Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” episode nine results: Vetter’s review of The Philly Marino Experience vs. Matt Taven and Mike Bennett for the Glory Pro Tag Titles, Chris Hendrix vs. Mason St. Goods

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” (episode nine)
Premiered November 3, 2023 via
Taped October 25, 2023 in Collinsville, Illinois at The Gateway Center

This is the first episode from the October taping in Collinsville, which is a St. Louis suburb. The lighting is decent. Reed Duffy is back on solo commentary.

1. Camaro Jackson, Moses the Deliverer, and Tootie Lynn defeated Mike Outlaw, Rahim De LaSuede, and Ethan Price (w/Mason St. Goods) at 9:31. Outlaw’s team are the heels; Price recently left his tag partner, Moses. Outlaw and Moses traded offense early. Camaro hit a Pounce. Tootie entered and hit a series of spin kicks on Rahim for a nearfall at 3:00. Outlaw chopped Tootie, and the heels worked her over in their corner. Moses finally made the hot tag at 7:00 and hit a tornado DDT on his former partner, Price.

The muscular Camaro hit a Sabin-style Cradle Shock. Price hit a spinebuster on Tootie. Price hit a running kick on Moses. Mason distracted the ref but Ethan decided not to use a weapon. Camaro and Moses hit a clothesline-and-German Suplex combo to pin Price. Good match. Interesting that they told a story throughout the match that Price didn’t want to cheat, as it sure looked like he turned heel last month. “Maybe I was wrong,” Duffy said. Outlaw, St. Goods and Rahim turned on Price and stomped on him afterward. Moses returned to save his former partner from a further beatdown! They hugged and the crowd cheered.

2. Chris Hendrix defeated Mason St. Goods at 8:57. These are both slender, young Black men and they also were tag partners until recently. Mason has short hair, while Hendrix has shoulder-length dreadlocks. They immediately brawled to the floor. In the ring, St. Goods hit a clothesline at 2:30 and posed. Hendrix hit a springboard crossbody block and a top-rope Meteora double knees for a nearfall. Hendrix hit a standing Meteora, then a top-rope 450 Splash for the pin. Decent action. They are still a bit green but learning.

3. “The Philly Marino Experience” Philly Collins and Marino Tenaglia vs. “The Kingdom” Matt Taven and Mike Bennett for the Glory Pro Tag Team titles ended in a draw at 13:34. PME are the regulars here and the tag champs. Tenaglia has his wild hair in tight cornrows tonight. PME are party frat boy goofballs; I’ve seen a lot of them across the Midwest indies. Taven and Tenaglia traded blows. Philly hit a belly-to-belly suplex on Bennett for a nearfall at 3:30. PME hit a team sideslam on Taven for a nearfall at 5:30. Tenaglia hit a swinging Flatliner on Taven for a nearfall. Nice move. Tenaglie hit a top-rope dive to the floor onto Taven.

In the ring, Philly hit a Samoan Drop on Taven for a nearfall. Bennett hit a slingshot on Tenaglia into the corner at 9:00, and the Kingdom began working Marino over in their corner. Taven hit a Blue Thunder Bomb for a nearfall. Collins made the hot tag at 11:00 and hit some gut punches on Taven, then a modified spinebuster for a nearfall. Taven hit the Shining Wizard for a nearfall. Tenaglia hit a doublestomp on Taven’s back for a nearfall, but Bennett made the save at 13:00. Bennett hit a straight punch to Philly’s groin! PME somehow hit a team Flatliner move for a nearfall, but then The Crew (Rahim and Mike Outlaw) hit the ring and attacked everyone, causing the draw.

* Tenaglia got on the mic and he was upset and he wants to fight the heels RIGHT NOW. The Crew started to head to the back, but the Kingdom threw them into the ring, and we have an impromptu three-way!

4. “The Crew” Rahim De La Suede and Mike Outlaw defeated “The Philly Marino Experience” Philly Collins and Marino Tenaglia and “The Kingdom” Matt Taven and Mike Bennett in a three-way to win the Glory Pro Tag Team Titles at 1:16. PME and The Crew traded punches. Outlaw hit Tenaglia with one of the tag title belts and covered him for the pin. New champs! Reed Duffy was livid in the booth and he hoped this title change wasn’t going to be allowed to go through.

* Bennett got on the mic, saying he’s been able to wrestle all over the world, and he put over PME. PME and The Kingdom danced to Phil Collins’ “Sussudio” as the show came to a close. (I guess I’d like to see PME being a bit more upset about losing their titles, but they are apparently more interested in dancing.)

Final Thoughts: A really good main event, and the draw wasn’t much of a surprise, as I didn’t see the Kingdom being pinned, nor did I expect them to win the belts in a promotion where they don’t regularly compete. The ‘bonus main event’ wasn’t expected at all. The other two matches were fine, but the crispness of the main event showed how St. Goods and Hendrix are just not quite there yet. Just quite a contrast in in-ring skills from one match to the next. After two straight episodes that clocked in at about 30 minutes, this was back up to 53 minutes.


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