AEW Collision results (1/13): Powell’s review of House of Black vs. FTR and Daniel Garcia, Bishop Kaun, Toa Liona, and Brian Cage vs. Lance Archer and The Righteous for the ROH Six-Man Tag Team Titles

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Collision (Episode 30)
Norfolk, Virginia at Chartway Arena
Aired live January 13, 2024 on TNT

[Hour One] The Collision opening video aired… Tony Schiavone, Kevin Kelly, Nigel McGuinness were on commentary, and Dasha was the ring announcer…

Adam Copeland made his entrance dressed in his gear. Once in the ring, Copeland spotted a sign noting that it was a fan’s first time seeing him. Copeland told the fan it was good to meet him. Copeland asked who would step up for his open challenge.

Lee Moriarty walked out and Shane Taylor followed. Taylor said that if Copeland wanted a fight, all he had to do was ask. Taylor said Shane Taylor Promotions is the baddest fight team on the planet. Taylor praised Moriarty and set up a video package on him.

Once in the ring, Moriarty said he’s the prize fighter of STP and one of the best young technicians in the world. He said he would prove it by making Copeland tap out “in the middle of my ring.” Copeland said Moriarty better be able to back up the check he was trying to cash or he would beat the hell out of him…

1. Adam Copeland vs. Lee Moriarty (w/Shane Taylor). Moriarty had had his left shoulder taped. The broadcast team ran through the show’s lineup as the match got underway. Moriarty performed a second rope missile dropkick. Moriarty winced after hitting the mat heading into a picture-in-picture break. [C]

Copeland went on the offensive, but Moriarty caught him on the ropes and arm dragged him. Moriarty reached for his neck or shoulder again. Moriarty put Copeland in the Border City Stretch, which Copeland broke by reaching the ropes.

Copeland regrouped and threw punches to Moriarty’s injured area, then performed a fallaway slam from the middle rope. Copeland set up for a spear, but he was distracted by Taylor jawing at him. Moriarty used the distraction to hit Copeland with a big boot in the corner.

Copeland slipped out to ringside and speared Taylor. Moriarty kicked Copeland from the ring. Back inside the ring, Moriarty put Copeland in the Border City Stretch. Copeland rolled out of it and they traded punches. Copeland got the better of it and then threw elbow strikes at Moriarty until the referee stepped in. The referee let Moriarty continue. Copeland kicked Moriarty and eventually applied his Grindhouse finisher and got the submission win.

Adam Copeland defeated Lee Moriarty in 11:15.

After the match, Copeland took the mic and told Christian Cage that he’s still coming for his “scrawny ass.” Copeland went to ringside and took a selfie with the fan who had the sign noting that he was seeing him for the first time…

Powell’s POV: A well worked match. There was zero mystery regarding the outcome, but Copeland was over big with the live crowd and Moriarty looked good in defeat.

Lexi Nair interviewed Dax Harwood, Cash Wheeler, and Daniel Garcia on the backstage set and asked if they could get along. The FTR duo said he thought they could get along after what happened last week. Garcia said Collision is where he needs to be if he wants to grow. He added that the House of Black would finally get what they have coming to them…

Schiavone hyped the ROH Six-Man Tag Title for after the break… [C]

Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara were interviewed by Nair on the backstage set. Guevara said Ricky Starks and Big Bill have been great champions, but their reign would end tonight. Jericho said they would take it to the streets of Norfolk and said they would walk out as champions…

Bobby Cruise conducted the introductions for the ROH Six-Man Tag Title match…

2. Bishop Kaun, Toa Liona, and Brian Cage (w/Prince Nana) vs. Lance Archer and “The Righteous” Vincent and Dutch (w/Jake Roberts) for the ROH Six-Man Tag Titles. Cage had his right shoulder and arm heavily taped after revealing online that he is working through a torn lat.

Cage and Archer started. Cage performed a German suplex on Archer before tagging out. A short time later, all six men brawled heading into a PIP break. [C] Dutch performed an impressive Bossman Slam on Liona and then performed a flip over the top rope onto all three opponents on the floor.

Archer set up for his finisher on Kaun, but Nana grabbed Kaun to stop it. Roberts ran over and punched out Nana. A “you still got it” chant broke out. Moments later, Liona drilled Vincent with a big shoulder block. Kaun had Vincent beat, but Cage broke up the pin. Kaun and Vincent traded two counts. Kaun performed a Pedigree on Vincent and then pinned him.

Bishop Kaun, Toa Liona, and Brian Cage defeated Lance Archer and “The Righteous” Vincent and Dutch in 11:45 to retain the ROH Six-Man Tag Titles.

After the match, Nana took the mic and said his men were the greatest six-man champions of all-time. He said the Bang Bang Gang (Bullet Club Gold) wants six-man titles, but they have a boss who couldn’t beat Swerve Strickland in the Continental Classic. Nana challenged Bullet Club Gold to a six-man tag match for Dynamite… [C]

Powell’s POV: Despite this being a heel trio facing another heel trio, the live crowd was engaged. I would have no idea that Cage was injured had he not put it out there online. Okay, so all the tape is giveaway, but he didn’t seem to be favoring his bad arm.

Lexy Nair interviewed Preston Vance while Jose stood by. Roderick Strong, Matt Taven, and Mike Bennett interrupted. Vance said when he beats Orange Cassidy, he’ll give Strong all the time he wants while kicking his ass too…

Powell’s POV: I have no idea whether fans are supposed to like or dislike Vance.

3. Dustin Rhodes vs. Willie Mack. Both entrances were televised. Mack caught Rhodes with a leaping kick early and then followed up with a standing moonsault that produced a two count. Mack went for a top rope frog splash that Rhodes avoided. Dustin performed a Destroyer and followed up with a powerslam for a two count. Dustin performed CrossRhodes and a suplex before getting the three count.

Dustin Rhodes beat Willie Mack in 4:05.

Afterward, Dustin helped Mack to his feet and hugged him…

Powell’s POV: A brief, yet competitive match with the favorite going over clean again.

Bullet Club Gold members Jay White, Austin Gunn, and Colten Gunn stood on the interview set and applauded. They acted impressed and then said they would take the ROH Six-Man Tag Titles home with them on Wednesday…

The broadcast team officially announced Brian Cage, Toa Liona, and Bishop Kaun vs. Jay White, Austin Gunn, and Colten Gunn for the ROH Six-Man Tag Titles. They also reminded viewers of the previously advertised Samoa Joe vs. Hook match for the AEW World Championship…

Hook was shown arriving backstage… [C]

Dustin Rhodes was interviewed by Paquette on the interview set. Christian Cage, Nick Wayne, Shayna Wayne, and Killshot interrupted. Cage told Dustin that if he’s a friend of Copeland, then he’s an enemy of his. Dustin got fired up while talking about being a 35-year veteran and how he’s wanted the TNT Title since he arrived in AEW.

Cage said it’s a shame that Dustin’s father isn’t around to see him try to fulfill his dream. Christian said Dustin’s father is a legend, yet no one uses that word to describe Dustin. Rhodes told Cage that a storm is coming for him and he’s going to tap dance all over his ass…

Powell’s POV: A quick and effective build for Christian vs. Dustin on Wednesday.

Hangman Page made his entrance. JD Drake and Anthony Henry came out next…

4. Hangman Page vs. JD Drake (w/Anthony Henry). Schiavone announced that Hook went to Tony Khan and told him that he wants to wrestle during the show even though he’s challenging for the AEW World Championship on Wednesday.

[Hour Two] Page performed a standing shooting star press on Drake and got a two count. Drake rolled to the apron and regrouped with Henry. Page kicked Drake from behind. Page tried to dive onto both men, but they moved. Drake threw Page into the ropes and punched him heading into a PIP break. [C]

Footage aired from during the break of Henry getting involved at ringside. Page performed a top rope crossbody block for a two count. A short time later, Page put Drake down with a Death Valley Driver for a near fall.

Page sold low back pain and then failed to get Drake up for a Deadeye, but he was able to perform a back body drop. Drake came back and hit a cannonball in the corner before Page avoided his top rope moonsault attempt. Page went to the apron and jumped over Henry’s attempt to interfere. Page moonsaulted off the apron onto Henry, then rushed back to the apron and hit the Buckshot Lariat on Drake and pinned him.

Hangman Page defeated JD Drake in 10:40.

After the match, Page stopped at ringside and hugged his mother before heading to the back… [C]

Powell’s POV: Good work from both men. Page was over big in his home area.

5. Deonna Purrazzo vs. Red Velvet. Both entrances were televised. Purrazzo caught Velvet in an early Fujiwara armbar, but Velvet reached the ropes and slid to the floor. Purrazzo kicked her through the ropes and sent her back inside the ring. Purrazzo applied a Koji Clutch that Velvet broke by rolling on top of her.

Velvet bent Purrazzo’s arm and then stomped it. Velvet picked up a two count. Purrazzo eventually came back with two pump kicks and a Russian Leg Sweep. Purrazzo eventually won with the Venus de Milo submission hold…

Deonna Purrazzo defeated Red Velvet in 6:15.

Schiavone and a graphic listed Hook as being in action… [C]

Powell’s POV: A good showcase for Purrazzo. Velvet got some offense in, but there was never any real question as to which wrestler would go over.

Hook made his entrance while his opponent was already in the ring…

6. FTW Champion Hook vs. Kevin Matthews. Hook stood in the corner and faced the crowd. Matthews charged Hook, who moved, causing Matthews to crash into the corner. They ended up at ringside where Hook suplexed Matthews on the ramp. Hook tossed Matthews back inside the ring and followed him. Hook applied Redrum and got the submission win.

Hook defeated Kevin Matthews in 1:10.

After the match, Hook looked into the camera and told Samoa Joe that he would see him on Wednesday…

Powell’s POV: Matthews went by KM in Impact Wrestling. This was exactly what it needed to be. Yes, it was another spotlight match, but Hook went over in dominant fashion heading into his title match.

The broadcast team listed the following matches and segments for AEW Dynamite: Samoa Joe vs. Hook for the AEW World Championship, The Young Bucks speak, Christian Cage vs. Dustin Rhodes for the TNT Title, Brian Cage, Toa Liona, and Bishop Kaun vs. Jay White, Austin Gunn, and Colten Gunn for the ROH Six-Man Tag Titles…

Entrances for the main event took place…

7. “House of Black” Malakai Black, Brody King, and Buddy Matthews vs. Daniel Garcia and “FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler. Matt Menard sat in on commentary. Early in the match, Black had Garcia down when Black teased doing Garcia’s dance and then flipped him off. The babyface trio returned the favor by sitting crosslegged in the ring while Harwood flipped double birds to the heels heading into a PIP break. [C]

The House of Black trio controlled the offense heading into another PIP break. [C] There was a wild sequence that left all six wrestlers down either in the ring or at ringside. An “AEW” chant was followed by a “this is awesome” chant.

The HOB members set up for moves from the ropes. Wheeler broke free from Matthews and then helped Harwood knock King off the ropes. Garcia got Black in Electric Chair position and then tagged Harwood, who went up top and bulldogged Black, which led to a near fall. A “fight forever” chant broke out.

Harwood set up Black for a move from the ropes while Wheeler wanted in another corner. Matthews took out Wheeler, but Garcia took his place on the ropes. Harwood superplexed Wheeler. Garcia went for a top rope splash, but Black put his knees up. Black put Harwood in a kneebar, but Harwood reached the ropes to break it.

King ran Wheeler into the barricade at ringside and then sat him on a chair and splashed him. In the ring, Harwood and Black fought on the ropes. Black got help from Matthews and knocked Harwood down. Black performed a dive onto Garcia on the floor. Matthews powerbombed Harwood and picked him up and did it again for a two count.

Garcia came back with a backslide for a two count. Harwood put Matthews down with a piledriver and covered him for a near fall. Harwood tried to stop Black from returning to the ring, but he gave up on him and went to the opposite side to prevent King from returning. King shoved Harwood into Black’s spin kick. Matthews followed up with a Stomp on Harwood and then pinned him.

“House of Black” Malakai Black, Brody King, and Buddy Matthews defeated Daniel Garcia and “FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler in 24:40.

After the match, Menard checked on Garcia at ringside. King attacked Menard and then threw him inside the ring where he was surrounded by all three HOB members. Black took out Menard with his spin kick finisher. Wheeler and Garcia cleared King and Mathews from the ring with chairs. King returned to the ring and Garcia and Harwood elevated King while Wheeler capped off the Shatter Machine.

The babyfaces stood tall while the broadcast team hyped the Battle of the Belts special. The cameras cut to the back lot where Ricky Starks and Big Bill were brawling with Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara near a production truck to lead into the Battle of the Belts special…

Powell’s POV: A great main event that is absolutely worth going out of your way to see. There were also some quality spotlight matches that were all solid individually, yet collectively felt inconsequential. Fortunately, the main event saved the show. I will be back later with my Battle of the Belts review. Will Pruett has the week off, so I will be filling in for him with the Collision and BOTB combo audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons) either very late tonight or on Sunday.


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