AEW Dynasty results: Powell’s live review of Samoa Joe vs. Swerve Strickland for the AEW World Championship, Will Ospreay vs. Bryan Danielson, FTR vs. Young Bucks in a ladder match for the AEW Tag Titles

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Dynasty
St. Louis, Missouri at Chaifetz Arena
Aired live April 21, 2024 on pay-per-view and

AEW Dynasty Zero Hour Pre-Show results: Trent Beretta defeated Matt Sydal in 8:00, Orange Cassidy and Katsuyori Shibata defeated Shane Taylor and Lee Moriarty in 12:40, and ROH Six-Man Tag Team Champions Jay White, Austin Gunn, and Colten Gunn defeated AEW Trios Champions Max Caster, Anthony Bowens, and Billy Gunn in 14:45 in a title vs. title match to win the AEW Trios Titles…

A video package focused on the top matches opened the pay-per-view… Pyro shot off on the stage and then Excalibur welcomed viewers to the show. Excalibur said he was joined on commentary by Taz and Jim Ross… Ring announcer Justin Roberts delivered introductions for the AEW Continental Championship match.

Pac made his entrance first. Renee Paquette checked in while standing next to the entrance ramp. She said she spoke with Pac earlier and he vowed to show everyone what a champion looks like. Kazuchika Okada made his entrance, complete with the Okada bucks falling from the rafters. There was a loud “Okada” chant…

1. Kazuchika Okada vs. Pac for the AEW Continental Championship. A “holy shit” chant broke once after the bell rang to start the match. The broadcast team reminded viewers that no one is allowed at ringside during Continental Championship matches. Ross noted that this was the first time that Okada and Pac met in a singles match.

Pac performed a flying head-scissors that caused Okada to roll to the floor. Pac dove from the ring onto Okada at ringside. Pac ran Okada into the barricade. Okada sold his right shoulder. Back in the ring, Pac superplexed Okada. Excalibur called it an avalanche brainbuster, but Taz corrected him and said that Pac pulled Okada’s head in at the last moment.

Pac went up top a short time later and was dropkicked to the floor. Okada joined him at ringside and ran him into the barricade twice. Back inside the ring, Okada drilled a seated Pac with a running kick. Okada looked to the crowd and was cheered loudly.

Pac battled back until Okada cut him off with another great dropkick. Ross said no one has a better dropkick than Okada. Taz said it rivals Ricky Steamboat’s dropkick (Randy Orton and Jim Brunzell also come to mind). Pac ended up at ringside. Okada followed and draped Pac’s legs over the barricade and hit him with a wicked looking Draping DDT. Okada laughed at Pac to taunt him while a “you sick f—” chant broke out.

Pac beat the referee’s count by returning to the ring at nine. Okada dropped Pac with a DDT and covered him for two, then questioned the referee’s count. Pac pulled the top rope down when Okada charged, causing Okada to tumble to ringside. Pac hit him with a great springboard moonsault on the floor.

Back in the ring, Pac put Okada down with a flying forearm. Pac went up top and hit a missile dropkick for a two count. Pac sold neck pain. Pac performed a German suplex. Okada rolled through and then drilled Pac with a shotgun dropkick. A “this is awesome” chant broke out. “It sure is,” Ross said. Okada executed a neck breaker that led to a near fall.

Okada slammed Pac and then hit a top rope elbow drop. Okada played to the cheering crowd and set up for the Rainmaker pose, only to flip off the fans. Nice. Pac caught Okada in a small cradle for a near fall. A “f— Okada” chant broke out. Pac superkicked Okada and then nailed him with a clothesline. Pac executed a deadlift German suplex for a near fall.

Pac hit Okada with a big boot in the corner. Pac went up top and the fans rose to their feet. Pac went for the Broken Arrow, which Okada avoided. Okada performed a tombstone piledriver. Pac countered the Rainmaker approach with a rollup for a two count, then hooked him into a pin for another two count. Pac applied the Brutalizer, which Okada broke by raking his eyes.

Okada went for another tombstone, but Pac reversed it and hit a tombstone piledriver of his own. Pac went to the ropes. Okada grabbed the leg of referee Paul Turner to prevent Pac from executing a move. Pac dropped down and put the boots to Okada. Pac went up top again and went for the Broken Arrow, but Okada put his knees up. Okada hit the Rainmaker clothesline and scored the pin.

Kazuchika Okada defeated Pac in 21:55 to retain the AEW Continental Championship.

Okada headed to the back. Pac got to his feet and was applauded. The crowd chanted, “He’s our bastard” while Pac sat on the ring apron…

Powell’s POV: A killer match to open the show. Just about the time I started to question why Okada was leaning into the cheers despite being a heel character, he flipped off the crowd and worked hard to get booed. This was a hell of a match that lived up to high expectations. On a side note, Jim Ross sounded great on commentary. He’s been to hell and back with his medical issues and this was the best he’s sounded since he returned.

Renee Paquette and RJ City did a spot for the company’s daily fantasy sports partner… A video package set up the trios match and then entrances for the match took place…

2. Adam Copeland, Eddie Kingston, and Mark Briscoe vs. “House of Black” Malakai Black, Brody King, and Buddy Matthews. Julia Hart did not accompany HOB to ringside. Tony Schiavone replaced Jim Ross on commentary. There was an early “Dem Boys” chant while Briscoe was in the ring. Excalibur hyped Jon Moxley vs. Powerhouse Hobbs for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship for Wednesday’s Dynamite.

King got the better of Kingston, who was then isolated by the HOB trio. Briscoe eventually tagged in and kicked Matthews off the apron. Briscoe followed up with a dropkick through the ropes. Briscoe went to the apron. Black and King stood in his way. Copeland and Kingston fought with Black and King. Briscoe set up a chair on the apron and then used it as a launchpad before doing a flip into a leg drop on King.

Briscoe went back to fighting Matthews on the apron and was getting the better of it until King grabbed his leg. Matthews knocked Briscoe off the apron with a knee strike. King caught Briscoe on his shoulders and executed a Death Valley Driver into the barricade. A “holy shit” chant broke out.

Black and King isolated Briscoe in their corner while Matthews recovered on the floor. Matthews returned to his corner while Black worked over Briscoe. King checked in. Briscoe fought his way out of the HOB corner and tagged in Copeland, who got King seated on the top turnbuckle before throwing punches at him and then biting his forehead.

King knocked Copeland off the ropes with some strikes. Briscoe and Kingston ran in and set up for a double superplex, then waited until they were cut off by Black and Matthews, who powerbombed them. Copeland superplexed King for a pop and an AEW chant.

There was a series of rapid fire big moves from various wrestlers. Kingston hit King with a back fist and then Copeland put him down with a DDT. Briscoe hit the Froggy Bow top rope elbow drop, which led to a near fall. Just when it looked like Copeland and Black were finally going to go at it, their partners entered the ring and fought.

King got Copeland down in the corner and set up for a move, but Copeland shot up and put him down with a spear. King rolled under the ropes. Copeland got to his feet and played to the crowd and set up for a spear on Black, who sprayed him with mist while referee Rick Knox had his back turned for no good reason. Black dropped Copeland with his spin kick and pinned him…

“House of Black” Malakai Black, Brody King, and Buddy Matthews defeated Adam Copeland, Eddie Kingston, and Mark Briscoe in 17:45.

Powell’s POV: A good trios match until the Rick Knox finish. I knew it was coming because he started focusing on what was happening with the wrestlers on the floor for no good reason. They just keep finding new and not very creative ways to make him look like the worst referee in the history of pro wrestling. I assume that Black getting the pin means he will be challenging Copeland for the TNT Title soon.

A video package set up the TBS Championship match and then entrances for the match took place. Willow Nightingale made her entrance with Kris Statlander. Justin Roberts announced that Willow chose to have Skye Blue and Kris Statlander banned from ringside per the House Rules stipulation. Statlander hugged Willow before heading to the back. Willow had family in the crowd. Julia Hart made her entrance…

3. Julia Hart vs. Willow Nightingale for the TBS Championship. Stokely Hathaway sat in on commentary. Excalibur said the House Rules for this match also include no rope breaks for submission holds and a 20-count at ringside as opposed to the usual ten count.

Willow knocked Hart down with a kick when the bell rang. Willow threw forearms strikes at Hart and then ran her into the turnbuckle pads twice. Willow went to the middle rope and was kicked by Hart before tumbling to ringside. Hart followed and tossed Willow into the timekeepers area. Hart rolled Willow back inside the ring and then bounced her head off the mat several times.

Mercedes Mone was shown watching the match on a backstage monitor. Willow came back with a sleeper that caused Hart to drop to the mat. Hart threw kicks at Willow to break the hold, but then Willow hit a spinebuster for a two count. Willow went for a second rope dropkick, but Hart avoided it.

Hart applied her Hartless submission finisher, but Willow powered her up and ended up sitting on her and getting a two count. Hart threw a couple of light superkicks. Willow fired back and charged her in the corner, but Hart put her feet up and stomped Willow to the mat.

Hart went for a top rope moonsault, but Willow put her feet up. Willow clotheslined Hart and then lowered the straps on her gear. Willow hit the Doctor Bomb and scored the clean pin…

Willow Nightingale defeated Julia Hart in 6:00 to win the TBS Championship.

After the match, Hathaway and Statlander joined Willow in the ring and hugged her before raising her arms. Mercedes Mone’s entrance music played and she made her entrance.

Willow held up her title belt. Mone smiled and nodded. The AEW Double Or Nothing logo appeared on the screen while Excalibur officially announced their TBS Title match for the pay-per-view event. Both wrestlers left the ring. Willow greeted her family members at ringside while Mone watched from the stage. Willow was rejoined by Statlander and Hathaway and they all headed to the back…

Powell’s POV: The match was nothing special, but the crowd was pleased by the title change. Hart had some athletic tape on the shoulder she injured, which they didn’t make a point of emphasizing during the match.

A Double Or Nothing ad aired. The show will be held on Sunday, May 26 in Las Vegas, Nevada at the MGM Grand Garden Arena…

A video package spotlighted the AEW International Championship match. Kyle O’Reilly made his entrance. The Spanish broadcast team led by Carlos Cabrera checked in briefly. Roderick Strong made his entrance with Matt Taven and Mike Bennett, who did not accompany him to ringside…

4. Roderick Strong vs. Kyle O’Reilly for the AEW International Championship. Schiavone said he was shocked that The Kingdom members left Strong alone. Roughly five minutes in, Strong performed a backbreaker on the top turnbuckle. Strong executed two standard backbreakers a short time later and then talked smack.

O’Reilly used the top rope to pull himself to his feet. Strong grabbed him and executed another type of backbreaker. O’Reilly stuffed Strong’s End of the Heartache attempt. Strong fired back with a series of strikes, including a kick that took out Strong’s legs. O’Reilly applied a kneebar, but Strong reached the ropes.

Strong came back and hit three running forearm strikes. O’Reilly tied up Strong in the ropes and then went up top and hit him with a guillotine knee. O’Reilly went up top and hit Strong with another knee drop. O’Reilly reapplied the kneebar, but Strong kicked his way free.

O’Reilly grabbed the wrist of Strong and held on while they traded strikes with their free arms. O’Reilly got the better of it, but Strong put him down with another backbreaker. Strong placed O’Reilly on the top turnbuckle and then superplexed him, but O’Reilly hooked his leg for a two count, then Strong countered into a pin for a two count of his own. Strong and O’Reilly hit each other with simultaneous clotheslines then stayed down for a moment.

Both wrestlers traded strikes and once again ended up down on the mat following a leaping knee strike from Strong. A “this is awesome” chant broke out. Strong went for a move that O’Reilly countered with a guillotine. They ended up in the ropes and then Strong wrenched O’Reilly’s neck on the ropes.

Moments later, Wardlow showed up and was about to enter the ring when he was caught by referee Paul Turner. Wardlow dropped off the apron and stayed at ringside. O’Reilly hit a brainbuster for a two count. O’Reilly applied a crossarm breaker, but Strong reached the ropes with his foot to break it. Strong came back with a leaping kick. Strong hit End of the Heartache and scored the clean pin…

Roderick Strong defeated Kyle O’Reilly in 17:20 to retain the AEW International Championship.

After the match, Wardlow joined Strong inside the ring. Adam Cole was wheeled in a wheelchair onto the stage by Matt Taven and Mike Bennett. Cole stood up from the wheelchair and walked to the ring. Taven and Bennett hoisted up Strong on their shoulders. Cole shot Wardlow a nasty look until Wardlow turned to face him…

Powell’s POV: Good work from both wrestlers. The crowd seemed to enjoy the ring work and sided with O’Reilly, but it didn’t seem like they ever really bought into the idea that his submission attempts would lead to him winning. I’m surprised they had Cole stand up and walk to the ring as opposed to saving that for a surprise moment when he interfered in someone’s match.

A video package spotlighted the Hook vs. Chris Jericho feud and then the entrances for the match took place…

5. Hook vs. Chris Jericho for the FTW Championship. Jericho offered a fist bump, which Hook accepted. They ended up at ringside where Jericho slammed Hook’s head on the broadcast table in front of his father Taz. Jericho pulled a table out from underneath the ring and set it up on the floor. Jericho set up for a powerbomb, but Hook slipped away and suplexed him, then covered him on the floor for a two count.

Hook pulled a trashcan lid with FTW spray painted on it and hit Jericho with it. Hook jumped off the ring steps and hit Jericho with it again. Hook tried to do the same thing again, but Jericho kicked him and then DDT’d him on the lid and covered him at ringside for a two count. Jericho hit Hook with the lid and then threw him back inside the ring.

Jericho took Hook to the apron, but Hook suplexed Jericho from the apron and then both men crashed through the table. Back inside the ring, Hook performed a Northern Lights suplex. Jericho came back and performed a huracanrana that pulled Hook off the ropes.

Jericho went to the floor and pulled out a spray painted trash can, which he tossed inside the ring along with a kendo stick that was inside of it. Hook suplexed Jericho. Hook picked up the trashcan and placed it over Jericho, then battered it with two kendo stick shots. Hook suplexed Jericho while he was still covered by the trashcan. Hook pulled the trashcan off and covered Jericho for a two count.

Hook went to ringside and pulled out a table, which he slid inside the ring and then set up in a corner. Hook set up for a suplex, but Jericho fought his way out of it. Hook performed another Northern Lights suplex, but then Jericho hit him with a Codebreaker. Hook caught Jericho in Redrum. Jericho fell backwards and drove Hook through the table in the corner of the ring.

Jericho used the ropes for leverage while getting a two count. The fans at ringside barked at referee Aubrey Edwards while saying it should have been a three count. Jericho put Hook in the Walls of Jericho. Hook countered into an inside cradle for a two count.

Hook went for his finisher again, but Hook hit him with a low blow. Jericho dropped Hook with the Judas Effect and then covered him for a two count. Jericho looked surprised by Hook kicking out. Jericho waited for Hook to stand up and then put him down with another Judas Effect. The crowd booed. Jericho covered Hook for a close near fall.

Jericho told Hook to stay down. Jericho went to ringside and pulled his stupid baseball bat out from underneath the ring. Jericho returned to the ring and told Hook not to make him do it. Hook gave Jericho the double birds. Jericho slammed the bat over Hook’s head. Taz stood up and the fans cheered. Jericho covered him for the three count…

Chris Jericho defeated Hook in 16:35 to win the FTW Championship.

After the match, Taz walked over to ringside near Hook and told Jericho to leave. Jericho got the title belt and held it up, then looked remorseful as he headed to the stage. Jericho waved to the fans…

Powell’s POV: This match went longer than it needed to and the story they are telling is hard to follow. Jericho had some fans in the crowd, but he also had people taunting him with “please retire” chants. AEW lost one baseball bat when Sting retired, but they still have two remaining thanks to Jericho and Jay White. Anyway, after all this time, I still couldn’t care less about the FTW Championship.

A video package set up the AEW Women’s Championship match and then entrances took place…

6. Toni Storm (w/Luther, Mariah May) vs. Thunder Rosa for the AEW Women’s Championship. Nigel McGuinness replaced Taz on commentary. Rosa wore a mask to the ring and went face to face with Storm. Rosa removed the mask to reveal she wasn’t wearing face paint. This seemed to mean more to her than the fans. Rosa performed an early corkscrew dive from the top rope onto Storm and Luther on the floor.

A short time later, Rosa executed a powerbomb that led to a two count. Rosa followed up with a missile dropkick and then a Samoan Drop. Rosa used a crucifix bomb to get a two count. Rosa hit a Death Valley Driver on the apron and then pulled Storm back in the ring and covered her for a two count. Rosa clutched her lower back.

There were dueling chants for the wrestlers as Rosa went for a move and released it because her back gave out. Storm hit a Backstabber in the corner and followed up with a tornado DDT. Storm used a fisherman’s suplex to get a two count. Rosa reversed a move and hit Storm with a standing double stomp before covering her for a two count.

Storm came back with a sit-out tree slam for a two count. Storm threw forearm shots to the lower back. Rosa fired back with a forearm strike of her own and then they traded chops and forearms. Rosa ran the ropes and was hit with a headbutt to the chest. Rosa hit a standing enzuigiri.

Storm performed a German suplex and played to the crowd. Rosa popped up and hit a German suplex of her own. Mariah May climbed onto the apron and distracted the referee. Deonna Purrazzo came out and attacked May and ran Luther into the ring steps. Purrazzo and May battled away from the ringside area.

Storm suplexed Rosa. The screen went black and white before she hit the hip attack in the corner. Storm hit Storm Zero and covered Rosa, who kicked out at the last moment. Storm applied a Texas Cloverleaf. Rosa reached the ropes to break the hold.

Rosa came back with a Backstabber. Rosa applied a Cobra Clutch. Storm reached under the ropes and grabbed the ring skirting to break it. The referee turned his focus to putting the skirting back in place and then Storm kicked Rosa below the belt. Storm followed up with Storm Zero and scored the pin…

Toni Storm defeated Thunder Rosa in 15:10 to retain the AEW Women’s Championship.

Powell’s POV: A quality match. I never bought into the possibility of Rosa winning, but it was a competitive and enjoyable match. I would have preferred a clean finish as opposed to another where the referee missed something.

A video package set up Will Ospreay vs. Bryan Danielson. Justin Roberts said the match had a 60-minute time limit and was an absolute dream. Danielson made his entrance first and then Ospreay followed…

7. Will Ospreay vs. Bryan Danielson. Don Callis sat in on commentary. A “holy shit” chant broke out while Ospreay and Danielson went face to face and then backed into the corners before the opening bell. Ospreay got fired up and pumped his arm while playing to the crowd. Danielson had his forehead cut fro the night before covered.

After an early exchange, Ospreay had Danielson down and threw kicks at him that Danielson avoided. The fans roared and changed AEW. Danielson threw a kick at Ospreay, who caught his leg. Danielson flipped off Ospreay. A “f— Don Callis” chant broke out.

Ospreay had a run of offense and then went for a springboard move, but Danielson caught him with a kick to the ribs. Danielson threw knee strikes at Ospreay’s ribs. Danielson applied a leg lock and then hit Ospreay with punches to the gut and forearms to the face while maintaining the hold. Ospreay rolled to the ropes to break it.

Ospreay ducked a running clothesline and did a handspring into the ropes and put Danielson down with a corkscrew kick. Ospreay sent Danielson to the floor moments later and then went up top and performed a corkscrew moonsault to the floor. Another “holy shit” chant broke out.

Powell’s POV: Before I forget, AEW’s production team has been much better about showing replays of key spots throughout tonight’s show.

Back inside the ring, Ospreay charged at Danielson, who caught him with a kick. Danielson performed a tiger suplex for a two count. Danielson threw elbows to the side of Ospreay’s head and then applied Cattle Mutilation. Ospreay reached the ropes with his foot to break it.

Moments later, Danielson had Ospreay on the ropes and went for a huracanrana, but Ospreay landed on his feet. Ospreay performed a Tiger Driver for a two count. Ospreay went up top and was cut off by Danielson, who joined him on the ropes. Danielson performed a Tiger Suplex from the top rope, which drew another round of “holy shit” chants. Ospreay sold his neck before Danielson covered him. Ospreay reached the bottom rope with his foot to break it.

Moments later, Danielson had Ospreay on the ropes and went for a huracanrana, but Ospreay landed on his feet. Ospreay performed a Tiger Driver for a two count. Ospreay went up top and was cut off by Danielson, who joined him on the ropes. Danielson performed a Tiger Suplex from the top rope, which drew another round of “holy shit” chants. Ospreay sold his neck before Danielson covered him. Ospreay reached the bottom rope with his foot to break it.

Danielson threw various kicks at Ospreay, who eventually no-sold one and called for more. Danielson slapped him. Ospreay stood up and dropped him with a shot of his own. Ospreay threw kicks at Danielson, who was under ropes. Ospreay threw punches at him and eventually joined him on the apron and set up for a Tiger Driver, but Danielson blocked it.

Ospreay ended up hitting an OsCutter on the apron that sent Danielson to the floor. The referee checked on Danielson. Ospreay dove off the apron and hit Danielson with an elbow shot that the referee barely avoided. Danielson beat the referee’s count by returning at nine. Ospreay immediately hit him with a springboard dropkick and then slammed him to the mat and picked up a near fall.

Ospreay threw kicks at the kneeling Danielson while a “This is wrestling” chant broke out. Ospreay went for a springboard move that Danielson stuffed. Danielson caught Ospreay in a guillotine and then put him in the LeBell Lock moments later. Ospreay reached for the ropes, but Danielson hooked his arm. Ospreay eventually broke the hold by putting his foot over the bottom rope.

Danielson threw kicks at a kneeling Ospreay and connected with the finale kick. Danielson played to the crowd and went for a Busaiku Knee, but Ospreay caught him. Ospreay set up for a move, but Danielson countered out of it and picked up a near fall. Ospreay hooked Danielson into a pin and then they went back and forth with reversals.

Ospreay went for the Hidden Blade. Danielson ducked the move and hit Ospreay with a Busaiku Knee for a great near fall. The fans cheered loudly and then chanted AEW. Danielson grabbed Ospreay’s arms and then stomped his head repeatedly. Danielson went for a LeBell Lock, but Ospreay rolled on top f him and threw forearms to the side of his head.

Danielson reached up and caught Ospreay in a triangle. Ospreay powered him up and slammed him to the mat, but Danielson maintained the hold and threw elbow strikes to the head. Ospreay stood up while still locked in the move and broke it with a Styles Clash. Super cool spot.

Both wrestlers got to their knees and butted heads, then got to their knees and traded strikes. Danielson headbutted Ospreay repeatedly. Ospreay responded with rapid fire kicks. Danielson hit a wicked suplex, but Ospreay shot right up and hit him with an elbow strike. Ospreay went for the OsCutter, but Danielson blasted him in midair with a Busaiku Knee. Awesome.

Danielson went to his corner and led “yes” chants from his knees. Ospreay went to the other corner and shot Danielson a sinister look while removing his elbow pad. Danielson went for a Busaiku Knee, but Ospreay caught him with an elbow strike. Ospreay performed a Storm Driver. Danielson grabbed his left shoulder and the referee talked to the trainer. Ospreay blasted Danielson with the Hidden Blade and then pinned him.

Will Ospreay defeated Bryan Danielson in 32:40.

After the match, the trainer checked on Danielson and then two more trainers rushed to the ring while Ospreay played to the crowd on the ropes. Ospreay turned and showed concern while Danielson was writhing on the mat. The referee raised Ospreay’s arm. Ospreay played to the crowd and then went back to checking on Danielson…

Powell’s POV: This match was everything it was built up to be and somehow more. An instant classic. The Bucks and FTR have a ladder match next and yet I actually feel sympathy for them for having to follow this gem. I assume Danielson was selling. The move he took was dangerous, but it didn’t seem like anything went wrong. He was also out of the ring after the conclusion of the video package for the next match was shown.

A video package set up the ladder match. The Young Bucks made their entrance followed by FTR…

8. “The Young Bucks” Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson vs. “FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler in a ladder match for the vacant AEW Tag Team Titles. The belts were hanging above the ring and there were ladders set up at ringside. FTR set up some tables on the floor early on. Matthew placed Wheeler on a ladder and lifted it while Nicholas performed a cannonball senton. The Bucks set up a ladder and made a play for the belts, but they were cut off.

Harwood bled from the forehead. The Bucks worked him over with ladder shots while Wheeler was still down at ringside. Matthew placed Harwood inside a ladder that was lying on the mat and then Nicholas battered the ladder with a chair. Wheeler returned to the ring and had a chair launched at him (he wisely put his hands up).

The Bucks ran Harwood into a ladder that was bridged over the ring and timekeepers table. They tried to do the same to Wheeler, but he slid under it and rammed them with the ladder. Wheeler moonsaulted off the ladder onto both Bucks. Wheeler set up Matthew for a move on the ladder, but Nicholas crotched Wheeler. The Bucks hit Wheeler with an EVP Trigger on the ladder.

The Bucks went after Harwood. Wheeler eventually returned to the ring and powerslammed Nicholas. Wheeler tried to climb a ladder, but Matthew pulled him down. Wheeler put Matthew on his shoulders and then Harwood jumped off the top rope and hit him with a bulldog on the way down. The move received a golf clap from the crowd, which was still recovering from the previous match.

A short time later, Harwood shoved Matthew off the apron and he crashed through a table on the floor. Harwood set up for a powerbomb on the apron, but Nicholas countered into a huracanrana and sent him crashing through a table at ringside.

All four wrestlers made plays for the title belts via two ladders that were side by side in the middle of the ring. They traded punches at the top of the ladder. Eventually, Matthew was the only man left on a ladder, but Harwood pulled Matthew’s shoe off and then pulled him off the ladder and into a Shatter Machine.

Moments later, Harwood suplexed Nicholas off of one ladder and then Wheeler jumped from a second ladder into a splash. An “AEW” chant broke out from the crowd as they started to show a little more life. Nicholas performed a 450 splash on Wheeler to put him through a table and then Harwood performed a piledriver onto a ladder bridge.

Harwood made a play for the belts, but Nicholas jumped from the top rope onto the ladder and then hit him with a sunset bomb. Nicholas made a play for the belts, but Wheeler returned and stopped him. Wheeler clotheslined Nicholas to the floor. Wheeler went for a dive from the ring, but Nicholas moved and then Wheeler crashed through a table that was leaning up against the barricade.

Harwood and Nicholas climbed a ladder and both men got their hands on one of the belts. Harwood slammed one of the belts on Nicholas’s head to knock him off the apron. A masked man ran out and shoved the ladder over. Security grabbed the masked man and removed the mask to reveal Jack Perry. Nicholas pulled one of the belts down to win the match.

“The Young Bucks” Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson defeated “FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler in a ladder match in 21:35 to win the AEW Tag Team Titles.

Perry was led out of the arena by security while Excalibur said he’d jumped over the rail…

Powell’s POV: These teams deserved better. They took some hellacious bumps and worked really hard, but the crowd was just gassed from the previous match. They came to life a bit near the end. It’s a shame they didn’t have a come down match or segment in between matches. It also didn’t help that Jack Perry interfering was so predictable, though that seemed to be well received by the crowd…

A video package set up the main event. The entrances for the match took place. The crowd was up again with “Swerve’s House” chants…

9. Samoa Joe vs. Swerve Strickland (w/Prince Nana) for the AEW World Championship. Justin Roberts delivered in-ring introductions for the championship match. Jim Ross was back on commentary with Excalibur and McGuinness. Excalibur noted that referee Stephon Smith was working his first AEW World Championship match.

Swerve went for an early suicide dive, but Joe caught him and gave him a uranage slam onto the broadcast table. Joe pulled the ringside mat back to expose the concrete floor. Swerve performed a Fosbury Flop style dive over the top rope and hit Joe on the floor. Swerve set up for a move from the apron, but Joe caught him in Muscle Buster position. Swerve slipped away, but Joe powerslammed him on the concrete.

Swerve went for an early suicide dive, but Joe caught him and gave him a uranage slam onto the broadcast table. Joe pulled the ringside mat back to expose the concrete floor. Swerve performed a Fosbury Flop style dive over the top rope and hit Joe on the floor. Swerve set up for a move from the apron, but Joe caught him in Muscle Buster position. Swerve slipped away, but Joe powerslammed him on the concrete.

Back inside the ring, Joe swept Swerve’s legs out from under him. Joe kicked Swerve and dropped an elbow on him before covering him for a two count. Swerve eventually battled back. Swerve dropped Joe with a Flatliner for a near fall. Swerve had Joe seated on the top rope when he grabbed his arm and drove it onto the mat.

Swerve applied a short-arm scissors. Joe rolled on top of Swerve and then powered him up and slammed him in the corner to break the hold. Joe put Swerve down with a Muscle Buster for a near fall. Joe acted shocked that he didn’t get the pin, but the live crowd didn’t seem to buy that spot as the potential finish.

Joe went to ringside and grabbed his title belt. Nana distracted Joe for a moment. Joe went back to the apron and was hit by Swerve, who followed up with a move from the ropes and then went up top again and hit him with a Swerve Stomp for a near fall.

Joe raked the eyes of Swerve and then picked up the title belt. Nana barked at the referee. Swerve kicked Joe and grabbed the belt. Joe ducked the belt shot and then locked Swerve in the Coquina Clutch. Swerve pulled Joe’s hand free to break the hold. Swerve pulled Joe’s arm behind his back and then used his foot to pull it back after Nana told him to break it.

Swerve went to the corner and waited for Joe to get to his knees and then blasted him with a House Call. Swerve covered Joe for a near fall. Swerve went up top and was cut off by Joe, who joined him on the ropes. Swerve jumped over Joe and then powerbombed him from the ropes. Swerve hit another Swerve Stomp and then hooked the leg and got the three count…

Swerve Strickland defeated Samoa Joe in 18:00 to win the AEW World Championship.

Confetti shot off for Swerve while Joe made a quick exit. Swerve went to the barricade and celebrated while Nana joined him. Swerve stood on the ring steps and played to the cheering crowd. Swerve sat down on the steps and seemed to shake his head in disbelief. They replayed footage of the closing moments of the match. Swerve walked across the apron and then stood on the ring steps and played to the fans. Swerve hugged some people in the crowd and then went to the ramp while the broadcast team wrapped up the pay-per-view…

Powell’s POV: A solid main event. There were far better matches on the show, but the title change helped closed the night on a high note. Overall, this was an excellent pay-per-view. Ospreay vs. Danielson was one for the ages, the opening match was terrific, and they closed the night with a world title change. AEW continues to produce top notch pay-per-views. Now if only they could produce better weekly television. I really like the call to go with Swerve as AEW World Champion.

Jake Barnett and I will get together shortly for our same night audio review of AEW Dynasty for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let us know what you thought of the show by voting for the best match and grading the overall show below.

AEW Dynasty Poll: Grade the overall show free polls

AEW Dynasty Poll: Vote for the best match free polls


Readers Comments (10)

  1. Ugh. Way to bring the mood down after a killer match with the neck injury bullshit

  2. Jack Perry returns!!! That’ll put butts in seats. *yawn*

  3. Oh boy Cha-Ka is back.

  4. Changing out JR for Schiavone is like ordering porterhouse and getting hamburger.

    Do they really need a match with a 20-second stipulation, when every match has wrestlers on the floor for five minutes?

    Putting Don Callis on commentary is like telling the audience you hate them.

    Joe brought some legitimacy to the title. Very happy for Swerve.

  5. Really fun show. Really think Swerve is a bad move only because other than the chant he is not that over, but we all understand why he HAD TO be given the belt Lets see what happens.
    Ospreay vs Danielson lived up to the ridiculously high expectations.
    On a sidenote, really good show, so of course the “OMG AEW SUCKS!” idiots here are strangely absent from the comments….

  6. Very good AEW PPV, as they had a lot of good stuff come out from that PPV tonight.

    I had chills seeing Swerve as champ, as that was a great move to make him champ, although Joe had a great title reign. I hope Swerve’s reign is just as good.

    A five-star classic that lived up to the hype with Ospreay and Danielson.

    Jack Perry back makes Dynamite a must see and him with the Bucks is a great decision.

    Willow Nightingale getting the title made sense since we knew she was going to have to face Mercedes Mone. I do think Julia Hart should team with Skye Blue as the first women’s tag team champions, as it’s really time for Tony Khan to introduce those titles.

    I wonder if that’s it for Hook in AEW since there were rumors of him joining the WWE soon.

    I was scared Toni Storm was going to lose tonight, I do wonder who her next challenger is going to be at Double or Nothing?

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