Gutteridge’s Ring of Honor TV Hit List: Jay Lethal vs. Colt Cabana for the ROH Title, Jay White vs. Will Ferrara, and Mark Briscoe interviews Bobby Fish

Logo_ROH_dn_crop600By Darren Gutteridge


Jay Lethal vs. Colt Cabana for the ROH Title: This was a really nice main event. Nothing all that memorable, which I think is chiefly down to Colt’s complete lack of mic time since returning, but it built very nicely with one or two great near falls. This segment was further boosted by Lethal begging for an ROH Title match with Adam Cole. I can’t remember the last time the crowd was that hot for an ROH Title match announcement.

The Chicken Shack: The little laughs I got out of Mark Briscoe claiming the Fish Tank was “Communist Propaganda” aside, this was a nice blend of Briscoe humor with solid match selling (at least by ROH standards). Fish needs to go full heel though, as his flitting between alignments is bizarre. Regardless, I’m now excited for their match at Death Before Dishonor. A little build goes a long way!

ROH TV Misses

Jay White vs. Will Ferrara: I was going to give this match the smallest of Hits, as the action was solid, but then Kevin Kelly reminded me of White’s debut. They had him beat one half of the tag champions clean, and yet we didn’t get a promo? Or a follow-up angle? Facing the perennial under utilized Ferrara is no one’s idea of a hot follow up.

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