NXT Level Up results (6/9): O’Connor’s review of Dante Chen vs. Charlie Dempsey, Nathan Frazer vs. Tavion Heights, and Luca Crusifino vs. Myles Borne

By John O’Connor, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@thereal_JOC

NXT: Level Up (Episode 69)
Taped in Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Streamed June 9, 2023 on Peacock/WWE Network

Nathan Frazer made his way to the ring as the broadcast team of Blake Howard and Byron Saxton welcomed us to the show…

1. Nathan Frazer vs. Tavion Heights. A handshake was initiated between the two men as the bell rang. Heights tried to use his power early but was countered by the speed of Frazer. Frazer looked for high risk from the middle rope but he was caught on the way down by Heights who hit a release belly to belly suplex to take control.

Frazer countered with a roll up but was pushed off by Heights and Frazer went throat first into the middle rope. Heights looked to take control but was kicked away by Frazer who charged at Heights  to take him down and he hit a superkick which dropped Heights. Frazer looked for the finish and nailed the phoenix splash for the win.

Nathan Frazer defeated Tavion Heights via pinfall in 4:40. 

The commentary team hyped Luca Crusifino vs. Myles Borne for after the break…[c]

2. Luca Crusifino vs. Myles Borne. Borne worked on the arm of Crusifino as the match started. Crusifino created space between the two after kicking Borne in the gut and forced Borne into the corner. Borne went back to working on the arm of Crusifino but Crusifino sent Borne into the ropes to regain control. Crusifino sent Borne off the ropes and hit a hip toss on Borne and followed this up with an arm trap necklock to wear down Borne.

Borne worked through the pain and escaped the hold after hitting a reverse suplex on Crusifino. Borne hit a series of suplexes and rolled up Crusifino for a near fall and looked for another quick roll up but Crusifino rolled through and held Borne’s shoulders down to the mat on the way to victory.

Luca Crusifino defeated Myles Borne via pinfall in 5:41. 

The commentary team hyped the main event…[c]

3. Dante Chen vs. Charlie Dempsey (w/Drew Gulak). An exchange of hammerlocks early as Chen looked to match Dempsey hold for hold as the match began. Chen looked to power Dempsey down to the mat but Dempsey hit a Northern Lights to take down Chen instead and floated into a wristlock. Chen created separation as Dempsey was pushed off when both men got back to their feet. Chen continued to maintain wrist control despite attempts from Dempsey to escape and sent Dempsey into the corner.

Dempsey hit a gut wrench suplex for a two count and transitioned into a necklock wearing down Chen. Chen hit a belly to back suplex which took Dempsey down to the mat and both men exchanged strikes late in the match. Chen looked for the roaring strike to the chest but Dempsey rolled away to the apron. Chen looked to sent Dempsey back into the ring with a suplex but Dempsey landed on his feet and utilized a dragon screw leg whip and locked in the bow and arrow neck stretch for the submission.

Charlie Dempsey defeated Dante Chen via submission in 7:50. 

John’s Ramblings: A variety show on ‘Level Up’ this week, as all of the three singles matches showcased a different wrestling style. A fast paced opener, a ‘sports entertainment’ style second match and a European style main event with a focus on submission holds. Each match delivered but the Charlie Dempsey match is the one you should seek out if you are short on time this week.


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