MLW Fusion results (6/22): Powell’s review of John Hennigan vs. Jacob Fatu for the MLW National Openweight Championship, SST vs. The Mane Event vs. The FBI in a Triple Threat for the MLW Tag Titles, Microman vs. Beastman

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling Fusion (Episode 170)
Taped April 6, 2023 in New York, New York at Melrose Ballroom
Streamed June 22, 2023 on the MLW YouTube Page and FITE.TV

Fusion opened with Jacob Fatu cutting a promo about The Calling getting the better of him on multiple occasions. Fatu said it would never happen again. Fatu said they don’t want the black flag of Contra, which he said never left him. Fatu said The Calling might divide all that, but they are going to “multiply every goddamn thing coming”…

Joe Dombrowski and Matt Striker checked in on commentary and hyped the main event. Dombrowski also said they would reveal the Delmi Exo’s challenger for the MLW Featherweight Championship at the Never Say Never… Ring announcer Mike Falvo introduced the participants for the opening match…

1. “The Samoan Swat Team” Juicy Finau and Lance Anoa’i vs. “The Mane Event” Jay Lyon and Midas Black vs. “The FBI” Little Guido and Ray Jaz in a Triple Threat for the MLW Tag Team Titles. All four challengers went after super heavyweight Finau, who threw them all off. Finau and Anoa’i followed up by splashing each challenger in the four corners of the ring.

The challenging teams cleared SST from the ring and then squared off briefly. Jaz performed an early pescado. Guido teased a dive of his own, but thought better of it. Black held up his ring and then Lyon dove through it and the ropes and onto opponents on the floor. Anoa’i tossed Lyon off the top rope onto the pile below, and then performed a flip dive onto the others at ringside.

Back in the ring, the SST simultaneously splashed Lyon and Black. The FBI returned and hit SST from behind. The SST quickly regrouped. Finau performed a Samoan Drop on Jaz. Black hit Finau with a 619. The Mane Event performed their Hat Trick top rope dive moves onto Finau, but Anoa’i broke up the pin attempt that followed.

Anoa’i went up top and was cut off by Lyon, who set up for a superplex. Jaz snuck underneath and turned it into a tower of doom spot. Guido covered multiple opponents for two counts, then comedically covered his own partner. Once they stood up, Finau splashed them in the corner, which was followed by one of the FBI members falling onto the groin of the other. Finau put Lyon down with a Samoan Drop and then Anoa’i performed the Polynesian Plunge and scored the pin…

“The Samoan Swat Team” Juicy Finau and Lance Anoa’i defeated “The Mane Event” Jay Lyon & Midas Black and “The FBI” Little Guido & Ray Jaz in a Triple Threat to retain the MLW Tag Team Titles.

Powell’s POV: A fun three-way tag match. It was all action and didn’t overstay its welcome. The SST continue to be a fun act. While the FBI is a fun throwback gimmick, at some point MLW has to consider splitting them up and coming up with a new singles gimmick for Jaz.

A Calling video package aired. Raven’s voice was distorted as he spoke about Jacob Fatu…

Dombrowski wondered if The Calling was calling their shot regarding the main event or playing mind games. He also said they would have details on the Opera Cup tournament…

Mister Saint Laurent approached an MLW employee and took issue with the company sending royalty checks directly to Microman rather than him. MSL spotted Davey Boy Smith Jr. walking by and ran after him… [C]

Footage aired of Taya Valkyrie throwing a fit about losing the MLW Featherweight Championship…

Dombrowski recapped John Hennigan and Sam Adonis attacking Mance Warner. He said MLW officials ruled that Hennigan and Adonis must pay $2,500 each within a week or they will be suspended…

Mance Warner delivered a promo in a stairwell about being choked out by Hennigan and Adonis. Warner said Adonis tried to end him, but no one can end him. Warner said he would take Adonis to death’s door. Warner said he wants Adonis in a leather strap match and said he would rip the flesh off the back of Adonis…

Powell’s POV: The strap match was expected and Warner cut a good promo, but it does seem like he’s letting Hennigan off the hook for some reason.

Dombrowski said Sam Adonis would sit in on commentary for the main event match…

Beastman and Kimchee made their entrance. MSL sang briefly while Microman made his entrance…

2. Microman (w/MSL) vs. Beastman (w/Kimchee). Beastman picked up Microman and bit his shoulder. Striker said Don Leo Jonathan and JBL had a love child and it became Beastman (I’m sticking with Beastman looking like a young Phil Margera of Jackass fame).

Beastman pressed Microman over his head and then power slammed him. Beastman went up top and attempted a leg drop that Mircoman avoided. Kimchee threw an object inside the ring. Microman grabbed it and hit Beastman in the balls with it and then clipped his leg with it while the referee was distracted. Mircoman followed up with a DDT and scored the pin.

Microman defeated Beastman.

Afterward, MSL told the crowd to give it up for the best pound for pound fighter in the world…

Powell’s POV: It’s not for everyone, but it was over enough that the live crowd applauded Microman afterward.

Sam Adonis was shown talking with John Hennigan, who was warming up on a roof or balcony. Hennigan dedicated his match to Taya Valkyrie. Adonis told Hennigan that he was calling his match. Hennigan listed his various moves for Adonis to call… [C]

Dombrowski spoke about the Opera Cup and announced that 2022 winner Davey Boy Smith Jr. as the first entrant. He also said Alex Kane was banned from the tournament after stealing the cup last year…

Dombrowski hyped the Never Say Never event and said that MLW Featherweight Champion Delmi Exo will face WXW Champion Ava Everett in a title vs. title match. He ran through the previously advertised matches. He also said there are rumors that the pressure is getting to B3cca heading into her live musical performance…

Sam Laterna interviewed Alex Kane and Mr. Thomas in front of the MLW backdrop. Kane was upset over not being allowed to enter the Opera Cup tournament. Thomas blamed Alex Hammerstone. Kane said it’s a conspiracy by MLW. Kane said that since they are trying to take things away from him, they would get back at them with the Big Apple Grapple. Kane said he has a ticket and hopes that Hammerstone will be in the house. Kane held up his golden ticket…

Powell’s POV: MLW continues to air promos from Kane and Hammerstone that are clearly dated because they don’t reference their title match at the Never Say Never event. I’d much rather watch low production quality Skype or selfie-style promos that feel up to date than watch dated promos that have to be confusing to some viewers.

Dombrowski hyped a Big Apple Grapple talent search for next week…

Sam Adonis joined the broadcast team, which actually made a rare on-screen appearance. Jacob Fatu made his entrance and then John Hennigan followed with Taya Valkyrie…

Powell’s POV: At the rate things are going in MLW, Taya Valkyrie’s first AEW contract might run out by the time her final appearance airs on Fusion.

3. John Hennigan (w/Taya Valkyrie) vs. Jacob Fatu for the MLW National Openweight Championship. Fatu was on the offensive to start and knocked Hennigan down with a shoulder block. [C] Valkyrie entered the ring and distracted Fatu, which led to Hennigan clipping his leg from behind and taking offensive control.

Hennigan tossed Fatu to the floor and followed him. Fatu slammed Hennigan’s head off the apron and then worked him over at ringside. Fatu grabbed a water bottle and slammed it over Hennigan’s head. Hennigan eventually returned to the ring and caught Fatu with a kick when Fatu followed him. Hennigan got the better of Fatu heading into the final break. [C]

Hennigan went up top, but Fatu knocked him down to the floor. Fatu performed a suicide dive. “Air Ucey cleared for takeoff,” Striker said. Fatu followed up with a crossbody block from the ropes for a near fall. Fatu performed a handspring into the ropes followed by a standing moonsault for another near fall.

Hennigan rallied with a Moonlight Drive for a near fall of his own. Hennigan went for Starship Pain, but Fatu avoided it. Adonis left the broadcast table and yelled at Fatu from the balcony. Hennigan grabbed a chair. The referee grabbed the chair while Fatu superkicked Hennigan.

As the referee was clearing the chair from the ring, Valkyrie hit Fatu with the MLW National Openweight Championship belt, which resulted in a near fall for Hennigan. Delmi Exo made her entrance.

Mance Warner attacked Adonis in the broadcast booth. Footage aired of The Calling attacking Lance Anoa’i in the parking lot. Meanwhile, Fatu performed a top rope moonsault and had the pin, but Valkyrie pulled the referee from the ring. Exo chased Valkyrie, who ran into Juicy Finau.

Hennigan put Fatu down with a kick while Finau carried Valkyrie to the back while Exo followed. In the ring, Hennigan performed a Poison Rana and then blasted Fatu with a knee strike. Hennigan hit Starship Pain and went for the cover, but Fatu kicked out at the last moment. The tame crowd finally came to life a bit with a “this is awesome” chant.

Hennigan threw shots at Fatu and then ran to the opposite corner. Fatu followed and worked over Hennigan. Fatu threw a light superkick and then performed an alley oop Samoan Drop. Fatu followed up with his double jump moonsault and scored the clean pin…

Jacob Fatu defeated John Hennigan to win the MLW National Openweight Championship.

Dombrowski announced Mance Warner vs. Sam Adonis in a strap match for next week’s show…

In the ring, Fatu grabbed the mic and celebrated his victory. Fatu told the crowd that it felt good to be back home in NYC. Fatu said the fans know what bloodline he’s from. Fatu said that on behalf of him and the bloodline, thank you. Fatu told the fans to grab a drink, light a blunt, and get this thing going. Fatu left the ring and took a bow on the stage to close the show…

Powell’s POV: A good main event and the second straight week with a title change on MLW Fusion. This match was given more time than most Fusion matches. Hennigan and Fatu filled the time nicely with a good back and forth match. Adonis was fun on commentary. He’s not as polished as his brother Corey Graves, but he did a good job of cheerleading Hennigan.

Overall, MLW followed up last week’s stronger than usual show with another quality episode. This was an easy episode to watch with a pair of title matches and the silliness of the middle match. I like the way they had chaos happening during the main event without it truly taking away from the match. I will have more to say about this episode in my weekly audio review of Fusion for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons).


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