MLW Fusion results: Powell’s review of “5150” Rivera and Hernandez vs. Ross Von Erich and Marshall Von Erich in a Bunkhouse Match, EJ Nduka and Calvin Tankman vs. Alex Kane and Mr. Thomas for the MLW Tag Titles, NZO in action

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling Fusion (Episode 145)
Taped March 31, 2022 in Dallas, Texas at Gilley’s
Streamed May 19, 2022 on the MLW’s YouTube Page and FITE TV

Fusion opened with a video package that spotlighted the feud between 5150 and the Von Erichs… The Fusion opening aired… The broadcast team of Rich Bocchini and Joe Dombrowski checked in. They hyped the matches and said the fate of MLW Heavyweight Champion Alex Hammerstone would be decided during the show after he accidentally hit Cesar Duran last week. They turned things over to ring announcer Tim Barr for opening match introductions…

NZO made his entrance followed by Budd Heavy. NZO dropkicked Heavy once he made it to the apron. NZO attacked Heavy and ran him off the entrance armp and into the ring post below. NZO called for the mic and said if he wanted a Budd Heavy, he’d be at the bar. NZO called for another opponent. ACH made his entrance…

1. NZO vs. ACH. ACH dropkicked NZO and covered him for an early two count before they went to commercial. [C] ACH sent NZO to the floor and then hit him with a suicide dive. ACH returned to the ring and then performed pescado. NZO caught ACH in the ring skirting and worked him over.

NZO picked up ACH and tossed him into the ring post. The broadcast team recalled NZO using the same move to take out KC Navarro. ACH returned to the ring and was hit with a lung blower, which led to NZO getting a two count.

ACH battled back and performed a gut wrench suplex. NZO fought off ACH on the ropes and then dove at him, but ACH dropkicked him in mid-air. ACH covered NZO for a two count. ACH went up top again. NZO kicked the referee, causing him to tumble into the ropes, which led to ACH falling from the ropes. NZO hit his finisher and scored the pin.

NZO defeated ACH.

After the match, NZO took the mic and called himself the best of all-time. KC Navarro came out and was held back by referees and others…

Powell’s POV: More of the same with NZO, which isn’t a bad thing. He’s getting quality heat and they continued the build to Navarro eventually getting a measure of revenge.

A 5150 video package aired with Rivera, Hernandez, and Julius Smokes. Rivera and Smokes did the talking about the Von Erich brothers while Hernandez stood with his arms crossed… [C]

MLW National Openweight Champion Alex Kane and Mr. Thomas made their entrance. Kane delivered a brief promo. He said EJ Nduka and Calvin Tankman were all hype just like the Dallas Cowboys. Nduka and Tankman made their entrance…

2. EJ Nduka and Calvin Tankman vs. Alex Kane and Mr. Thomas for the MLW Tag Titles. Nduka and Tankman dominated to start and cleared both challengers from the ring. Thomas returned and chopped Nduka, who no-sold it and then roughed up Thomas.

Kane entered the ring and held Nduka while Thomas sprayed something in Nduka’s eyes while the referee was caught up with Tankman. The challengers isolated Nduka. Tankman eventually tagged in, but he was double teamed while Nduka tried to wipe the substance from his eyes at ringside.

The broadcast team mentioned that they still don’t know who is funding the Bomaye Fight Cub. Tankman started to fire up, but Thomas knocked him down with a big boot and then tagged out. Tankman eventually put Kane down with a clothesline and then both men tagged out.

Nduka put Thomas down with a pair of clotheslines and followed up with a spinebuster. Nduka powered up Thomas and ran him into two corners before putting him down with a powerslam. Tankman, who had tagged in, followed with a running splash and then pinned Thomas…

EJ Nduka and Calvin Tankman defeated Alex Kane and Mr. Thomas to retain the MLW Tag Titles.

Powell’s POV: A decent match. Tankman is the most polished of the four when it comes to the in-ring work. I dig his team with Nduka.

Dave Marquez interviewed Ross Von Erich and Marshall Von Erich in front of the MLW backdrop. Marshall pulled out a bullrope bell and said we’d see a lot of that during the main event…

Bocchini hyped the main event and said the Hammerstone segment was up next… [C] An ad aired for the Battle Riot match for June 23 in New York at Melrose Ballroom. Lince Dorado, Marshall Von Erich, Alex Kane, Calvin Tankman, Killer Kross were announced for the 40-man Royal Rumble (with weapons) style match…

Cesar Duran spoke in his office while holding a bag of ice over his eye while one of his masked henchmen stood behind him. Duran said he could fire Hammerstone, but he challenged him to a fight instead….

Entrances for the main event took place with 5150 coming out first. Rivera delivered a heel promo on the Dallas crowd and credited Konnan with putting him and Hernandez together. The Von Erichs made their entrance…

3. “5150” Rivera and Hernandez (w/Julius Smokes) vs. Ross Von Erich and Marshall Von Erich in a Bunkhouse Match. There was hay bales, rakes, and other farm themed objects at ringside. Hernandez choked Ross with a rope at one point. Hernandez put Ross on his shoulders. Rivera went to the ropes, but Marshall hit him with a piece of a door board. Marshall superplexed Rivera into the ring. The Von Erichs were in offensive control heading into a break. [C]

5150 took control and set a board over two chairs in the ring. They spray-painted 5150 on the board. Marshall battled back and hoisted up Rivera and then tossed him through the board. Hernandez set up Marshall for a Border Toss, but Ross hit Hernandez with a shovel. The Von Erichs hit Hernandez with their Iron Claw and suplex combo move and then pinned him to win the match…

Ross Von Erich and Marshall Von Erich beat “5150” Rivera and Hernandez in a Bunkhouse Match.

The broadcast team hyped Alex Hammerstone vs. Cesar Duran for the MLW Heavyweight Championship for next week’s show…

Powell’s POV: The usual weapons filled brawl from the Von Erichs. The live crowd enjoyed it. Overall, a well paced episode in that the time flew by. MLW has trimmed the last few shows to roughy 45 minutes rather than going a full hour. No complaints from this viewer, as it’s nice to have one company that tries to leave viewers wanting more rather than over-serving them with too much content. My weekly audio review of Fusion will be available later for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons).


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