6/17 NXT Level Up results: O’Connor’s review of Elektra Lopez vs. Ivy Nile, Guru Raaj vs. Myles Borne, and Arianna Grace vs. Thea Hail

By John O’Connor, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@thereal_JOC

NXT: Level Up (Episode 18)
Taped June 8, 2022 in Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Streamed June 17, 2022 on Peacock/WWE Network

Thea Hail accompanied by Andre Chase and Bodhi Hayward made her way to the ring as the broadcast team of Sudu Shah and Nigel McGuinness (who was wearing a ‘Chase U’ shirt) welcomed us to the show…

1. Arianna Grace vs. Thea Hail (w/Andre Chase, Bodhi Hayward). The commentators acknowledged that Hail was making her first appearance as a member of ‘Chase U’ as duelling chants from the crowd started the match. An exchange of submission holds early as Grace took Hail down with a scoop slam and started to work on Hail’s arm. Hail powered out of the arm ringer with a back drop and forearms to Grace for a near fall. Hail attempted a crossbody but was caught by Grace who worked the arm again but Hail countered into a cradle pin for the win.

Thea Hail defeated Arianna Grace via pinfall in 5:29.

The commentary team hyped Guru Raaj vs. Myles Borne for after the break…[c]

John’s Ramblings: Not bad. Both women worked hard as Hail begins to establish herself in the ‘Chase U’ stable. Tone down the excitement though Thea no one is ever this smiley even if you are on a scholarship.

2. Guru Raaj vs. Myles Borne. Borne upon signing with WWE was apparently given the moniker of ‘blonde Randy Orton’ and ‘Baby Viper’ so this man has a future if such hype is to be believed. Raaj attempted a roll up but Borne rolled through with a pin attempt of his own before working on the arm of Raaj. Raaj escaped but Borne took down Raaj once more. Raaj battled through with a northern lights suplex and applied a shoulder lock to Borne. Borne responded with a series of dropkicks and a scoop slam but he would miss an attempted third dropkick as Raaj hit a boot in the corner and nailed Borne with a top rope facebuster for the victory.

Guru Raaj defeated Myles Borne via pinfall in 4:57.

The commentary team hyped the main event…[c]

John’s Ramblings: Borne has potential but is obviously very early in his development, so Raaj picking up the win was the correct call. I am looking forward to seeing what Borne does from here.

3. Elektra Lopez (w/The D’Angelo Family) vs. Ivy Nile. Nile took Lopez down early with a sleeper hold. Lopez attempted to escape but Nile rolled through to continue the pressure. Nile hit a snap suplex but Lopez rallied with a gutbuster to take control on Nile. Lopez hit a side slam and an elbow drop for a two count and followed up with an abdominal stretch on Nile. Nile escaped and hit a series of kicks to Lopez and a boot to the jaw out of the corner got Nile a near fall. Lopez attempted another slam but Nile hooked on the dragon sleeper. Lopez attempted to fight it off but eventually tapped out.

Ivy Nile defeated Elektra Lopez via submission in 5:50.

John’s Ramblings: Another strong showing from Nile, who clearly has the support of the fans in the WWE Performance Center and sold the effects of the match well in the aftermath. Lopez looked strong in defeat also as it took Nile a while to put away ‘La Madrina’.

A fun main event this week that is worth your time. It’s also nice to see that the developmental talent are now being brought into established acts (Thea Hail in ‘Chase U’ as an example) rather than just being put out there on a regular basis in cold matches with seemingly no progression. I applaud that decision.


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