Fight Life “Hot AF Summer Fest” results (7/21): Vetter’s review of Richard Holliday vs. Anthony Greene for the Fight Life Title, Danny Miles and Trigga the OG vs. Ichiban and JT Dunn for the Fight Life Tag Titles

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Fight Life “Hot AF Summer Fest”
Streamed on the TrillerTV+
July 21, 2024 in Rehoboth, Massachusetts at Hillside Country Club

Fight Life held THREE shows this day: the first two were outdoors and featured a lot of younger, up-and-comers. I looked at the lineups and opted to check out the third (indoor) show, as it has the best lineup of the day. This show aired on Triller+.

* Fight Life has run shows in this ballroom before; there are chandeliers but not directly over the ring. The ceiling is fairly low, though. A good-sized crowd of maybe 150-200 in this small room.

1. “The Unit” Danny Miles and Trigga the OG defeated Ichiban and JT Dunn to retain the Fight Life Tag Team titles at 12:17. I always compare Dunn to Tony Nese in overall looks and style; he opened against Trigga. After some basic reversals, Dunn hit a dropkick. Miles caught Ichiban coming off the ropes and bodyslammed him for a nearfall at 4:00. The heels began working over Ichiban. Ichiban finally made a hot tag at 8:30, and Dunn cleared the ring. Ichiban hit a Canadian Destroyer for a nearfall at 11:00. The Unit hit a team powerbomb move on Dunn for a nearfall. Ichiban hit a stunner on Miles. However, Trigga punched Ichiban with a weapon and hid the weapon in his trunks, and scored the cheap pin. Decent opener.

Ricky Smokes ran to the ring to save Dunn and Ichiban from a further beatdown.

2. Richard Holliday defeated Anthony Greene to retain the Fight Life Title at 9:38. Greene has wrestled frequently in Japan since his release from NXT. Greene clotheslined him to the floor, then he dove through the ropes onto Holliday. In the ring, Greene hit a top-rope crossbody block for a nearfall. Holliday hit a low blow uppercut while the ref was out of position and got a nearfall at 2:00. Greene hit a running neckbreaker and he was fired up. He hit a DDT for a nearfall at 5:00.

Greene went for an Unprettier face plant but Holliday escaped. Holliday hit a backbreaker over his knee, then a sit-out powerbomb for a believable nearfall, and they were both down at 7:00. They got up and traded forearm strikes. Greene hit a superkick. The ref got bumped and Greene hit a low blow! Greene hit a 2008 swinging suplex for a nearfall at 8:30! Greene again couldn’t hit the Unprettier. Holliday now hit a low blow mule kick, a clothesline, and the 2008 swinging suplex for the pin. That was really good action.

* It was announced KC Navarro was unable to attend the show.

3. Alec Price defeated Kylon King and Dustin Waller in a three-way at 7:54. Price was livid, saying this is essentially a handicap match, having to face both members of the Miracle Generation. Waller and King hugged at the bell! Quick reversals from all three and a stand-off. Price hit a huracanrana on Waller at 1:00. King hit a senton on Price, and Dustin hit a splash for a nearfall. Of course, King got upset at Waller for going for a cover. Kylon hit a powerslam on Price for a nearfall at 3:00, and now it was Dustin’s turn to be upset! The MG began shoving each other! Price hit a crossbody block on both opponents.

Price hit a half-nelson suplex on Kylon. Waller hit some kicks on King! He hit a running Shooting Star Press for a nearfall at 5:00. Price and Waller traded blows on the top rope, and King ran up the ropes and suplexed them both to the mat, and all three were down. Waller hit a flip dive to the floor on Price. Kylon hit an Asai Moonsault onto Waller. Price nailed his Rebound Lariat. Waller hit his Lethal Injection. He went for another, but Kylon caught him with a stunner. Kylon hit a Piledriver on Kylon. However, Price nailed Kylon with his Surprise Kick/step-up mule kick and pinned King. A very good, non-stop triple threat. King and Waller again hugged.

4. Delmi Exo defeated JC Storm at 7:09. I don’t think I’ve seen JC before; she has unnaturally red hair and she wore horns (much like Stephanie Vaquer) as she walked to the ring. It appears Delmi is an inch or two taller. A commentator said she was trained by the Amazing Red. Exo hit a twisting neckbreaker for a nearfall, then a Northern Lights Suplex for a nearfall. She hit some chops in the corner at 4:00. JC hit a stunner for a nearfall. They traded forearm strikes. Delmi nailed a package piledriver for the pin. Solid match.

5. Mike Graca and Rip Byson defeated Lucas Chase and Shawn Knyte via DQ at 4:36. I always compare Graca to former AEW wrestler Jimmy Havoc, and Rip is like a shorter Brodie Lee. Chase and his masked partner attacked from behind. The fans chanted “who are you?” at the unknown Black man. The unknown man and Byson traded chops. (This is a flimsy dollar store mask; Rip could easily rip it off and reveal who this is.) Graca entered and slammed the unknown man face-first at 3:30. Another masked Black man jumped in the ring and attacked with a kendo stick, causing the DQ. The masked men were revealed to be “The Haven” Shawn Knyte and Jay Onyx! The commentators said Lucas Chase has “poisoned the minds” of the Haven. This new heel faction is dubbed “The Parliament.”

6. Bobby Orlando defeated Little Mean Kathleen in an intergender match at 10:17. Dork Orlando has his stuffed goat and I always compare his brand of humor to Colt Cabana. LMK is much, much smaller than he is. They did some comedy with them posing with the stuffed animal. She did a cartwheel; he did a summersault and they haven’t touched yet. They got the referee to do a summersault and this is just all humor. They finally locked up at 5:30; yes, this is the first time they touched since the bell. She couldn’t budge him with a shoulder tackle. He bodyslammed her for a nearfall.

Orlando hit a Death Valley Driver for a nearfall at 7:30. She hit a crossbody block. They both crawled toward the goat and they fought over it; the ref pulled it away and they both collapsed. All silliness. She hit a clothesline and a Vader Bomb for a nearfall. She wedged the goat in the corner, much like a chair often is placed between the ropes. However, she charged and crashed into it. Orlando got a schoolboy rollup for the pin. The crowd enjoyed it.

7. Anthony Greene, Ashley Vox, Erik Chacha, JT Dunn, and Ricky Smokes defeated DJ Powers, Ariel, BMT, Danny Miles, and Trigga the OG at 12:30. Several people here already fought earlier in the show. The heels came out first. Dunn ran into the ring to attack, so at first it felt like 1-on-5, but Ashley Vox ran in and attacked Ariel, too. The rest of the babyfaces jumped in. Chacha tackled Powers. The babyfaces all hugged in the center of the ring because you’ve got to give what the people want!

This settled down into an actual five-on-five match, with the heels stomping on Chacha in their corner. Miles hit a bodyslam at 5:30 and tied up Chacha on the mat. DJ hit a snap suplex for a nearfall at 7:30. Vox tagged in, but BMT hit her from behind. Vox hit a tornado DDT on BMT. Dunn entered and he beat up both Trigga and Miles. Smokes hit a backbreaker over his knee on BMT at 10:00. Dunn hit Death By Elbow on Ariel! Suddenly, DJ was the only heel in the ring, and all five babyfaces took turns hitting him. Chacha hit a running knee to pin Powers. Solid match. The babyfaces all hugged and celebrated the win. Dunn got on the mic and welcomed Vox back from her injury

Final Thoughts: Greene-Holliday was by far the best match on this show. I get they wanted the babyfaces to win the big tag to end the show, but Greene-Holliday was really the main event. The Price-King-Waller three-way takes second, even though it was shorter than expected. I’ll narrowly go with the opener for third place, ahead of the main event.


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