WWE Raw results (2/5): Powell’s live review of Cody Rhodes vs. Shinsuke Nakamura in a Bull Rope match, Kabuki Warriors vs. Kayden Carter and Katana Chance for the WWE Women’s Tag Titles

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw (Episode 1,602)
St. Louis, Missouri at Enterprise Center
Aired live February 5, 2024 on USA Network

[Hour One] Raw opened with a recap of the final angle on Smackdown that saw Cody Rhodes tell Roman Reigns that he is coming for him, just not at WrestleMania, which was followed by The Rock going face-to-face with Reigns…

World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins was introduced by ring announcer Samantha Irvin. A graphic listed that Rollins has held his title for 254 days. Rollins wore his knee brace over his pants.

The broadcast team of Michael Cole and Pat McAfee checked in from ringside. Cole noted that Rollins is not medically cleared to compete due to a knee injury. Cole said it had been an interesting weekend to say the least. McAfee said the world was talking about the stories that are possible in one place and one place only, which is WWE. “It’s a beautiful time to be here,” McAfee said.

Rollins stood in the ring and welcomed the fans to Monday Night Rollins. They chanted his name. Rollins said he smells what is cooking after Smackdown. There were some boos. Rollins stopped and looked to the crowd, which responded with some “Cody” chants.

“I sense that you guys want Cody,” Rollins said. He said he had good news for them, he wanted Cody as well. He said he had more questions than answers coming out of Smackdown and then told Rhodes to “come on down.”

Cody Rhodes made his entrance dressed in a suit. “Unless you’ve been living in a cave somewhere, you know what’s happened the past three days,” Cole said. He added that Cody has been trending worldwide on Twitter for the last three days. McAfee acknowledged #WeWantCody and said, “we got him.”

Once in the ring, Cody smiled as he looked to the fans and then asked Rollins and the St. Louis crowd what they wanted to talk about. There was a “Rocky sucks” chant. “Is it 1996 again?” Cole asked. Rollins told the fans he had to be honest, he didn’t think he’d hear that one. A “We Want Cody” chant started. Cody turned and played to the fans.

Rollins said he was cutting straight to the chase. He told Cody he understands what he’s going through. He said he’s been there and he gets it, but they need answers. Rollins said he stood by what he said last week about his championship being the most prestigious in the industry.

Rollins said he needed the match as much as Cody did. Rollins said he needed to know that he’s better than he was the last time they met. Rollins said he needs to know he’s the best and the only way to do that is to test himself against best. Rollins said Cody is the best. Rollins told Cody to cut the crap and asked if he is going to fight him at WrestleMania.

Drew McIntyre made his entrance before Cody could respond. McIntyre walked out in non-wrestling attire. “A very bitter individual,” Cole said. McIntyre said he thinks he speaks on behalf of everyone when he asked what the hell. McIntyre said he laid them both up perfectly for WrestleMania and they are going to screw it up.

McIntyre said Rollins is the only person who hates CM Punk as much as him. McIntyre said he took out Punk. McIntyre showed off his new t-shirt that shows him smiling in front of a Punk tombstone regarding WrestleMania. McIntyre told Cody that he has to finish the story. McIntyre told Cody not to let him, his family, or the fans down.

McIntyre said he didn’t want to go there when everyone else does, but he told Cody not to let his father down. Rollins told McIntyre that he doesn’t have to be a prick. Rollins asked McIntyre what made him think he would get the title shot at WrestleMania when he’s beaten McIntyre twice. McIntyre said they both know there were outside reasons why he lost those matches, then pointed out that Rollins lost to Cody three times.

McIntyre praised Rollins for working his butt off to make his championship mean something. McIntyre said no one wants to fight Roman Reigns anymore because they know the finish, which is that his family will interfere. McIntyre said it happened to him.

Cody tried to speak, but McIntyre told him that he wasn’t finished. McIntyre said that if Rollins was a real workhorse, they would have shot him dead after the first injury. McIntyre said that after 17 injuries, it’s time for him to take it from here. McIntyre dropped Rollins with a Glasgow Kiss. Cody punched McIntyre, ducked a return shot, and then punched him again to clear McIntyre from the ring. McIntyre smiled while he held his jaw at ringside…

Footage aired from earlier in the day of Becky Lynch arriving at the building at 2:37 p.m. CT, and of Kayden Carter and Katana Chance arriving three minutes later. Cole hyped the upcoming four-way tag team qualifier for after the first commercial break… [C]

Powell’s POV: McIntyre is so much fun right now., That’s two legitimately injured wrestlers that he’s attacked over the last two weeks. Meanwhile, I love that WWE isn’t muting the live crowd or acting like nothing happened as they would have done in the past. They aren’t hiding from the reaction to Rock taking the title match and it’s making for truly compelling television.

1. “DIY” Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa vs. Julius Creed and Brutus Creed vs. Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci vs. “New Day” Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods in a four-way tag team match qualifier. Three teams were in the ring coming out of the break and then the Kingston and Woods entrance was televised. Kaiser ran Kingston through the ropes and into the post, then sent him to ringside with a running kick. [C]

There were a series of dives onto wrestlers at ringside that included Julius performed a Swanton onto the pile. Woods went up top, but Ciampa cut him off and then hoisted him onto his back and dove onto the pile on the floor, which left everyone down. [C]

Brutus caught Vinci an ankle lock while Julius performed suplexes on a few opponents and then a double suplex. The ankle lock was finally broken up by multiple wrestlers. The New Day duo fought Kaiser and Vinci on the floor. Brutus went up top and hit the four wrestlers at ringside with a Brutus Ball.

Brutus rolled Vinci inside the ring. Brutus went up top and performed the Brutus Ball, but Ciampa tagged himself in before Brutus executed the move. Ciampa and Gargano hit Meet in the Middle on Vinci and then Ciampa pinned him…

“DIY” Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa defeated Julius Creed and Brutus Creed, Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci, and “New Day” Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods in 17:30 in a four-way tag team match qualifier.

A graphic listed Pete Dunne and Tyler Bate vs. Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa for Smackdown with the winning team earning a shot at the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles at Elimination Chamber. Cole mistakenly identified Dunne as Butch before correcting himself…

Powell’s POV: Really hard work from everyone involved. I thought we might see the heel team go over since a babyface team won the Smackdown four-way, but the Dunne and Bate vs. DIY should be a lot of fun.

Shayna Baszler delivered a backstage promo and talked about tearing Becky Lynch apart limb by limb…

Becky Lynch was shown walking through the backstage area and she said she had to be perfect when she faced Baszler because her future is on the line. Lynch made her entrance… [C]

Baszler made her entrance…

2. Becky Lynch vs. Shayna Baszler in an Elimination Chamber qualifying match. Cole noted that the winner of the Elimination Chamber match will earn the right to face Rhea Ripley at WrestleMania. Zoey Stark was shown watching the match on a backstage monitor while Cole said Stark will face Liv Morgan in a qualifier next week.

Cole said that if Lynch qualified, it would be her first Elimination Chamber match. Cole said it surprised him to learn this because she’s been involved in nearly everything in WWE. Baszler had Lynch down at ringside with had her hand stuffed inside one of the holes in the ring steps. Baszler kicked Lynch’s arm. [C] Liv Morgan was shown watching the match on a backstage television.

[Hour Two] Lynch set up for a Manhandle Slam, but Baszler avoided it and put her in an ankle lock. Lynch rolled out of it and sent Baszler to the apron. Lynch threw punches and a kick at Baszler, then missed a stomp from the ropes.

Baszler, who targeted Lynch’s left arm throughout the match, wrenched the same arm over the top rope. Baszler went to the ropes and was cut off by Lynch, who superplexed her. Lynch went for an armbar, but Baszler blocked it and performed a gut-wrench slam that led to a two count.

A short time later, Lynch went for the armbar, but Baszler countered out of it. Lynch avoided a running knee and then put Baszler down with a Manhandle Slam and pinned her…

Becky Lynch defeated Shayna Baszler in 12:40 to qualify for the Elimination Chamber match.

Powell’s POV: A well worked match. It really is a shame that Baszler was so poorly booked after she was called up from NXT. They did so much damage to her and she has yet to recover. It is pretty wild that this will be Lynch’s first Elimination Chamber match. She has to be considered the favorite to win and then go on to face Rhea Ripley at WrestleMania.

Liv Morgan was interviewed by Cathy Kelley on the backstage ring set. Morgan said she had nearly a full year taken away from her due to injury. She said that’s a really long time. Morgan looked into the camera and said next week is about her revenge and her revenge is about Rhea Ripley…

Cole set up footage of Shinsuke Nakamura spraying mist in the eyes of Cody Rhodes while they were backstage at a WWE live event over the weekend. Cole hyped their bull rope match for later in the show. McAfee called it a throwback match, a cowboy match, and we’re lining up bulls and beating the hell out of each other match… [C]

Backstage, Raw general manager Adam Pearce scolded Drew McIntyre for taking out CM Punk and Seth Rollins even though they were not medically cleared. Pearce indicated that he fined McIntyre and threatened to double it if he continued to wear his t-shirt mocking Punk. They both noticed Rhea Ripley’s entrance video starting on the television behind them…

Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley made her entrance for an in-ring promo. Ripley acknowledged that Becky Lynch just qualified for Elimination Chamber, then got fired up and called for a match against Nia Jax.

Adam Pearce walked out and said this wasn’t the time. Pearce entered the ring and told Ripley that she will get Jax in a title match at the Elimination Chamber event.

Nia Jax made her entrance. Pearce left the ring and tried to block Jax, who shoved him aside and then punched Ripley while on the apron. Jax entered the ring and brawled with Ripley. Pearce called for help. Security pulled Ripley off of Jax, who then performed a corner splash on Ripley before taking out the security guards with ease. Jax performed an Annihilator on Ripley…

Powell’s POV: Another good heat building segment for Jax. Ripley is going to be mega over in her native Australia at Elimination Chamber.

The broadcast team spoke at ringside and set up footage from Smackdown of Royal Rumble winner Bayley choosing to face Iyo Sky for the WWE Women’s Championship at WrestleMania XL…

Cole said it’s not official, but it appears that The Rock and Roman Reigns are on a collision course “perhaps at WrestleMania.” Mainstream headlines were shown regarding the potential match. Cole said Rock’s appearance sparked controversy. He asked if the match would become official and then said we would find out at the WrestleMania XL Kickoff press conference on Thursday. Cole said that he and McAfee will be hosting the press conference…

Ivar and Valhalla made their entrance while their opponents were already inside the ring….

3. Ivar and Valhalla vs. Akira Tozawa and Maxxine Dupri. Cole was upset because Valhalla didn’t wear antlers to the ring. Ivar caught Tozawa going for a dive and then held him up until Dupri jumped onto them, which led to Tozawa getting a two count. A short time later, Ivar pulled Tozawa up to the middle rope and then powerslammed and pinned him…

Ivar and Valhalla beat Akira Tozawa and Maxxine Dupri in 2:05.

Powell’s POV: I guess this was Ivar getting his win back after taking a recent upset loss to Tozawa.

Highlights aired of the male Judgment Day members taking out R-Truth and The Miz during last week’s Raw…

Backstage, Damian Priest and Finn Balor spoke about their potential Elimination Chamber opponents and said it makes no difference. Dominik Mysterio showed up and said Ripley was good, but she wasn’t happy and needed space.

R-Truth showed up and acted like nothing happened. McDonagh said he was about to wipe the floor with Truth’s buddy Miz in their match. Truth assumed that last week was a re-initiation. Balor said there was no initiation and asked Truth what planet he was on before walking away. Priest gave up and told Truth to make himself at home. McDonagh and Dom made their entrance… [C]

Cole plugged WWE heritage month t-shirts benefitting Ad Council…

The Miz was interviewed by Jackie Redmond. Miz said Truth still believes he is in Judgment Day. Miz said he doesn’t know if that makes Truth crazy or a genius. Miz said Truth finds a line between crazy and genius and that’s why we love him. Miz said JD McDonagh and Judgment Day have no idea what he has in store for them. Miz made his entrance…

4. The Miz vs. JD McDonagh (w/Dominik Mysterio). Miz got the better of McDonagh to start the match and then clotheslined him to the floor. Miz followed and ran McDonagh into the barricade, causing him to tumble into the timekeepers area.

Miz suplexed McDonagh back onto the ringside floor. Once McDonagh was back in the ring, Miz set up for a move and was stopped by Dom while the referee’s back was turned. McDonagh knocked Miz off the apron and into the broadcast table. [C]

R-Truth made his entrance while McDonagh had Miz down. Truth brought out a bucket filled with t-shirts, which he tossed to the crowd. Miz took advantage of the distraction by taking McDonagh down. Miz performed a crossbody block from the middle rope for a two count.

Miz played to the crowd, which was still distracted by Truth’s presence. Miz set up for his finisher, but McDonagh avoided it. Miz sent McDonagh to ringside and then kicked Dom through the ropes. Truth put one of the shirts on Dom and it covered his arms so that he couldn’t move them. Miz hit Dom with a boot to the head.

Back in the ring, McDonagh put Miz down and then hit him with a top rope moonsault for a near fall. Truth hopped on the apron and presented McDonagh with a wad of cash in t-shirt royalties. Miz used the distraction to hit McDonagh with the Skull Crushing Finale and then pinned him…

The Miz defeated JD McDonagh in roughly 9:00.

After the match, the broadcast team pondered whether Truth screwed up or did it to help Miz. Truth was shown scooping up the cash that went flying when Miz hit McDonagh with his finisher. Truth went to the stage and celebrated with Miz before they headed to the back…

Powell’s POV: I like the way Miz and the broadcast team framed Truth as potentially be crazy or crazy like a fox. I’m not really sure what Miz’s big plan was for Judgement Day, but I suppose he did win the match.

A vignette spotlighted Kayden Carter and Katana Chance while they included brief comments about facing The Kabuki Warriors for the tag titles. “Once we get our hands on you, party over,” the duo closed… Cole hyped the match for later in the show…

Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci spoke with Adam Pearce inside his office. Kaiser grilled Pearce to make sure everything would be perfect for Gunther’s celebration of 600 days as the Intercontinental Champion. There was a knock on the door.

Bron Breakker entered the office. Pearce was all smiles and asked Kaiser and Vinci if they had met Breakker. The duo left without saying another word. Pearce started to go over the terms of the contract that he was offering Breakker… [C]

Footage aired of CM Punk undergoing surgery last week to repair the torn triceps in his right arm. Punk said he was in a lot of pain. He said he can power through pain. He said the mental aspect is tougher than the physical part. Cole said Punk is expected to be “out of action for a number of months”…

Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci stood in the ring dressed in black suits. There were four white pillars in the ring. Kaiser introduced Gunther, who made his entrance while a graphic noted that he was on day 605 of his title reign. Pyro shot off once Gunther was in the ring. Gunther said to the surprise of absolutely nobody, he was celebrating the jubilee of 600 days as champion.

[Hour Three] Gunther told Kaiser he really appreciated the gesture, but he didn’t want it anymore. Gunther said it’s all a given regardless of the number of days. Gunther one thing that will never chance is him being the greatest and longest reigning Intercontinental Champion of all-time. Gunther said he is running out of competition and there is no one worthy of challenging him.

Jey Uso made his entrance. Once in the ring, Jey played to the crowd while the Imperium members looked at him like he had three heads. Jey told the crowd he was in their city. Gunther said he gets it, simple gestures for simple people. Gunther recalled eliminating Jey from the Royal Rumble. He said he expected Jey would want a word with him, but this wasn’t the way.

Jey said he wasn’t disrespecting Gunther and acknowledged that he’s the longest reigning IC Champion. Gunther said Jey is one of the most decorated tag team wrestlers of all-time and praised him for being part of the greatest tag team in WWE history. Gunther said Jey even holds the record for longest tag team title reign.

Gunther said the best part is that Jey only had to put in 50 percent of the work for it. Gunther said he achieved everything he has by doing all the work on his own. Jey ran through his credentials and told the crowd to say Yeet if they want him to be the new Intercontinental Champion.

Gunther congratulated Jey for developing the courage to try to do something for himself after 15 years. He said Jey won’t be the last person to try to make a name for themselves off of him. He said he would beat him so badly that he’ll long for the good old days when people couldn’t tell him and his brother apart.

Gunther said “Uce” and then shoulder blocked Jey, who backed up and then tackled Gunther. Kaiser and Vinci attacked Jey. Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods ran out, which ran off the Imperium trio. Woods said they had three-on-three…

Powell’s POV: The segment was solid with Gunther doing the heavy lifting. I love the idea of a Gunther vs. Jey feud. Will they do the match at Elimination Chamber so that Jey is free to have a match with Jimmy Uso at WrestleMania?

The broadcast team hyped the WrestleMania XL press conference again…

A Shinsuke Nakamura video aired with subtitles. He said Cody chose to fight him in a bull rope match because he thought it would give him an advantage, but he will just embarrass his family when Nakamura beats him in the match that his family made famous. Nakamura said he hears people saying they want Cody. “No, no, no, no I want Cody,” Nakamura concluded…

Cole explained that Cody and Nakamura would be tied together with a 14-foot rope with an iron cowbell in between. Cole said everything is legal and the winner would be determined via pinfall or submission…

Kayden Carter and Katana Chance made their entrance for the tag team title match… [C] The WrestleMania XL video aired and concluded with a shot of Rock and Roman Reigns engaged in a staredown. We are 61 days away… The Kabuki Warriors made their entrance. Cole questioned whether Asuka and Sane would be 100 percent after Bayley attacked them with a pipe on Smackdown…

5. “The Kabuki Warriors” Asuka and Kairi Sane vs. Kayden Carter and Katana Chance for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles. Samantha Irvin delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. The teams of Piper Niven and Chelsea Green, Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell, and Tegan Nox and Natalya were shown watching the match together in the backstage area. All four wrestlers ended up at ringside. Chance got a running start and then Carter hoisted her onto the champions. [C]

Chance performed a top rope double stomp onto the back of Sane, who was draped over the middle rope. Chance covered Sane for a two count. Asuka tagged in and the champions ended up hitting simultaneous running knee strikes on Chance, which led to a two count.

Carter and Chance came back and hit the Afterparty on Asuka. Carter had Asuka pinned, but Sane broke it up. Carter and Chance went for the Keg Stand, but Sane tripped up Carter from ringside. Asuka threw a kick at Chance’s head and then tagged in Sane, who hit the Insane Elbow on Chance before pinning her…

“The Kabuki Warriors” Asuka and Kairi Sane defeated Kayden Carter and Katana Chance in 9:50 to retain the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles.

Powell’s POV: The match was fine, but this was as quiet as the crowd was all night. They reacted a bit to some of the bigger moves, but they never got truly invested in the match. The women’s tag team division continues to feel really cold.

Footage aired from 4:50 p.m. CT of Sami Zayn being interviewed in the empty arena by Jackie Redmond, who asked him what was going through his mind and how much of hit had to do with Drew McIntyre. Zayn conceded that it had a little to do with McIntyre. He recalled coming close to beating Roman Reigns one year ago at the Elimination Chamber.

Zayn recalled Triple H pulling him aside and telling him that he had nothing to be disappointed by. Zayn recalled Triple H saying that he was Rocky (Balboa). Zayn said he will still fight like an underdog, but he’s a contender now. Redmond asked Zayn if he still felt like he had something to prove. Zayn said he wants to prove to the people that they didn’t believe in him for nothing. He said proving them right is what it’s all about…

Powell’s POV: Has anyone told Paul Levesque not to bother giving CM Punk the Rocky speech?

Shinsuke Nakamura was shown warming up in the backstage area while Cole hyped the main event… [C] The broadcast team pimped San Francisco 49ers and Kansas City Chiefs title belts…

The following matches were announced for next week’s Raw in Lexington, Kentucky: Jey Uso, Kofi Kingston, and Xavier Woods vs. “Imperium” Gunther, Ludwig Kaiser, and Giovanni Vinci, R-Truth vs. JD McDonagh, and Liv Morgan vs. Zoey Stark in an Elimination Chamber qualifier…

Cole and McAfee plugged the WrestleMania press conference again…

Cody Rhodes made his entrance. Cole asked if Roman Reigns will face The Rock at WrestleMania and whether Seth Rollins will face Cody Rhodes. Cole said they hope to find out on Thursday at the press conference. Shinsuke Nakamura made his entrance. Cole said he knows McAfee wants to dance, but Nakamura is in a very different place now. McAfee said he couldn’t support Nakamura due to the things he’s done to Cody. Cole said it was the first bull rope match in WWE in nearly 17 years, and Dusty Rhodes competed in that match…

6. Cody Rhodes vs. Shinsuke Nakamura in a Bull Rope match. Cole said the bull rope they were using was the same one that Dusty Rhodes and “Superstar” Billy Graham used in 1977. Cody’s arm was tied to the bull rope first. Nakamura attacked Cody once it was also strapped around his wrist. They ended up at ringside and Cody sent Nakamura over the barricade. [C]

Cole questioned why Cody said what he did to Reigns on Friday, then he and McAfee played up how big Reigns vs. Rock would be. Cole said they would talk about it on Thursday and he hoped to get answers to all of the questions. In the ring, Cody put Nakamura in the Figure Four. Nakamura grabbed the cowbell and hit Cody with it to break the hold heading into the final break. [C]

Late in the match, Cody hit a Pedigree for a near fall. Cody wound up to hit Nakamura with the cowbell, but Nakamura sprayed mist in Cody’s eyes. Cody put Nakamura down with CrossRhodes for another near fall. Nakamura worked over Cody with the cowbell. Cody blocked a Kinshasa and then crotched Nakamura with the rope twice before hitting CrossRhodes and pinning him.

Cody Rhodes defeated Shinsuke Nakamura in 16:50 in a Bull Rope match.

Cole said it was like Cody was trying to drive all of the emotion of the last few days out of his body. Cole said Cody was turning his attention to Las Vegas and the press conference on Friday. Suddenly, Drew McIntyre hit Cody from behind. McIntyre worked over Cody and then hit him with a Claymore Kick. McIntyre kipped up and removed his t-shirt. A graphic listed Jey Uso, Kofi Kingston, Xavier Wood, Zoey Stark, The Miz, and R-Truth for Raw Talk…

Powell’s POV: They have officially squeezed every bit of juice there was to get out of the Cody vs. Nakamura feud. For as over as Cody is, the live crowd was invested, yet not for the main event. I will be back shortly with my weekly same night audio review of Raw for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of Raw by grading it below.

WWE Raw Poll: Grade the February 5 edition

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Readers Comments (7)

  1. So the next challengers for the men’s tag belts are guaranteed to be boring, vanilla midgets.

  2. It’s not going to happen, but speaking as an Australian – if Rhea Ripley isn’t wearing green and gold on February 24 I’m lodging a protest!

    • I agree, this being the first big WWE event in Australia in a long-time, Rhea should wear green & gold. Perfect opponent for her too with Nia Jax who’s from Australia as well.

    • Maybe the eye makeup? There’s got to be a way to sneak it in there without hurting the current look.

  3. Satanic Warmaster February 5, 2024 @ 11:07 pm

    At some point Cody has to be himself already without the constant feeling that he’s the Dusty Rhodes Memorial Traveling Roadshow.

    • I actually thought the same thing. I lost my dad as well, so over the course of losing him I would do subtle things to honor him. When it comes to Cody, I think it’s too over-the-top. At this point, I feel like Cody is more Dusty then himself.

  4. Usually St. Louis has very good crowds, but this one of the worst they’ve ever had as they were too quiet at times tonight. I expect the crowds to be quieter in the bigger cities, but this was too quiet. San Diego still has the best crowd since Day One this year and Tampa was decent last week.

    The crowd was a bit better during the Becky Lynch vs. Shayna Baszler match as fans are usually invested into Becky matches in general. This was actually a pretty good, but it’s a shame like you mentioned that since Shayna has been on the main roster, she just hasn’t been booked well. I do like her in a tag team with Zoey Stark though right now.

    It’s going to be difficult to predict, but I think Liv will win the Elimination Chamber as she still has her revenge story against Rhea and since Liv is from nearby Jersey, it might make sense to have her win it this year, and you can run Becky vs. Rhea next year at WM by having Becky win the Rumble.

    That Rhea Ripley & Nia Jax segment was incredible as I’ve gotta say since Nia Jax returned in September, this is the best booking they’ve ever had for her. She gets real heat from the crowd too. She looks like a real threat, I am shocked that she’s been booked this well. It almost makes you want to see her as a champion. I would have Nia Jax be on the same show as Bayley since she’s likely turning face, and have Nia be the one to beat Bayley. Both Aussies should be awesome and I wouldn’t mind seeing them build up Indi Hartwell at some point and having her be the one to beat Rhea down in Australia in a few years if Becky doesn’t get it done.

    That tag team match with The Kabuki Warriors and Katana Chance & Kayden Carter was amazing. The crowd not being in it, took a lot away from it. I was pissed at the crowd about that one. Maybe both team, not including Asuka herself needs to still be promoted since they’re kind still new on the scene. This is why I think having the titles on Katana & Kayden was important, but so far HHH is doing a great job of rebuilding this women’s tag team division with actual teams. I think it will pay off in the future where more casual fans care about them.

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