other at the bell, hit some forearms, and a double clothesline that dropped them both. Blackwood hit a stiff kick to the spine and a suplex. Priest hit a Dragonscrew Legwhip at 2:00. Priest hit a dropkick to the face for a nearfall, and he hit a second Dragonscrew Legwhip, and he applied a Figure Four at 4:00, and he kept Kevin grounded with a variety of leg holds. Kevin hit a doublestomp to the chest, and it was his turn to hit a Dragonscrew Legwhip at 6:30, and he began targeting the damaged knee. Blackwood hit a German Suplex.

Priest hit a German Suplex. Blackwood hit an Exploder Suplex into the corner at 9:00. He hit a Frankensteiner. Blackwood hit a tackle on the leg, then a top-rope doublestomp on the leg, and he applied a Texas Cloverleaf! Priest was able to get a thumb in the eyes to escape. Priest shoved the ref into the ropes, causing Blackwood to fall and be crotched at 11:00. Priest slammed Blackwood across the top turnbuckle and he applied a single-leg crab! He switched to an STF. The ref checked on Kevin, determined he had passed out, and called for the bell. Good match.

Adam Priest defeated Kevin Blackwood to retain the DPW National Title at 12:38. 

* Outside, Kozone said he’s “not a star, I’m a star-maker.” (He is a trainer.) He vowed to win the Carolina Classic this year.

5. Calvin Tankman vs. Trevor Lee for the DPW Title. Again, if you haven’t seen him since his release, Trevor’s hair is really short with the sides of his head shaved, so he looks vastly different from his runs in TNA and NXT/WWE. An intense lockup to open and an extended feeling-out process. This IS a first-time-ever match. Tankman finally knocked him down with a running shoulder tackle at 4:00. Lee hit some spin kicks to the thighs. Tankman flipped Lee on the ring apron at 6:00, and Trevor crashed to the floor, and they began fighting into the crowd.

Back in the ring, they traded chops and Tankman hit a backbreaker over his knee then a short-arm clothesline. Tankman hit a hard clothesline in the corner. Tankman hit a guillotine leg drop for a nearfall at 10:00. Tankman nailed a snap suplex, then another, then a Jackhammer for a nearfall at 11:30. Lee nailed an enziguri that staggered Tankman, then he hit a Death Valley Driver, earning a “holy shit!” chant. Lee hit a Shining Wizard for a nearfall. Lee hit a running Penalty Kick on the ring apron. In the ring, he hit a top-rope crossbody block for a nearfall.

Lee hit some Yes Kicks. Tankman hit another big shoulder tackle at 15:00. Lee hit more running Penalty Kicks. Tankman hit more forearm strikes. Lee tried a German Suplex but he couldn’t lift Calvin, so he hit a clothesline for a nearfall at 17:00. Lee hit a Crucifix Driver, and he hit the German Suplex! However, Tankman hopped up, hit a Hidden Blade to the back of the head, and they were both down. Lee hit a superkick, then a mid-ring Spanish Fly for a believable nearfall at 19:00, and the crowd chanted “DPW!” Tankman nailed a pop-up powerbomb. He hit a spinning backfist, then the Tankman Driver (sit-out piledriver) for the pin. An excellent match.

Calvin Tankman defeated Trevor Lee to retain the DPW Title at 20:07

* Adam Priest was outside and he said he’s done fighting Kevin Blackwood here. He said no one can hang with him.

6. Mike Bailey and Jake Something vs. “ABC” Ace Austin and Chris Bey for the DPW Tag Titles. Obviously, this match could easily take place in a TNA ring; this is ABC’s debut for DPW, and they carried their TNA tag belts. Bailey and Jake wore orange jumpsuits that has me thinking of Nailz. Jake hit his running body block on Bey at 3:00. Bailey hit kicks on each of ABC. In a cool spot, Bailey hit doublestomps across ABC’s backs as Jake held them across the top rope. Bailey tied up Bey on the mat and swung into a Navarro Special leg lock. ABC unloaded some quick kicks on Jake. Austin applied a leg lock around Jake’s head. Jake hit a high back suplex on Bay at 7:30 and they were both down.

Bailey tagged in and hit his Speedball Kicks to Bey’s ribs and thighs, then his running Shooting Star Press on Chris for a nearfall. Ace hit a guillotine leg drop on Bailey at 9:30. Ace and Bailey avoided each other’s kicks, but then they hit spin kicks to the head and both men were down, and we got a “This is awesome!” chant. Jake got the hot tag but was selling a right shoulder injury. He dropped Bey with a stiff forearm and some running shoulder tackles. Jake dove over the top rope onto both ABC at 12:00. Jake and Bailey hit a team swinging face plant for a nearfall and we got a “Fight forever!” chant. Jake hit a bodyslam. Bey hit a spin kick on Bailey.

Bey hit an (ugly) Poison Rana on Jake but it appears they are both okay, and suddenly everyone was down at 14:30. Bey and Bailey traded forearm strikes while on their knees, and he also chopped Ace in a two-on-one chop exchange. Jake hit a double clothesline at 16:30. Bailey nailed the Triangle Moonsault to the floor on Bey. In the ring, Jake hit a Black Hole Slam on Ace. Bailey hit a moonsault double knees to Bey’s chest. Bailey hit the Tornado Kick and he nailed the Ultima Weapon, but Ace made the save at 18:00.  Bailey missed a moonsault kneedrop on the ring apron! Ace hit a running penalty kick on Jake as the 20:00 call was spot-on. Bey hit a flip dive to the floor onto both opponents.

Ace hit a Fosbury Flop onto everyone; he was going to land on the top of his head if they hadn’t caught him! In the ring, Ace and Bailey traded blows. Ace flipped Bailey, and Bey caught Mike’s head and hit a stunner for a nearfall at 22:00. ABC got their title belts, but they hit spin kicks on Jake. Bailey and Ace traded rollups. The 25:00-call  was just a bit late. Bey hit a stunner on Jake. Bey accidentally struck Austin! Bailey nailed the Green Tea Plunge (mid-ring Spanish Fly) on Ace. Ace hit a springboard kick on Bailey, and he hit The Fold flipping neckbreaker on Mike, but Jake made the save at 28:00. Jake speared Bey through the ropes to the floor. That left Bailey and Ace in the ring. The 29:00 call was right-on. Bailey nailed a moonsault kneedrop on Ace, but Bey made the save, and the time limit expired right-on at 30 minutes.

The crowd chanted “Five More minutes!” However, ABC attacked the champs from behind. Violence is Forever ran into the ring to make the save! Ku and Garrini picked up the tag title belts and glared at them. Bailey and Jake turned around and they stood nose-to-nose, and ViF were reluctant to relinquish them, but they eventually let go.

Mike Bailey and Jake Something vs. “ABC” Ace Austin and Chris Bey went to a 30:00 time-limit draw; Bailey and Something retain the DPW Tag Titles

* Outside, Bailey said they are the best tag team in the entire world, and people are coming from everywhere to face them.

Final Thoughts: Deadlock Pro is my favorite indy promotion. Sure, GCW does more shows, but the quality of each DPW show stands out, from the quality of the action, the top-notch commentary team, and the overall production. Also, by waiting six days to release it, they were able to insert a handful of post-match interviews. Main event takes best, Tankman-Lee is second and Priest-Blackwood for third, but there isn’t a below-average match here. This show streams on the DPW website; if you are unfamiliar with DPW, check out some of their free stuff on YouTube.


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