NXT UK TV results: Gibbons’ review of Noam Dar vs. Mark Coffey for the NXT UK Heritage Cup Championship, Stevie Turner vs. Amale, Teoman vs. Oliver Carter

By Laurence Gibbons, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@Gibbonsgob)

Taped in London, England at BT Sport Studios
Streamed July 14, 2022 on WWE Network and Peacock

The broadcast team was Andy Shepherd and Nigel McGuinness… Oliver Carter made his entrance without his injured partner Ashton Smith. Teoman made his entrance flanked by the rest of Die Familie…

1. Oliver Carter vs. Teoman (w/Charlie Dempsey, Rohan Raja). Teoman started on top, working the arm and headlock. Teoman put the armlock on until Carter rolled through and hit a kick to swing things his way. Carter enjoyed a few minutes in control. Dempsey made the distraction to help Teoman get back on top. Teoman worked strikes and submissions to keep Carter at bay.

Teoman hit the running forearm on Carter but he kicked out. Teoman went for the Evil Eye but Carter worked out and went to the outside. Carter kicked Dempsey and hit a missile dropkick and spinning heel kick for the win.

Oliver Carter defeated Teoman in 7:24.

After the bell, all three member of Die Famile attacked Carter. Teoman hit the Evil Eye.

Gibbons’ Opinion: Carter was looking to strike out on his own while his former NXT UK Tag Team Championship partner Ashton Smith recovers from injury. Carter got the win but Die Familie stood tall. The trio have extended their hand to Carter to join the faction. If he can’t find any more mates, he might have to inevitable join Die Familie.

Trent Seven attacked Sam Gradwell in the PC… Fallon Hanley was cutting a promo about enjoying her time in the UK when Isla Dawn arrived and creeped her out…

Dave Mastiff congratulated Josh Morrell on his first win last week but said it would come to an end next week when they meet each other…

Wolfgang cut a promo on NXT UK Champion Ilja Dragunov… Stevie Turner made her entrance. Amale made her entrance. Blair Davenport was showed in the commentary booth…

2. Stevie Turner vs. Amale. The two locked up and jostled for the upper hand whilst Davenport claimed she’d be the NXT UK Women’s Champion if it wasn’t for the injury she suffered against Satomura.

Turner hit a big boot for a a close fall. Turner forced her knee into the jaw of Amale on the ropes. Turner hit a running kick and then stayed on top. Tuner came close to winning again from a neck breaker. Amale fought back with some strikes and a bulldog. Amale hit her running kick in the corner and the Hope Breaker for the win.

Amale defeated Stevie Turner in 4:15.

Gibbons’ Opinion: This was a decent match but the addition of Davenport on commentary was more important than the action. It gave her the change to cut a constant promo and remind the audience that a rematch for the NXT UK Women’s Championship is in the offing. It would seem she’ll face Amale first in her way to that match.

We saw a clip from last week of Sarray requesting a NXT UK Women’s Championship match with Meiko Satomura…

Mark Andrews and Wild Boar cut a promo on Briggs and Jensen and challenged them to bring the NXT UK Tag Team Championship match to the country…

We got confirmation that Ilja Dragunov will face Wolfgang for the NXT UK Championship in a fortnight… Mark Coffey made his entrance for the NXT UK Heritage Cup Championship match…

3. Noam Dar vs. Mark Coffey in a NXT UK Heritage Cup Championship match.

Round 1: Very much a feeling out process.

Round 2: Dar came straight out the traps with a Nova Roller but Coffey locked on the Gator hold. Dar immediately tapped out.

Round 3: Dar worked the legs and the body but couldn’t put Coffey away. Dar went for the Nova Roller but the round time ran out.

Round 4: Dar locked on the Champagne Super Knee Bar early and forced Coffey to tap out. Dar refused to break the hold after the bell.

Round 5: Coffey came close to a win whilst we saw Sha Samuels holding his betting slips and worrying backstage.

Round 6: After some back and forth, Coffey locked on the Gator lock for the win.

Mark Coffey defeated Noam Dar 2-1 in 17:46 to win the NXT UK Heritage Cup Championship. 

Gibbons Opinion: Noam Dar’s mix technical ability, submission holds and underhanded tactics have made him a great watch in Heritage Rules matches. It’ll be interesting to see how Coffey compares as champion to Dar. Going forward, Samuels might turn on Dar for costing him some money in winnings.


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