Wrestling Open “Episode 138” results (8/22): Vetter’s review of Stetson Ranch vs. Dezmond Cole and Waves & Curls, Mads “Krule” Krugger and Pedro Dones vs. Gal and Rex Lawless

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Wrestling Open “Episode 138”
Streamed on IndependentWrestling.TV
August 22, 2024 in Worcester, Massachusetts at White Eagle

The crowd appears to be in the 300+ range; a really good crowd. Paul Crockett and Brother Greatness provided commentary.

* The show opened with short videos shot outside by JC Storm and Gabby Forza, along with hearing from Tyree Taylor, Rex Lawless, the Stetson Range, Paris Van Dale and others. These were rapid fire 15-second clips.

1. Ryan Clancy defeated Sean Keagan at 6:37. Clancy carried Bryce Donovan’s bag, which he stole last week. Keagan was here before; he’s the vegan doing the exact same gimmick as NXT-era CJ Parker (Juice Robinson). Clancy put on wrist tape from Bryce’s bag, too. He hit a bodyslam early on. He hit a flying crossbody block for a nearall at 3:00. Keagan hit a standing neckbreaker for a nearfall. Keagan hit a swinging back suplex for a nearfall at 5:30. Clancy hit a powerbomb and his Russian Legsweep, then his picture-perfect dropkick to the chin for the pin.

* Clancy got on the mic and called out Bryce Donovan. He showed off a weapon that Bryce used to beat him. He said if Bryce wants his bag back, “come and take it from me.”

2. Davienne defeated Spike at 5:38. Spike (a woman) competed in a Rumble last week; she wears basic black top and bottom and it feels like Marina Shafir-style shoot-fighter gear. She impressed so I’m not surprised she is back. Davienne is thicker and she easily shoved Spike to the mat. They traded chops; it appears Spike is actually an inch or two taller. Davienne hit a suplex at 3:30. Spike hit a huracanrana and they traded more forearms. Spike got a Victory Roll for a nearfall. Davienne hit a snap German Suplex and she applied a deep Boston Crab, and Spike tapped out.

* Ring announcer Lauren St. James got in the ring and berated Davienne for not knocking Paris Van Dale out of the ring when she could have last week in the Rumble. St. James said she isn’t going to ring announce for her anymore. I’m not a fan of Lauren’s acting skills…

* In footage shot last week, rookies Brett Mettro, Draeger and Jake Gray were nursing their wounds after losing to Swipe Right. Draeger said he’s going to go demand a rematch. We then heard from SR, who are annoyed they are facing rookies, not top-tier guys.

3. “Swipe Right” Ricky Smokes and Brad Baylor defeated Brett Mettro and Jake Gray (w/Julius Draeger) at 6:14. Baylor and Gray opened. Smokes entered and hit some jabs. Mettro entered and hit a headbutt on Ricky at 2:30. Swipe Right began working over Mettro and kept him in their corner. Brett hit a Death Valley Driver on Ricky at 5:30 and tagged in Gray, who hit a springboard double clothesline. Mettro and Gray accidentally collided! Baylor immediately hit the wind-up uranage for the pin on Gray. Decent.

* Draeger got in the ring and clotheslined Mettro! He then brawled with Gray. He got on the mic and declared he’s the top Bio-Pro student. Crockett and Brother Greatness were irate at Draeger’s actions.

* If Teddy Goodz loses the next match, his contract is terminated. (Announcers in several promotions of late have said he is set to retire, so it could happen here!)

4. DJ Powers (w/Sidney Bakabella) defeated Teddy Goodz at 9:54. Teddy hit a shoulder tackle, then another. I’ve noted that Powers is still a teen and reminds me of NXT’s Kale Dixon.  They brawled to the floor at 1:00 and into the crowd. Back in the ring, Goodz hit a loud chop in the corner, then a hard clothesline at 3:00. Sidney tripped Goodz. Channing Thomas sat down in the front row, and Crockett wondered whose side he’s on. Powers hit a basement dropkick and was in charge. Goodz hit an enzuigiri. Powers hit a dropkick and a top-rope frogsplash for a nearfall at 5:30.

Goodz hit a stunner and they were both down at 7:00. Goodz hit a series of back elbows in the corner, then a backpack stunner for a nearfall at 9:00, but Bakabella put DJ’s foot on the ropes. Bakabella handed DJ some brass knuckles! Channing rolled in the ring and took the brass knuckles and it looked like “Channing was doing the right thing.” However, Channing turned around and clocked Goodz with them! Powers covered Goodz for the pin. Goodz’ career in Wrestling Open is over! Crockett was disgusted.

*Outside, Tyree Taylor vowed to take out each member of Big Business. Back inside, Brother Greatness got in the ring and talked about facing (and losing to) Brad Hollister two weeks ago. We then saw the same video from last week where Allie Katch berated Gabby Forza.

5. Gabby Forza defeated Little Mean Kathleen at 7:24. No Sidney Bakabell, and no wedding dress for LMK (it has been a year after all since her wedding!) Needless to say, football player Gabby is much bigger. She carried a gnome in a shoebox to ringside; she hasn’t done that before so let’s see what happens with it. She showed off a gold gnome; Crockett speculated that is what she bought with her $10,000 check for winning the Rumble last week. They tied up and Gabby shoved her to the mat. Gabby did a cartwheel-into-a-clothesline in the corner, then hit a bodyslam for a nearfall at 1:30.

LMK went for a bulldog but Gabby blocked it, and Gabby hit a powerslam for a nearfall. Gabby hit a sit-out powerbomb for a nearfall at 3:00. Gabby set up for a spear but Kathleen collapsed to the mat. Gabby hit a Bulldog Powerslam for a nearfall, but she missed a Vader Bomb at 5:00. LMK immediately hit a huracanrana, and this time she hit the bulldog for a nearfall. They traded running forearms, and Gabby hit the Pounce! Gabby then hit the spear for the pin. Decent but pretty straight-forward.

Allie Katch jumped in the ring and hit a piledriver on Gabby! Katch sad she wasn’t here last week “because I was busy being a superstar in Japan.” Katch taunted her, saying Gabby “isn’t cut out to be a wrestler.” She was irate that Gabby spent $10,000 on gnomes. She took the gold gnome and headed to the back! (I expected her to destroy it, but I guess Gabby will fight her to get it back.)

6. Mads “Krule” Krugger and Pedro Dones defeated Gal and Rex Lawless (w/RJ Rude) via DQ at 10:30. RJ Rude sang Britney Spears’ “Hit Me Baby One More Time” as he came to the ring. Rex was going to start but he tagged out. Mads easily tossed Gal to the floor. Dones bit Gal’s forehead as they fought on the floor. In the ring, Gal and Pedro continued to brawl, and Gal hit a German Suplex at 3:00. The heels began working Pedro over in their corner. Rex hit a Helluva Kick for a nearfall at 5:00, and Gal kept Pedro grounded.

Pedro finally hit a double DDT at 7:30 and he made the hot tag to Krule, who hit a double clothesline. Rex accidentally hit a spear on Gal! Pedro hit a top-rope crossbody block. Gal hit a Death Valley Driver on Krule! WOW! The heels hit a team slam on Pedro and they posed. However, Krule hit a double chokeslam on the heels at 10:00. Pedro hit a dive through the ropes. Krule hit his Road to Valhalla face plant slam on Rex and was going to get the pin, but RJ hopped in the ring and attacked Krule, causing the DQ. Krule hit a chokeslam on RJ for good measure. Solid match.

* In a video from last week, Danny Miles and Steven Stetson boasted that they broke Jermaine Marbury’s hand last week

7. Dezmond Cole and “Waves & Curls” Jaelyn Brandon and Traevon Jordan defeated “The Stetson Ranch” Steven Stetson, Danny Miles, and Hammer Tunis at 14:20. The crowd sang along with Whitney Houston’s “I wanna Dance With Somebody” for W&C. Hammer and Dezmond opened, and Cole hit a huracanrana. Cole hit one on Stetson, too. W&C worked over Stetson in their corner, and they tossed teammate Cole onto Steven at 3:00. Stetson caught Jaelyn coming off the ropes and the Rance began working Brandon over. Traevon finally got the hot tag at 7:30 and hit some spin kicks.

The ref didn’t see Cole get a tag and ordered him back to the corner, allowing the Ranch to now work over Jordan. Dezmond finally got in at 10:30 and hit some flying forearms. He hit a rolling Death Valley Diver and a rolling guillotine legdrop for a nearfall. Cole hit a spin kick on Stetson, but Miles hit a spear on Dezmond for a nearfall. Jaelyn and Dezmond hit stereo superkicks but Stetson hit a double clothesline on them. Taevon and Stetson grabbed each other by the throat. W&C hit a team chokeslam move on Stetson, then they hit stereo dives to the floor. In the ring, Dezmond trapped Hammer in the corner and kicked him in the face. He then nailed a Swanton Bomb for the pin. Good action.

Final Thoughts: A very good main event takes best match of the night. I’ll take Goodz-Powers for second and the Krule tag for third. Wrestling Open continues to do a great job in rotating wrestlers and telling compelling stories with some decent action. Next week’s show features “Open Door War,” an elimination match where you have to be thrown through a table to be eliminated.


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