NXT UK TV results: Gibbons’ review of Tyler Bate vs. Trent Seven in the tournament final for the vacant NXT UK Championship, Amale vs. Eliza Alexander vs. Blair Davenport vs. Isla Dawn in a four-way elimination match to determine the No.1 contender to the NXT UK Women’s Championship, Saxon Huxley vs. Kenny Williams

By Laurence Gibbons, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@Gibbonsgob)

Taped in London, England at BT Sport Studios
Streamed September 1, 2022 on WWE Network and Peacock

The final NXT UK began with a hype package for the vacant NXT UK Championship match between Tyler Bate and Trent Seven. It followed Seven and Bate’s journey over the past 6 years since the formation of the championship…

The broadcast team was Andy Shepherd and Nigel McGuinness…

Blair Davenport made her entrance to start the action. Amale made her entrance. The other two competitors – Eliza Alexander and Isla Dawn – made their individual entrances…

1. Blair Davenport vs. Amale vs. Eliza Alexander vs. Isla Dawn in a four-way elimination match to crown the No.1 contender for the NXT UK Women’s Championship. Davenport, Amale and Alexander took turns in kicking Dawn, who rolled out the ring. Davenport sat back and let Alexander and Amale grapple. 

Davenport sent Alexander to the outside where Dawn attacked her. Amale sent Davenport to the outside and then dived from the top rope onto all three women. The four women fought on the outside for a few moments, making use of the lack of count outs. Amale hit a hard swinging neck breaker on Alexander.

Back in the ring, Amale hit a pump kick on Dawn but was met with a back elbow from Davenport. Alexander knocked Davenport out but was met by double knees from Dawn. Dawn went up top but Alexander and Davenport came and joined her to attempt a suplex. Amale pulled all three women off with a tower of doom. Amale hit the running kick to all three in individual corners. All three women kicked Dawn and then Amale hit the Hope Breaker to eliminate “The White Witch”.

Isla Dawn was eliminated by Amale in 7:01.

The three remaining women took turns to try and roll up the other. They then traded strikes and shoulder blocks. Amale nearly got another elimination when she hit the bulldog on Davenport/ dropkick to Alexander. Alexander sent Davenport into the ring post and then hit a running knee on Amale to take her out of the match.

Amale was eliminated by Eliza Alexander in 10:08.

Alexander hit a German suplex on Davenport for a close two. Davenport was forced to kick out at two again after a running forearm.  Alexander missed a charge in the corner. Davenport hit the double stomp to the back, followed by multiple short-arm clotheslines. Davenport hit a German suplex from the top rope. A ‘this is awesome’ chant broke out. Davenport hit the knee strike and Falcon Arrow to eliminate Alexander.

Blair Davenport defeated Eliza Alexander, Amale, and Isla Dawn in 15:08 to become No.1 Contender to the NXT UK Women’s Championship.

Gibbons’ Opinion: When NXT UK launched its men’s division was instantly great. It took a while for the women’s division to catch up, but over the past year it has been the best women’s division on the planet. This was a fitting final women’s match that highlighted four of its top stars. There was little doubt that Davenport would win as we have seen her on NXT 2.0 credited as the No.1 contender. But it was still a great quarter of an hour and a highly entertaining match.

Davenport is cashing in her title shot in a triple threat NXT Women’s Championship unification match against Meiko Satomura and Mandy Rose at Worlds Collide on Sunday…

Saxon Huxley made his entrance. Kenny Williams made his way to the BT Sport Studios for the final time…

2. Saxon Huxley vs. Kenny Williams. Huxley knocked Williams to the canvas. The two locked up and Huxley chucked Williams across the ring. Huxley whipped Williams from pillar to post.

Huxley dominated Williams for the opening few minutes. Huxley missed a big boot and got hung up on the rope. Williams hit a diving back elbow. Williams attacked the knee of Huxley. Williams enjoyed some time on top and continued to keep Huxley grounded with attacks to the leg.

Chase U came to ringside to support Huxley. Huxley rallied with a backdrop. Huxley hit consecutive back elbows. Huxley built up stream by hitting the ropes and nailed a clothesline to the back of the neck.

Huxley hit an elbow drop. Huxley went for the crossbody on the ropes by Williams evaded. Williams mouthed off at Chase U allowing Huxley to send him to the outside. Chase U caught Williams and dropped him on his back. They sent Williams back inside and Huxley hit a chokebomb for the win.

Saxon Huxley defeated Kenny Williams in 5:46.

Gibbons’ Opinion: This was a fun five-minute match that gave us potentially our final look at Huxley and Williams. The involvement of Chase U suggests that Huxley could continue in the U.S. with them on NXT 2.0.

A hype package aired ahead of the vacant NXT UK Championship match between Tyler Bate and Trent Seven. The package told the full story of Bate and Seven’s relationship. From Seven acting as a mentor and trainer to Bate to his shocking betrayal a few months ago…

Tyler Bate made his entrance first and Johnny Saint and Sid Scala stood in the ring with the NXT UK Championship. Chants of ‘Tyler’s our championship’ rang out across the BT Sport Studios. Trent Seven made his entrance to a chorus of boos…

3. Tyler Bate vs. Trent Seven in the tournament final to crown the new NXT UK Champion. Seven chatted to Bate who gestured that he spoke too much. The two locked up. Seven took Bate down with a headlock but Bate rolled him into the head scissors.

Seven worked the wrist lock but Bate eventually rolled out and flipped him over. Seven went back to the wrist but this time Bate rolled over and drop-kicked him. Bate hit strikes and chops but Seven booted his leg to knock him down.

Bate sent Seven to the outside and drop-kicked him to the floor. Bate hit the dive over the rope to the outside on Seven. Bate used strikes but Seven again hit the leg to return to control. Seven scoop-slammed Bate’s leg onto the rope. Seven stayed on the leg. Seven got the first close fall from a DDT. Seven picked away at Bate with kicks to the face.

Bate fought back with a suplex, kip-up and standing shooting star press. At the 10-minute mark, Bate hit an impressive stalling vertical suplex. Bate performed the Airplane Spin but his leg prevented him from nailing it. Seven rolled off the shoulders and hit the Seven Star Lariat. Bate kicked out.

Seven put the Figure Seven Leg Lock on. Bate eventually reversed the hold forcing Seven to crawl to the ropes. The two men traded exhausted forearms whilst on their knees. They exchanged slaps whilst getting to their feet until they both forced one another to collapse to the mat.

Bate hit the rebound lariat followed by the Tyler Driver 97. Seven kicked out and a ‘this is awesome’ chant broke out. Bate went up top and they spent a while trying to throw the other off.

Seven hit Emerald Flowsion from the top rope. Seven hit the Tyler Driver 97. Bate kicked out. Seven paid homage to Pete Dunne with the finger crack.  At the 20-minute mark, Bate hit the corkscrew from the top rope for a very close fall. Bate hit the Tyler Driver 97 for the win.

Tyler Bate defeated Trent Seven in 20:32 to win the tournament to win the NXT UK Championship.

Gibbons’ Opinion: As expected this was an absolute banger of a match and a fitting farewell to NXT UK. British Strong Style was mentioned throughout and Seven paying homage to the third member of the stable Dunne/Butch was nice. The three BSS members can boast of having the first and last NXT UK Championship match between the three of them. Bate becomes the only person in history to be the first and last to hold a WWE title.

He will now defend the championship in a NXT Championship unification match with Bron Breakker at Sunday’s NXT Worlds Collide event. Bate will defend the history and heritage of the brand.

A three-minute final package aired on the history of NXT UK. It was a lovely end to what has been a super brand for the past six years. The aim going in was to find and create new stars from the UK and Europe for the WWE. Mission accomplished.


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