TNA Impact results (7/25): Moore’s review of Nic Nemeth’s first appearance as TNA Champion, Jordynne Grace and Eric Young vs. Ash By Elegance and Hammerstone, Josh Alexander addresses his actions at Slammiversary

By John Moore, Staffer (@liljohnm)

TNA Impact (Episode 1,045)
Taped July 21, 2024 in Montreal, Quebec at Verdun Auditorium

Aired July 25, 2024 on AXS TV

Highlights from TNA Slammiversary 2024 aired… Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt were on commentary. Jade Chung was the ring announcer…

New TNA World Heavyweight Champion Nic Nemeth made his entrance in a suit. He siaoked in “You Deserve It” chants. Nemeth said from the bottom of his heart, to the fans in the venue and throughout the world, “I am your proud brand new TNA World Heavyweight Champion”. Nemeth said the match could have gone either way, but most importantly, Moose is no longer TNA Champion. Nemeth said it bothered him that Moose protected himself, while Nemeth promises to be a fighting champion.

Nemeth said he’ll go anywhere and defend the title because that is what a Champion does. Nemeth said it’s still surreal to him, but he promises to everyone that he’ll make this title special. He said he’ll defend the title anytime, anywhere, any place, and “any wrestling company”. The last thought drew “ohhhhh”s from the crowd. He said every damn night he’ll make the title the greatest title in pro wrestling.

Mustafa Ali made his entrance to cut off Nemeth. Ali still declares himself the greatest X Division Champion of all time. Ali’s entrance theme started to play. Ali said he means no disrespect to Nemeth. The fans started to chant something I couldn’t understand. Ali couldn’t understand either and said, “I don’t know what means, but screw you too”. Ali said Nemeth winning the title is must deserved.

Ali asked for a handshake, which he forced on Nemeth. Ali said Nemeth winning the title is not as important as Ali losing his title. He soaked in “you tapped out” chants. Ali said the idiots in Montreal witness the biggest screwjob in history. Ali talked about how he made the X Division great again, yet they cheered and cheered his loss. Nemeth gave a condescending “I believe you”.

Nemeth talked about how much good work Ali did as champ. Nemeth shook Ali’s hand. Nemeth talked about Montreal’s own Mike Bailey beat Ali’s ass. Ali said he was going to correct Nemeth. Speedball didn’t beat him, Speedball screwed him “real hard”. Ali said he didn’t mean it that way. Nemeth said Earl Hebner screwed him too. Nemeth pointed out how everyone saw Mike Bailey tap Ali out. Ali said those were underhanded comments. He said he also doesn’t like the idiots of Montreal.

Ali said he is here to announce a new campaign, a new initiative, where he makes the TNA World Title Great Again. Nemeth told Ali to get out of his face before he drops Ali’s ass. Nemeth said Ali doesn’t have to launch a campaign because Nic is a fighting champion. Nemeth said he knows that Santino will agree and they should have a match now. Ali said maybe next week. Ali tried to jump Nemeth but Nemeth saw it coming and tossed Ali to ringside. Nic Nemeth stood tall to end the segment…

John’s Thoughts: Standard but solid humble world champion promo by Nic Nemeth. Awesome crowd too. Happy they got Nemeth out of the tag division and put the belt on him because he elevates it more than Moose did. His line about “any wrestling company” could mean anywhere from New Japan to AAA, but it drew oooooh’s from the crowd because they might be thinking NXT due to the recent relationship. That should be fun, even though not to long ago Nic Nemeth held the NXT Championship when he beat Bron Breakker for the title a few years ago.

Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt checked in on commentary. Hannifan plugged next week’s wrestling wedding between Steph De Lander and PCO. Hannifan then ran through upcoming segments…

Gia Miller interviewed Ace Austin, Chris Bey, and Matt Hardy about their upcoming main event. Bey said he’s no strangers to the System and Matt Hardy even knows that The System won’t play fair. Matt noted that Jeff Hardy was out due to injury. He then said the Seven Deities gave him a premonition, where there is someone who will appear that they all believe in…[c]

Nic Nemeth and Ryan Nemeth were chatting backstage. Frankie Kazarian showed up, said he was the king, and said that Nemeth stole the title from him. Nemeth pointed out that he pinned Kaz. Nemeth said Kazarian can get a title shot if he fights from the back of the line. Kazarian said that was disrespectful. Ryan Nemeth got in between Nic and Kazarian. Kazarian called Ryan “Dewey Nemeth”, Ryan Nemeth’s brother.

Director of Authority Santino Marella showed up. Marella said Kazarian can’t challenge for the title since Nic is defending the title against Mustafa Ali first. Santino said if Kazarian wants to fight a “Hungarian boy”, The Hollywood Hunk is right here. Kazarian agreed…

Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt checked in on commentary where they talked about The System breaking down. Hannifan noted that The System members won’t talk to anyone…

Steve Maclin made his entrance with a mic in hand. He said before his opponent comes out he needs to get something off his chest. He said for the past few months, he’s been trying to turn over a new leaf. He said at Slammiversary, as he was beating down all his opponents in the ring, he admits that he got caught and was eliminated.

Maclin said what pisses him off is he’s putting his body on the line to become a two time world champion, and the Canadian people have the audacity to sing the na na na na goodbye song. That prompted the crowd to sing that. Maclin said that was lack of respect. He said as a patriot to the greatest country in the world, The United States of America, he’ll sing “nananana nananana heyheyhey, Kiss my Ass!”.

Cody Deaner made his entrance. Deaner said he can speak on behalf of the Canadian crowd, that Steve needs to shut his mouth. He said he spoke to another Canadian, Santino Marella, who gave him the choice that he can come out to shut Maclin’s mouth up. Cody then said he was going to make it a people’s choice.

He asked if he should walk to the back; or should he take a shot of Timmies, cover his fist in maple syrup. and punch this prick in the mouth. The crowd cheered the latter. Deaner said the people have spoken. Deaner then punched Maclin to start the match…

1. Steve Maclin vs. Cody Deaner. Deaner rallied with right hands and followed up with a Thesz Press. Deaner used a clothesline to dump Maclin to ringside. Deaner hit Maclin with a Plancha. Maclin dodged a crossbody and gave Deaner a Knee Plus. Maclin gave Deaner a backbreaker for a two count. Maclin then worked on Deaner with methodical offense for a stretch of the match.

Deaner reversed a backbreaker into Bubba Ray punches. Deaner hit Maclin with a Bulldog. Deaner caught Maclin with a crossbody for a two count. Maclin came back with a front flapjack and back suplex. Maclin gave Deaner a Northern Lariat into the buckle. Maclin hit Deaner with his signature Tree of Woe Spear. Maclin hit Deaner with a Double Underhook DDT for the win.

Steve Maclin defeated Cody Deaner via pinfall in 4:22.

John’s Thoughts: A solid win for Maclin to bounce back. They alluded to how he’s been more babyface in recent months. I wonder if they’re sticking with him as a heel or, as a US Marine, is he just a heel in Canada? I think he might stay heel to strengthen the heel depth chart. Cody Deaner, meanwhile, continues to flourish in this People’s Choice gimmick.

The show cut to Sami Callihan’s Death Machine TV talk show. As usual, it was the usual Sami Callihan selfie camcorder promo. Sami said he got a message today, the rule of three. He said we have a big dumbass AJ Francis, little dumbass Rich Swann, and Psycho Sid lookin’ dumbass in Josh Bishop. The show then shifted to Sami Callihan acting like he was a weatherman, complete with weatherman graphics.

Callihan said there’s a 4 percent chance of rain, but there’s a 98 percent chance that Sami Callihan will shove his foot up AJ Francis’s ass. They then cut back to the regular promo. He said tonight when he’s done with First Class, they will be three broke bitches after their date with the Death Machine. Callihan closed the show with his usual Thumbs Up Thumbs Down thing…[c]

Tom Hannifan plugged Joe Hendry appearing on next week’s NXT Great American Bash show, where he’ll be holding a concert in the middle of the ring…

Entrances for the next match took place…

2. AJ Francis (w/Rich Swann, Josh Bishop) vs. Sami Callihan. Callihan started the match by putting AJ against the ropes and hitting him with Sheamus’s Ten Beats of the Bodhran. AJ took a timeout at ringside. Swann distracted Callihan which allowed AJ to hit him with a shoulder tackle.

Callihan came back with a boot and chops. AJ came back with a front tackle. Swann gave Callihan a cheap shot heading into picture-in-picture.[c]

AJ went for his flop knee strike, but then just flopped after Sami dodged. Swann tripped up Callihan as he was running the ropes. Francis hit Sami with the Tennessee Whiskey knee this time. Sami gave AJ thumbs to the eyes to escape a chokeslam attempt. Sami then tried to hit AJ with a Body Slam, but caved under AJ’s weight.

AJ went for the choke again, but Sami bit his hand. Sami finally hit AJ with a Body Slam. AJ recovered and hit Sami with a Big Boot for a two count. AJ did a Hulk Hogan pose, but Sami dodged the subsequent leg drop. Sami gave AJ a basement lariat for a two count. Swann distracted the referee which allowed Bishop to clothesline Sami. AJ hit Sami with the Down Payment Chokeslam for the victory.

AJ Francis defeated Sami Callihan via pinfall in 10:10.

John’s Thoughts: One side note, I do like and get a chuckle out of AJ Francis turning his famous Smackdown botch into a wrestling move (knee strike). As for the match, another bounce back win for a heel after Slammiversary. Hopefully they set up a feud First Class can go over in because it would be a shame to waste their character development. They do seem upgraded with Josh Bishop added as what looks like an enforcer-type.

A Rosemary promo aired. She talked about how everyone followed her through the shadows embrace. She said she is envy, pride, and wrath. She said she has more than seven nicknames. She listed a few. She said all that means nothing, which she yelled. She talked about how she has no humans to play with.

She talked about how she wants to speak for the hive, but she can’t hear them anymore. She said “who am I? Nothing”. Rosemary then started to stab at a cork board…

Tom Hannifan plugged upcoming segments…[c]

Hannifan plugged upcoming TNA live events…

Entrances for the next match took place. As usual, Ash’s personal concierge (the purposely unnamed George Iceman), did Ash’s introduction…

3. Hammerstone and Ash by Elegance vs. Eric Young and TNA Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace in an intergender tag team match. Grace and Ash started the match. Ash slapped Grace. Grace came back with a punch. Grace planted Ash with a spinebuster for a two count. Ash escaped a Grace Driver and hit Grace with a Tornado DDT. young and Hammerstone tagged in.

Young hit Hammerstone with a spinning neckbreaker for a two count. Hammerstone came back with an overhead Belly to Belly for nearfall.Young sent Hammerstone into the buckle. Ash tagged in and knocked Grace off the apron. Ash beat up Young a bit and dragged him to her corner so she can tag Hammerstone back in.

Hammerstone Press Slammed Ash onto Young. The heels cut the ring in half on Young. Young got a window of opportunity after both men took each other out with clotheslines. Grace and Ash tagged in. Grace hit Ash with a corner lariat, World Strongest Slam, and Vader Bomb for a two count.

Hammerstone and Young tagged in. Young took down Hammerstone with a jawbreaker. Grace caught Ash with a Cartwheel DDT. Grace and Hammerstone faced off. Grace lifted up Hammerstone, but Hammerstone escaped and dumped Grace to ringside.

Young hit Hammerstone with a running Death Valley Driver. Ash tripped Young off the top rope. Hammerstone put Young in a Torture Rack where Young tapped out.

Hammerstone and Ash by Elegance defeated Eric Young and Jordynne Grace via pinfall in 7:40.

Josh Alexander was shown walking backstage…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Another heel getting their heat back after Slammiversary with mostly babyfaces winning last week (there were a few heel wins). One weird thing about this match was they were constantly cutting to close ups of Ash’s personal concierge. I hope we get to see more of Hammerstone, because he’s way too talented not to utilize. So far, he shows up , and disappears for stretches of time. Give the guy some mic time too, because he isn’t bad.

The show cut to The System and JDC (Johnny Dango Curtis) cutting a promo backstage. The men were wearing US Flag themed tracksuits. Alisha Edwards said you are looking at the one and only dream team of pro wrestling. The camera then showed each of the male members looking depressed. Alicia said in the end you will trust the system…

“The Walking Weapon” Josh Alexander made his entrance to new entrance music. Alexander stared a hole into one kid in the front row. Alexander took his time to soak in boos and negative chants. Alexander said the crowd is making it real easy on him right now. He said he’s a proud Canadian, but he can’t wait to go to his home city of Toronto, Canada. Alexander soaked in more boos and told the crowd to shut up.

Alexander asked the crowd if they want an explanation for what he did at Slammiversary? Alexander dropped the mic and soaked in more boos. The crowd did the nananana goodbye song. Alexander teased exiting the ring, but went back in for more boos. Alexander then left…

John’s Thoughts: Good stuff. No need to cut a traditional promo. I know it’s probably done before, but last time I remember this was when Carmelo Hayes betrayed Trick Williams and left everyone without an explanation. Josh has been the babyface protagonist of TNA for so long where this comes off as a fresh start for him.

Highlights aired of the Rascalz vs. Axiom, Frazer, and Evans match on this past Tuesday’s NXT television show…

Gia Miller interviewed the TNA X Division Champion Mike Bailey. Gia asked him how he felt. Bailey said he’s still feeling the emotion from the biggest win of his career, beating Mustafa Ali in his hometown to become X Division Champion. Bailey said he has huge plans for the title, to represent passion, hard work, and love for the art of pro wrestling. Bailey said TNA was built on the Knockouts and the X Division.

Trey Miguel, Wes Lee, and Zachary Wentz showed up in the middle of the interview. Trey noted that Bailey was his biggest singles match rival. Trey said all three Rascalz would like to mix it up with Bailey. Wes noted that the first match on TNA Impact was a six person tag.

Zach said Bailey can call up Trent Seven; and maybe Trent Eight or Nine. Bailey agreeed to a six person tag. Bailey gave each Rascal a handshake before leaving…

Tom Hannifan plugged the main event…[c]

The following segments were plugged for next week: Steph De Lander and PCO’s wedding, Jody Threat vs. Masha Slamovich, Rosemay returning to the ring, and Nic Nemeth vs. Mustafa Ali for the TNA Championship.

Entrances for the next match took place…

4. “The System” Brian Myers, Eddie Edwards, and Johnny Dango Curtis (w/Alisha Edwards) vs. Broken Matt Hardy, Ace Austin, and Chris Bey. The face team cut the ring in half on Myers with quick tags to start the match. All six men ended up brawling, but the heels got dumped from the ring. The show cut to regular commercial.[c]

Ace hit Myers with a suplex for a two count. Ace hit Myers with a legsweep and leg drop combo for another two count. Myers hit Ace with a Jawbreaker. Bey and Eddie tagged in. ABC used quick tags to hit Eddie with double team moves. Moose walked over to ringside.

The heels cut the ring in half on Bey. Curtis missed a leg drop. Ace tagged in and hit Curtis with a double team kick. The System dumped all three babyfaces to ringside. Say his Name and he appears! I believe in Joe Hendry! Clap clap. Joe Hendry made his entrance. Hendry waved his hands side to side in front of Moose. The show cut to picture-in-picture.

The heels used quick tags to keeps Ace away from his corner. Bey got the hot tag where he rallied on Myers. Bey hit Myers with a double stomp to the back. Bey was tripped off the ropes off the distraction from Alisha. Curtis hit Bey with an assisted elbow drop for a two count. The heels went back to isolation offense on Bey.

Bey got a window of opportunity after a flip kick. Matt and Curtis tagged in. Hardy pummeled Curtis with punches and got a two count off a power bomb. Matt tossed Eddie to ringside. Hardy hit Curtis and Myers with a neckbreaker and DDT. The Face team banged the System’s heads into the corner. Hardy hit Curtis with a Side Effect.

Ace hit Curtis with a Swanton. The pin was broken. ABC took out Myers and Eddie at ringside. Moose tried to Spear Matt, but accidentally Speared Curtis while the referee was distracted with Alisha. Hendry gave Moose a clothesline. Hardy hit JDC with a Twist of Fate. Bey hit JDC with a Splash for the victory.

Chris Bey, Ace Austin, and Matt Hardy defeated Brian Myers, Eddie Edwards, and JDC via pinfall in 18:24 of on-air time.

Impact closed with the babyfaces standing tall…

John’s Thoughts: Standard and solid television main event. They telegraphed Joe Hendry showing up early on, which almost telegraphs the finish due to The System being in a slump. Now that the belts are off them, maybe they can put some effort in this time to give them character development? Either that or give up on it.

A good and harmless episode of Impact this week. I felt like the goal of this week’s show was to give a few heels some bounce back wins after losing at Slammiversary. The System ended up not bouncing back, but that’s the story they are trying to tell. Jason Powell’s TNA Impact audio reviews are available weekly for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons).


Readers Comments (1)

  1. Hammerstone was concussed, and then I believe he was hit with some illness that kept him off tapings. Now that he’s back to 100% he’s gonna be around a lot more.

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