Hornswoggle on working with Vince McMahon, his favorite WWE storyline, whether he knew his release was coming

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

PWMania interview with guest Hornswoggle
Interview conducted by Lee Tarrier
Interview available at PWMania.com

Working with Vince McMahon: “He was always approachable, completely with me. He was always approachable always had the office door open for me to pop in and ask something. I feel that when people say unapproachable or standoffish, or the negative stuff it was because he didn’t automatically go with their idea. And nine times out of ten, their idea was to be world champion.”

His favorite WWE storyline that he was involved in: “Vince’s son for sure. Loved it. When they started the mystery of who the son is, we were two weeks in and Stephanie McMahon walked up to me backstage to do this shot and she goes, ‘this is going to be big.’ And I go ‘Yeah.’ She goes, ‘It’s gonna be big.’ And I didn’t realize how big it was gonna be. It was the biggest thing I’ve ever done. Just unexpected and every week doing something or multiple things. There was the 15th anniversary Raw, I was on five segments that show like, I opened the show, and then I was the closing shot of that show. It was a whirlwind man and then all the house shows it was just busiest I could have ever been and it was a it was a moment in time where I never like I never expected it to be as big as it got.”

If he knew his WWE release was coming: “Yeah, it was, I mean, I knew it was coming. I just didn’t know when. I was off the road for probably a year and a half. I just knew it was coming. I knew any moment. But knowing it’s coming and it actually happening are two very different things, obviously. And I had a young son at the time, I was a single dad. So it’s a very world changing and life changing thing to happen. Going from your dream job, making great money to nothing is a big reality check. I’d say like everything kind of paused and I had to take a deep breath and go alright, what now? But hey, when I got hired, they told me this is gonna be a six month gig. And it was somehow two weeks under ten years, but I made it work. Yeah, I’m either decent at my job or I stayed under the radar really well.”

Other topics include working with Vince McMahon, the anonymous General Manager storyline, details behind the Wee L C match, and more.


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