Powell’s TNA Impact Hit List: ABC vs. Grizzled Young Veterans in the second match of the best of three series for the TNA Tag Titles, TNA World Champion Moose vs. Kushida

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

TNA Impact Hits

“ABC” Ace Austin and Chris Bey vs. “The Grizzled Young Veterans” Zack Gibson and James Drake in the second match of the best of three series for the TNA Tag Team Titles: Another top notch tag team match from two excellent teams. I wasn’t surprised to see the feud go to a third and deciding match, but I like the way the challengers took so much of offense and how that led to some suspenseful near falls. I’m surprised the company didn’t put this match in the main event slot, as it was much more dramatic than the non-title match between Moose and Kushida.

Simon Gotch on Sound Check with Alan Angels: Gotch provided a good explanation for attacking Josh Alexander by pointing back to their independent match that resulted in Alexander being offered a TNA contract. Gotch is a good talker in addition to being a quality wrestler, so hopefully this feud will be more than a one and done.

TNA World Champion Moose vs. Kushida in a non-title match: A solid, yet fairly uneventful non-title main event match. Moose continues to feel cold in the role of champion, and The System faction is flat. Nevertheless, the match was well worked and the post match angle helped set up next week’s six-man tag team match.

Frankie Kazarian vs. Jake Something: A competitive opening match. Something look good, and Kazarian stealing the pin by holding the ropes helps cement him as a heel.

Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace vs. Savannah Evans in a non-title match: A good setup match with Grace defeating the muscle of Gisele Shaw, who will challenge Grace for the title at No Surrender. The post match angle with Shaw attacking Grace with the X symbol was a basic heat generating segment.

Dana Luna vs. Killer Kelly: Luna pinning Kelly evens things up after Masha Slamovich beat Jody Threat on a recent edition of Impact. Are they building to a three-way Knockouts Tag Team Title match against champions Rosemary and Havok?

Dirty Dango at the race track: “Where’s the Panda Energy car?” Outstanding.

TNA Impact Misses

Crazzy Steve vs. Rhino for the Digital Media Championship: TNA dedicated a good amount of time to Steve’s backstory and I was all for it. The story was compelling and his performance in his sit-down interview with Tom Hannifan was excellent. But he’s gone on to feud with Tommy Dreamer and now Rhino over the least important title in TNA rather than work with more relevant acts in more meaningful programs. The actual match was well worked, but the finish with the referee clearing a fork from the ring and going out of his way to miss Steve hit Rhino with the title belt was lousy.

Joe Hendry and AJ Francis: The cutesy spoof music video battle isn’t doing anything for this viewer. With any luck, it will lead to Rich Swann finally shaking up his act even if it means aligning with Francis.


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