Powell’s TNA Impact Hit List: Nic Nemeth vs. Rich Swann, and Steve Maclin vs. Sami Callihan in a qualifiers for the six-way TNA Title match at Slammiversary, Xia Brookside vs. Masha Slamovich

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

TNA Impact Hits

Nic Nemeth vs. Rich Swann in a qualifier for the six-way TNA Title match at Slammiversary: This was the more predictable of the two qualifying matches because Swann now feels like a sidekick to AJ Francis. Nevertheless, it was the best match of the night. The interference from Francis kept Nemeth working from underneath Nemeth had the fans with him from bell to bell.

Steve Maclin vs. Sami Callihan in a qualifier for the six-way TNA Title match at Slammiversary: A good slug fest that felt like it could have gone either way. The presentation of the qualifiers was nicely done with video packages that featured comments from the participants. The qualifiers have also made this stretch of television more interesting.

Mustafa Ali and Mike Bailey: Ali’s politician character still doesn’t do anything for me, but this was a rare angle involving planted fans that actually worked. Bailey making the save and setting up the X Division Title match for Slammiversary was well done. To be honest, they could have simply announced Ali vs. Bailey and it would have been enough for this viewer. It’s good to see Bailey in a meaningful singles match after he spun his wheels in tag team matches.

Ace Austin and Chris Bey vs. Zachary Wentz and Trey Miguel vs. Cody Deaner and Jake Something in a three-way tag match: Good work from all three teams. Something had a nice run that showcased him as the powerhouse of the match head into his Slammiversary qualifier next week. Austin and Bey going over puts them back in line for a shot at the TNA Tag Team Titles.

Kushida vs. Alan Angels: A good match that would have meant more if Angels wasn’t positioned as a scrub. The post match attack by Jonathan Gresham keeps his feud with Kushida going.

TNA Impact Misses

Xia Brookside vs. Masha Slamovich: A fine match with a lousy distraction finish. Slamovich has gone from being the badass of the division to needing a distraction to beat the plucky underdog. The company is in dire need of strong challengers for Grace, yet Slamovich continues to be stuck in the Knockouts Tag Team Division. Yes, I point this out frequently and I will continue to do so as long as the company’s creative team continues to waste one of their best assets in the women’s division. Mike Bailey’s return to a high profile singles match gives me some hope that Slamovich will eventually be featured prominently as a singles act.


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