Fightt Pro Wrestling “Enter the Fightt Round 1” results: Vetter’s review of Tony Deppen vs. Delirious, Colby Corino vs. Logan Laroux, Eli Isom vs. World Famous CB, Rhett Titus vs. Anthony Bennett


By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Fightt Pro Wrestling “Enter the Fightt Round 1”
Replay available via IndependentWrestling.TV
September 10, 2022 in Westville, N.J. at SuperKrazee Entertainment Center

Fightt Pro Wrestling released this show earlier this month on IWTV, although it was filmed last year. Several additional episodes have now been released, though this is the first episode.

The crowd is in the 50-80 range; this is a dark boxing gym with black walls. There is a far-too-complicated scoring system, and wrestlers are broken into three categories: Hybrid, Grappling and Tag. There are different rules for each category. There is an onscreen, countdown clock for each match.

1. Tiny Tinaily defeated Damaris Dawkins at 4:00. These are “grapplers,” so there are no pinfalls; you must win by submission or knockout. Tiny is Puerto rican, and she looks a bit like Willow Nightengale. She tied up Damaris’ head, cranked back, and Dawkins submitted.

2. “DawgNation” Alan Clayball and Sage Matthews defeated Matt Quay and Leo Sparrow at 9:23. Dawg Nation wore baseball jerseys; one looks like Matt Jackson and the other looks like Jordan Oliver. Quay is a redhead with a big mullet. Sparrow looks a bit like Paul London; I’ve seen him once before. Quay and Sparrow were not getting along. Sparrow hit a moonsault for a nearfall at 8:30. However, one of the Dawg Nation guys hit a Swanton Bomb for the pin.

3. Rhett Titus defeated Anthony Bennett at 7:34. Bennett is a short Black man and he carried a martini glass to the ring. Titus hit some Helluva kicks, a backbreaker over his shoulder, and a dropkick to the face. The referee checked on Bennett and stopped the match; the commentators sold Rhett’s dropkick as being lethal.

* Matt Hayter gave a short promo, saying he’ll see us soon!

4. Eli Isom vs. World Famous CB ended in a time-limit draw at 20:25. CB, of course was known as Cheeseburger in Ring of Honor. He is one of the smallest wrestlers with zero muscle mass on his arms. I always liked Isom and hopes he still can break through. CB trained Isom, and they have teamed together frequently. They opened with mat reversals and it was slow-going early on. They just traded mat holds and this was almost devoid of any action. CB hit a Liger-style Shote strike for a nearfall at 17:30. In the final minute, Isom hit a second-rope superplex for a nearfall, but it was ruled a time-limit draw for the ref counted to three. Weird that my clock was right-on for most of the match, the on-screen clock vanished, and when it returned, it was off.

5. Logan Laroux defeated Colby Corino via ref stoppage at 10:25. Logan is a white man of average size. Corino hit a Samoan Drop at 3:30. He hit an Air Raid Crash for a nearfall at 9:00. They brawled to the floor, where Logan whipped Corino into chairs. In the ring, Logan hit a series of kneestrikes to the head that knocked Colby out, and the ref awarded the win to Laroux. I definitely consider this an upset.

* Laroux continued to beat on Corino after the match, until World Famous CB and Isom ran to the ring to make the save.

6. Delirious defeated Tony Deppen at 16:43. Because this match is a few months old, this occurred before Deppen broke his forearm in a match against Zack Sabre Jr. This match is why I tuned in. Delirious went crazy at the bell. This match as a 30-minute time limit. Deppen dominated the offense. Delirious hit his series of Hogan Legdrops at 9:30. He hit a roaring forearm for a nearfall at 12:30, but was selling a left knee injury. Delirious hit an enzuigiri; Deppen hit a jumping knee for a nearfall. Delirious nailed the Shadows Over Hell frogsplash to the back for the pin. Good match.

Final Thoughts: I would recommend watching the main event and skipping the rest. I felt like the rules were like doing homework… maybe I’d warm up to them, but it seemed overly complicated to have points for different types of wins, different ways to win matches for different categories, etc. I’m a huge fan of Delirious and that’s why I tuned in.

The Isom vs. Cheeseburger match was fought almost entirely on the mat; it may have looked realistic but it also struggled to keep my interest. I can only assume the clock in their time-limit draw was added in editing, as it was weird that the on-screen graphic — which had been right-on throughout the match — vanished and returned a bit later, and off, so that the timing of the draw happened right as Isom was going for the pin.


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