Wrestler released by AEW on Monday is returning to the company

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Anthony Henry is returning to AEW after being released on Monday. Tony Khan shared the news in his ROH Supercard of Honor media call on Monday.

Powell’s POV: Khan made the announcement as part of his reply to my question about the talent cuts. Khan said there was a gray area when it came to wrestlers suffering injuries while working independent events like Henry did, but he said he had a change of heart and Henry will be returning to the company. My full report of Khan’s media call is available via the main page.


Readers Comments (4)

  1. That’s one of the many problems with Tony.He’s too nice.
    Hopefully he lets Dasha come back though!lol

  2. Well, if you have someone under contract, and allow them to compete at indy shows, don’t terminate their contract when they get injured. Pay them enough so they don’t need to work indie shows.
    This idea of having people under per appearance contracts makes no sense.

    • It all depends on what the agreement is. I don’t see a problem with having someone under contract with the understanding that you can work independent shows, but it’s on you if you get hurt working an independent show. The key is that this has to be explained in advance. I don’t know enough about the details to say whether that was the case or not.

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