8/19 NXT Level Up results: O’Connor’s review of Xyon Quinn vs. Axiom, Ivy Nile vs. Arianna Grace, and Javier Bernal vs. Dante Chen

By John O’Connor, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@thereal_JOC

NXT: Level Up (Episode 27)
Taped August 16, 2022 in Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Streamed August 19, 2022 on Peacock/WWE Network

Dante Chen made his way to the ring as the broadcast team of Sudu Shah and Nigel McGuinness welcomed us to the show…

1. Javier Bernal vs. Dante Chen. A handshake to start between the two. Chen took the early advantage and Bernal refused another handshake and slapped Chen across the face to fire Chen up. Bernal hit a side Russian leg sweep on Chen for a near fall and locked on a sleeper but Chen responded with a basement clothesline. Bernal rolled to ringside and argued with a fan and Hank Walker who was in the crowd working as security (which was acknowledged on commentary). Bernal returned to the ring only to be met by Chen who hit a clothesline, a big boot and the roaring palm strike to the chest of Bernal for the win.

Dante Chen defeated Javier Bernal via pinfall in 4:31. 

Backstage, Kelly Kincaid interviewed Axiom who discussed his plan on how to defeat Xyon Quinn…

The commentary team hyped Ivy Nile vs. Arianna Grace for after the break… [c]

John’s Ramblings: A good opener which focussed on Bernal’s new attitude as the match with Chen progressed. Bernal was protected in defeat due to the distraction by the ‘fan’ and Chen continues to build momentum.

2. Ivy Nile vs. Arianna Grace. Grace took the microphone before the match. Grace said that everyone sees her unlimited potential and tonight she will continue her winning ways and dedicates the upcoming win to the fans for their overwhelming support. Nile’s music hit to interrupt Grace.

Nile took Grace down to the mat and forced Grace into the ropes before taking her down with the armbar and floated into the cover for a near fall. Grace ran in to the corner but Nile hit a boot to the jaw to continue the offense. Grace would rally through and lock in the chin and armlock on Nile who battled to escape and Nile followed up with kicks in the middle of the ring and a corner dropkick. Grace attempted a suplex but Nile transitioned into the dragon sleeper for the submission victory.

Ivy Nile defeated Arianna Grace via submission in 4:25. 

The commentary team hyped the main event…[c]

John’s Ramblings: The character development of Grace as an obliviously annoying personality continues and she worked as the perfect fall girl to Ivy Nile who continues to impress me each time I see her on these shows.

3. Xyon Quinn vs. Axiom. Axiom attempted a go behind takedown but was shrugged off easily by Quinn. Axiom used his speed to avoid Quinn who was dropkicked to the outside and Axiom followed up with a dive through the middle rope. Quinn hit a massive chop on Axiom back in the ring to take back control and hit a backbreaker for a two count. Quinn followed up with a clothesline for another near fall and looked for a submission which Axiom countered into a guillotine choke. Quinn escaped and hit a Death Valley driver but was still unable to put Axiom away. Axiom hit a dropkick and a springboard clothesline on Quinn followed by the golden ratio kick and that was it for the match.

Axiom defeated Xyon Quinn via pinfall in 6:11. 

John’s Ramblings: Some nice high flying moves on display by Axiom, which gelled nicely with the high powered offense from Quinn. Axiom’s win continues the story of Quinn being unable to put away his opponents in his matches and I’m interested to see where this all goes and what proves to be Quinn’s tipping point.

A good episode of Level Up this week with all matches looking good on paper and delivering in execution. At 30 minutes this is an easy edition to recommend.


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