Powell’s Impact Wrestling Hit List: Aussie Open vs. Motor City Machine Guns, Brian Myers vs. Bhupinder Gujjar in a ladder match for the Digital Media Championship, Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace vs. Zicky Dice, Laredo Kid vs. Black Taurus vs. Mia Yim vs. Alex Zayne vs. Trey Miguel in a five-way, Heath vs. PCO in a Street Fight

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Impact Wrestling Hits

“Aussie Open” Kyle Fletcher and Mark Davis vs. “Motor City Machine Guns” Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin: It was a treat to see the first match between these two teams. The Guns continue to shine in Impact and it’s a shame that more people aren’t seeing their consistently excellent work. I was mildly surprised to see the Guns win the match, if only because I thought the teams would have multiple matches and they would build to the Guns eventually going over. I wonder if the Guns winning this match clean means Aussie Open won’t be regulars at the Impact tapings.

Brian Myers vs. Bhupinder Gujjar in a ladder match for the Digital Media Championship: A highly entertaining ladder match. Gujjar is showing real potential and is clearly benefitting from working with the veteran Myers. Gujjar also showed heart by working through what appeared to be a broken nose he suffered during the match. I still don’t care about the Digital Media Championship, but I have really enjoyed their feud despite that it’s being fought over a needless title belt.

Sami Callihan, Moose, and Steve Maclin contract signing for the Bared Wire Massacre match: Maclin shined while rebutting Moose’s opening statement by playing on his military history. It was nice to get that verbal exchange between the two because Callihan’s dynamic personality took over once he made the final entrance. The key moment in the brawl that broke out was Moose spearing Maclin after inviting him to take out Callihan, who was tied up in the tree of woe. By doing so, they showed that it truly will be every man for himself tonight at Victory Road.

Laredo Kid vs. Black Taurus vs. Mia Yim vs. Alex Zayne vs. Trey Miguel in a five-way: An entertaining five-way spot-fest. Taurus winning this match pretty much guarantees he won’t win the Triple Threat Revolver if they follow typical pro wrestling booking patterns. Meanwhile, Zayne took another loss, so I continue to assume that he hasn’t signed a contract with Impact and is just working occasional tapings.

Impact Wrestling Misses

Heath vs. PCO in a Street Fight: The slow build to PCO leaving Honor No More made for an awkward match. PCO looked sympathetic when Eddie Edwards ordered him not to take the match, and then he looked heroic when he stood up to Edwards and accepted the match anyway. And that’s fine for PCO’s character, but it made for a strange dynamite when he then fought the actual babyface Heath in a wild brawl. Perhaps I should be numb to it by now, but watching 54 year-old PCO take an insane bump from the stage onto a pile of chairs on the floor was too much for this viewer.

Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace vs. Zicky Dice: Grace destroying Johnny Swinger’s sidekick in short order didn’t feel like it served much of a purpose. Dice, who showed a lot of potential during his run with the NWA, has been a comedy figure since he signed with Impact. Getting paid to goof around with the entertaining Swinger isn’t a bad gig, but I was hoping for bigger and better things for Dice in Impact.


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