11/4 WWE Friday Night Smackdown results: Barnett’s review of Gunther vs. Rey Mysterio for the Intercontinental Championship, Liv Morgan vs. Sonya Deville in a No DQ match, LA Knight vs. Ricochet, Shayna Baszler vs. Natalya, Braun Strowman faces five opponents in a handicap match

By Jake Barnett, ProWrestling.net Co-Senior Staffer (@barnettjake)

WWE Friday Night Smackdown (Episode 1,211)
Taped October 28, 2022 in St. Louis, Missouri at Enterprise Center
Aired November 4, 2022 on Fox

Michael Cole and Wade Barrett welcomed viewers to the show. Liv Morgan made her entrance for the opening match. She was followed by Sonya Deville. The match will be no DQ. 

1. Liv Morgan vs. Sonya Deville in a No DQ Match: Sonya started out with some strikes, and then rolled to the floor to grab a kendo stick. Liv attacked with a Thesz Press and then they battled over the kendo stick. Liv slowly ran the ropes for a suicide dive, but Deville intercepted with the kendo stick and then applied a crossface with it. 

Liv crawled towards the ropes, but Sonya pulled her back into the ring. The stick splintered after Liv smashed it across Sonya’s back. She then rolled to the floor and retrieved a table. Deville recovered and landed a baseball slide, which forced Liv to drop the table. Sonya then shoved the table back under the ring. Liv landed a kick of her own, and then jumped through the ropes for a dive that landed a little short. She then performed a similar dive on the other side of the ring. 

They brawled on the outside, and Liv threw Sonya into the ring steps. The crowd chanted for tables, and Liv pulled one out from underneath the ring. She then set it up between the ring and the announce table. Sonya tossed Liv into the side of the table. Liv climbed on the apron, and Deville tried to suplex her from the apron and the table. Liv held the ropes, but then let go and both women fell through he table…[c]

Sonya landed a running knee, but then missed a charge in the corner. She went to the second rope, and landed a flying knee strike for a near fall. Deville grabbed a chair from under the ring and proceeded to toss several of them into the ring in a pile. Morgan landed an enziguri as Deville got back in the ring, followed by a dropkick. She then taunted the crowd and landed a springboard Codebreaker of sorts for a near fall. 

Morgan placed Deville on the top rope and got into position for a superplex on the chairs. Deville fought her off and slipped underneath Liv. She delivered a powerbomb onto the chairs, but only got a near fall. Deville attempted a reverse DDT, but Liv avoided it and rolled her up for a two count. Liv then landed Oblivion into the chairs for the win. 

Liv Morgan defeated Sonya Deville at 13:40

After the match, Liv celebrated while replays were shown. Video was shown of Ronda Rousey’s open challenge from last week, and the return of Emma. Megan Morant interviewed Emma backstage, who said she wasn’t sure she’d ever step into a WWE ring again. She said her heart was pounding out of her chest, and that she had something to prove to herself. Xia Li interrupted and said she watched her lose, and the only thing she proved was that she was weak. Emma said number one….that was Ronda Rousey, and two….punched Xia in the face. Gunther and Rey were shown walking into the building, followed by a Crown Jewel advertisement…[c]

My Take: Setting up more women’s feuds outside of the title picture is a good thing. Rey vs. Gunther should be a lot of fun later on. Liv and Sonya did a nice job with their match. It filled the time well and the weapons usage looked better than what Ronda and Liv were able to accomplish together. It had a few sloppy moments, but nothing that ruined the match.

A video package aired that recapped the Roman Reigns vs. Logan Paul feud. It focused heavily on Logan Paul sneaking in one lucky shot and shocking the world. After the video, Ricochet made his entrance. Cole explained that he would be facing LA Knight up next…[c]

A video package with more viking rituals aired. Erik and Ivar were painted by who I can only assume is Sarah Rowe. In the arena, LA Knight made his ring entrance. He had a microphone and told the incels in the crowd to jump on the LA Knight gravy train. He then approached Samantha Irvin and criticized her ring introductions, and Ricochet dove on him at ringside. 

2. Ricochet vs. LA Knight: The ref rang the bell after checking on Knight briefly. Ricochet landed a few strikes, but Knight turned things around with a back elbow. Ricochet battled back with a head scissors and a dropkick. Knight retreated to ringside, and then hung Ricochet up on the top rope. Knight went for a springboard moonsault, but Ricochet avoided it and Knight rolled to ringside. He then performed a springboard moonsault of his own and landed in a superhero pose to taunt Knight on the floor…[c]

Knight took control during the break with a spinebuster, and continued the assault on Ricochet. He delivered boots in the corner before being separated by the referee. Ricochet fired back with right hands, but was tripped into the second rope. Knight followed up with a knee to the face and a flying shoulder block. He mocked Ricochet’s superhero pose, and covered for a two count. 

He then threw Ricochet chest first into the corner, and then landed a neckbreaker for a two count. Knight attempted to go up to the second rope, but Ricochet pulled him back in the ring with a hurracarrana for a near fall. Ricochet followed up with a spear in the corner, and then a kick to the face. He then landed a cross body and a standing shooting star press for a close near fall. 

Ricochet went up to the top rope, but Knight got to his feet and avoided the flying nothing attempt. Both men traded roll up attempts, but Knight grabbed the ropes and a handful of tights and stole the win. 

LA Knight defeated Ricochet at 12:31

After the match, Sami Zayn fired up the Bloodline. He said Roman was going to crush Logan Paul, and the Usos were going to beat the record when they defeat the Brawling Brutes. Jey said he was going to the ring to call out The Brutes, but Sami urged them to just get a good night’s sleep. Jey said he wasn’t in charge of him, and that they were tag champs before he showed up, and will be after he’s long gone. Jimmy said he had a point “my dawg”. The Usos headed to the ring…[c]

My Take: Knight vs. Ricochet was solid, but they held back enough that there is more than can be done in a rematch. The Usos not listening to Sami usually leads to bad news.

Bray Wyatt was shown backstage and spoke about struggling to keep it together. A stagehand off screen said they were live, and Bray approached him and told him he was one hair away from smashing him into a wall. He described what he was feeling like being cut off in traffic and struggling to contain his rage. Bray demanded the stagehand apologize and accept responsibilities for ruining his moment. The man apologized, and Bray fought with himself, but eventually accepted the apology and dismissed him.

In the arena, The Usos made their entrance. Michael Cole plugged the match with the Brawling Brutes at Crown Jewel. Jey told the crowd the Bloodline was now in their city. Jimmy said they were on their way to being the longest reigning Tag Team Champions ever. An Ucey chant broke out. Jey told the Brutes that they were the twos and The Usos were the ones.

New Day made their entrance and told the Usos to calm down. Unfortunately, the weather broke in at this point and I missed a significant portion of the promo. When the show returned, Xavier Woods was telling The Usos they would tear them limb from limb to protect their record, and said they had next. The Brutes approached from behind, and then New Day joined in and jumped The Usos. Solo and Sami made the save, and a Sami Uso chant broke out. 

Jimmy and Jey were about to perform a double splash on Ridge Holland, but Butch attacked with a Shillelagh. Solo put down Butch with a Spinning Sikoa, and the Bloodline stood tall to close the segment. 

Backstage, Rey Mysterio was approached by Kayla Braxton and asked if the Intercontinental Championship would give him the fresh start he wanted. Rey said WWE is a part of his life, and he had always shared that with his son. He said he was haunted by the memories of Dominik, but he wanted to put it behind him and do something positive. Rey said Gunther was a tough opponent, and he still felt the pain from the chop last week. He said he would turn that pain into rage, and it would fuel him to chop down Gunther and win the Intercontinental Championship.

In the arena, Shayna Baszler made her entrance with Ronda Rousey.. She will face Natalya next…[c]

My Take: I’m curious what they do with Wyatt at Crown Jewel, because he seems like he’s coming unglued. The New Day are logical opponents for the Usos, and I look forward to the match.

Natalya made her entrance for the next match. Video was shown of the weird segment last week where Natalya said she would have beaten Ronda Rousey if she had shown up for the match.

3. Natalya vs. Shayna Baszler (w/Ronda Rousey): The announce team spoke about why Baszler lost the edge she had in NXT. They concluded that she forgot who she was. Very insightful. Natalya and Baszler avoided most of each other’s offense early on. Baszler took control with a knee strike in the corner, followed by some boots. She then taunted the crowd and placed Natalya’s hand on the mat. Baszler then stepped on her elbow. 

Natalya fired back with right hands and elbow strikes, followed by a basement dropkick for a two count. After a bit more struggle, Shayna applied the Kirafuda Clutch. Natalya didn’t tap, but eventually passed out. 

Shayna Baszler defeated Natalya at 4:11

Rousey and Baszler celebrated after the match. Rousey spoke a few words into Baszler’s ear, and she took down her knee pad. She then delivered a knee strike to the face of Natalya, and then celebrated some more. Natalya was given a towel, and then suddenly had blood smeared across her face.

After the match, Cole and Barrett introduced a video package that recapped the feud between Karrion Kross and Drew McIntyre. Braun Strowman was shown backstage, and he’ll be in action up next…[c]

My Take: I like the idea of Baszler and Rousey becoming ass kickers, but they need a really strong babyface to counter them, and Smackdown doesn’t currently have one. It would be a good slot for Becky Lynch to make her return.

Video was shown of the Women’s Tag Team Championships changing hands from Monday’s Raw. The rematch was advertised for Crown Jewel. MVP was already in the ring after the break. 

MVP said he was pleased when he found out Braun Strowman would be in action tonight the day before his match with the Nigerian Giant Omos. He said he was a “big deal” around here, and he used his pull to get 5 opponents for Braun Strowman tonight. A group of unknown local wrestlers made their way out. They were bowled over by a charging Strowman on the ramp, who then stared down MVP in the ring. 

Strowman got in the ring and chased MVP around the ring. He broke his cane, and then tossed him into the ring and the barricade. He then delivered a running powerslam in the ring and fired up the crowd. 

Backstage, Gunther and Imperium were interviewed by Kayla Braxton. They dismissed Kayla, and Gunther said he would step in the ring and successfully defend his title with dignity, respect, and honor. He said Rey Mysterio has no honor, and that’s why his son disrespected him, and he doesn’t have what it takes to become the Intercontinental Champion…[c]

My Take: A fun segment for the live crowd with Strowman. Gunther has earned a lot of cache at Intercontinental Champion.

The New Day will get a Tag Team Championship match next week. We’ll also see the beginning of something called the Smackdown World Cup, as well as Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Santos Escobar. 

A vignette aired for Legado Del Fanstama. Santos said he always thought Nakamura was an intelligent man, but his choices have forced him to make an example out of him. Zelina then followed up and said once everyone on Smackdown sees what they do to Nakamura, they will work on expanding their empire. 

Back in the arena, Rey Mysterio made his ring entrance. Gunther then made his entrance with Imperium (Giovanni Vinci and Ludwig Kaiser). Samantha Irvin made ring introductions.

4. Gunther vs. Rey Mysterio for the Intercontinental Championship: Another weather break caused me to miss the first few moments of the match. What I saw prior to the first commercial interruption is Gunther manhandling Mysterio and tossing him to the floor…[c]

Gunther tossed Rey to ringside under the bottom rope as the show returned. He then picked up Rey and delivered a powerbomb into the ring apron. Rey barely beat the ten count back into the ring, and Gunther greeted him with a scoop slam. Gunther picked Rey up again, but Rey grabbed in with his arms and legs to prevent another slam. He then transitioned into a crucifix position, but Gunther dropped to his back and both men were down. 

Rey fired back with some strikes, and then applied a sleeper after he jumped on Gunther’s back. The hold was broken when Gunther tossed him off, but Rey quickly reapplied it after jumping on his back a second time from the second rope. Gunther struggled up to the second rope, and then jumped backward to eject Rey off of his back…[c]

Gunther placed his feet around the head of a downed Mysterio and twisted his neck. He then tried to remove Rey’s mask, but the ref threatened a DQ. Rey fired back with some strikes, but Gunther quickly lifted him up for a powerbomb. Rey landed enough punches to knock Gunther onto his back, and then followed up with a bulldog. 

Rey landed an enziguri and climbed to the top for a senton. He then landed a springboard moonsault for a near fall. He then tossed Gunther into position for a 619. Gunther got to his feet, and ate a shotgun dropkick. Rey then followed up with a 619. He went to the top rope, but Gunther recovered and tossed him back into the ring.

Gunther went up to the top, but Rey met him there and landed headbutt. Rey attempted a hurracarrana, but was initially stuffed. Gunther attempted to land a powerbomb, but Rey reversed into the hurracarrana for a near fall. Rey went back to the top rope and attempted a diving hurracarrana, but Gunther blocked it. Rey then reversed into a sunset flip, but Gunther kicked out. After an Eddie Guerrero tribute, Rey went up top and missed a Frog Splash. Gunther then landed a dropkick and a powerbomb for a close near fall. Gunther immediately sold frustration. 

Rey fired back with punches, but Gunther chopped him down. Rey managed to send Gunther into position for the 619, but Gunther popped back up and landed a big boot. He then followed up with a huge lariat and got the win. 

Gunther defeated Rey Mysterio at 18:55 to retain the Intercontinental Championship

Gunther celebrated his victory to close the show among plugs for Crown Jewel. 

My Take: That was one hell of a match. Hats off to Rey and Gunther. This wasn’t a particularly newsworthy or exciting edition of Smackdown, but the Main Event definitely picked up the slack. Hopefully everyone in WWE remains safe during the Crown Jewel event tomorrow.

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