12/23 NXT Level Up results: O’Connor’s review of Hank Walker vs. Trick Williams, Sol Ruca vs. Dani Palmer, and Charlie Dempsey vs. Myles Borne

By John O’Connor, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@thereal_JOC

NXT: Level Up (Episode 45)
Taped in Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Streamed December 23, 2022 on Peacock/WWE Network

Charlie Dempsey made his way to the ring as the broadcast team of Sudu Shah and Byron Saxton welcomed us to the show…

1. Charlie Dempsey vs. Myles Borne. Borne took Dempsey down to the mat as the match began and worked on the arm. Dempsey worked his way back to his feet and grabbed a side headlock on Borne. Borne hit a dropkick in response but Dempsey grabbed the head once more and dragged Borne down to the mat and worked on the arm while driving his knee into the side of Borne’s head. Borne attempted an escape but Dempsey applied a headscissors to keep Borne grounded and looked to lock in an armlock.

Borne attempted a comeback but Dempsey slowed down the pace once more working Borne’s arm by applying the keylock. Borne got to his feet and the two men traded strikes and Borne hit a suplex and a back drop. Borne went to the top rope but missed a crossbody and Dempsey hit the bridging back suplex for the victory.

Charlie Dempsey defeated Myles Borne via pinfall in 8:14.

2. Sol Ruca vs. Dani Palmer. The commentary team acknowledged that Ruca and Palmer were friends as the match began. Palmer hit a springboard roll up for a near fall on Ruca before both women kipped up to their feet. Palmer worked Ruca down to the mat working on the arm as Ruca used her strength to escape. An exchange of near falls happened before Ruca hit a dropkick on Palmer and hit the inverted shooting star cutter (now known as the ‘Sol Snatcher’) from the corner for the three count.

Sol Ruca defeated Dani Palmer via pinfall in 3:02.

The commentary team hyped the main event…[c]

3. Hank Walker vs. Trick Williams. Williams mocked Walker as the match began but Walker used his strength on Williams early sending him to the outside. Back in the ring, Walker hit a scoop slam but was unable to follow up as Williams worked on Walker in the corner after hitting a neckbreaker. Williams hit a knife edge chop on Walker but this fired up Walker who responded with a chop of his own.

Williams hit a clothesline which dropped Walker to the mat. Walker powered back up to his feet and both men exchanged punches before Walker hit a running powerslam on Williams for a near fall. Williams avoided a charge from Walker in the corner and hit a swinging neckbreaker for two but quickly followed up with the ‘Trick Kick’ to put away Walker.

Trick Williams defeated Hank Walker via pinfall in 6:08.

John’s Ramblings: A fun opener on ‘Level Up’ this week with Charlie Dempsey on the show. Dempsey has a strong technical submission style which I enjoy and could watch all day. You should too.

It was nice to see Sol Ruca pick up another win with her innovative finisher. Not sure on the name that we are now going with but nevertheless is still a beautiful looking move.


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