5/6 WWE Friday Night Smackdown results: Powell’s review of the WrestleMania Backlash go-home show with The Bloodline standing face to face with Drew McIntyre, Randy Orton, and Riddle, Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods vs. Sheamus and Ridge Holland in a tables match, Sasha Banks vs. Shayna Baszler

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Friday Night Smackdown (Episode 1,185)
Live from Uniondale, New York at Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum
Aired May 6, 2022 on Fox

[Hour One] Smackdown opened with a recap of last week’s Beat The Clock Challenge that saw Ronda Rousey winnning her match faster than Charlotte Flair could win her match… Michael Cole and Pat McAfee checked in on commentary and hyped the previously advertised matches and segments…

Cole stated that Aliyah was awarded with another opportunity against Charlotte Flair following their match last week. Entrances for the match took place. Flair delivered an in-ring promo. She insulted the Long Island fans and said she wouldn’t be surprised if Ronda Rousey left after she forces her to say I Quit at WrestleMania Backlash.

Flair told Aliyah that she would treat her like Rousey. Flair called her Ronda and told her to come closer, then punched Aliyah in the face. Flair worked over Aliyah, but the bell never rang to start the match.

Ronda Rousey’s music played and she ran to ringside and fought with Flair. Rousey got the better of the exchange initially, but Flair reversed a whip and sent Rousey into the barricade. Flair entered the ring. Rousey got up and followed her, but Flair tackled her and threw punches at her.

Rousey charged at Flair in the corner and ran into a big boot. Referees and producers pulled them apart. Flair took out producer Shawn Daivari, whom Cole labeled an official. Jamie Noble tried to help and was mentioned by name by McAfee…

Powell’s POV: A spirited pull-apart brawl. I’m surprised that they didn’t include Drew Gulak in some way given his previous involvement in their feud. It will be interesting to see if he plays a part in Sunday’s match.

A video package recapped recent developments involving WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Sasha Banks and Naomi and their future challengers Shayna Baszler and Natalya. The footage included Baszler stomping the arm of Naomi. Cole said Naomi suffered a minor rotator cuff strain and was extremely lucky…

WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Sasha Banks and Naomi made their entrance for Sasha’s match against Baszler… [C] Baszler and Natalya made their entrance…

1. Sasha Banks (w/Naomi) vs. Shayna Baszler (w/Natalya). Cole noted that the WWE Women’s Tag Title match involving these teams would take place on next week’s show. Banks wore a headband that read “Legit” on it while she worked the match. Banks went after Baszler’s arm early. Natalya provided a distraction that allowed Baszler to take offensive control. Baszler put Banks down with a side slam. [C]

Banks slammed Baszler’s bad arm on the broadcast table. Back in the ring, Banks performed a running Meteora that resulted in a two count. Banks also performed a huracanrana on Natalya at ringside. When she returned to the ring, Baszler caught her in an inside cradle for a near fall. Banks came right back with a backslide for a two count. Baszler caught her in another inside cradle and this time Natalya held one of Banks’s legs while the referee made the three count.

Shayna Baszler defeated Sasha Banks in 8:05.

After the match, Baszler and Natalya attacked Banks and Naomi. Natalya tried to hold Naomi in place while Baszler set up to kick Banks’s arm, but Naomi broke free. Banks and Naomi performed a double Eat Defeat on Natalya. Cole hyped the tag title match for next week while all four women held one of their arms…

Powell’s POV: I hope the Legit headband isn’t something Banks intends to wear during all of her matches. Anyway, the match was fine and Baszler stealing the win put some heat on the challengers heading into next week’s title match.

A video package recapped the developments in the Bloodline’s feud with Drew McIntyre, Randy Orton, and Riddle…

Kayla Braxton interviewed Smackdown Tag Team Champions Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso on the backstage interview set. They spoke about having the antidote for snakes and said they would have fresh snakeskin coming out of WrestleMania Backlash…

Happy Corbin made his entrance for a Happy Talk segment. Cole said Corbin apparently has something to be happy about and viewers would find out whatever it is coming out the break… [C] The broadcast team plugged Bad Bunny’s album and tour…

Raw Tag Team Champions Randy Orton and Riddle were interviewed by Braxton on the backstage interview set. Riddle recalled the Usos saying something about him putting his foot in his mouth and questioned who was he to question what people put in their mouth. Orton gave a quick promo about how the Usos didn’t need to worry about what kind of shoes they will wear, they need to worry about RK-Bro…

Cole narrated highlights of Corbin stealing the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal trophy…

Corbin spoke briefly before Madcap Moss interrupted. Moss said no one wants to hear Corbin talk, they want to hear him crack jokes. He told a lame joke about Corbin looking like he’s trying out for a Pitbull cover band. He told another about Corbin doing charity work by letting tattoo artists try out their worst ideas on him. He said it looks like a Hot Topic threw up on Corbin’s chest.

Corbin spared everyone by interrupting Moss. Corbin said Moss didn’t have the guts to say these things to his face. “Funny you should mention that,” Moss said. Moss made his entrance and joined Corbin inside the ring. Moss read through some of the names that Corbin has had over the years and said his next phase should be that he’s entertaining. He said he would say that Corbin should go back to his Lone Wolf days, but wolves have hair. He got the crowd to chant “Big Bald Wolf” and then laughed like a jackass while Corbin left the ring…

Powell’s POV: Was that a double turn? Okay, not really, but I can’t believe the creative forces think that this is the right babyface character for Moss. What a shame.

A video package recapped Drew Gulak’s recent job tryouts and his issues with Charlotte Flair. Gulak stood in the ring while the broadcast team questioned who he would face. “I’m sure it will end will for Drew Gulak,” McAfee said… [C]

Ludwig Kaiser introduced Gunther as the opponent for Gulak…

2. Gunther (w/Ludwig Kaiser) vs. Drew Gulak. Gunther eventually put Gulak in a sleeper hold. Gunther released the hold and then powerbombed and pinned Gulak.

Gunther defeated Drew Gulak in 2:05.

Afterward, Kaiser introduced Gunther as the ring general and the winner of the match…

Powell’s POV: Gulak is down on his luck, and Gunther is destroying everyone, so it was a logical move to have them cross paths.

Footage aired of Rick Boogs suffering a torn quadriceps injury at WrestleMania, followed by The Bloodline leaving Shinsuke Nakamura lying on the next Smackdown episode…

Backstage, Nakamura was interviewed by Megan Morant near the production trucks. Nakamura said he hasn’t forgotten what The Bloodline did. He said when the time is right, he’ll get a piece of Roman Reigns and he will never forget. Sami Zayn was shown peeking around the corner of one of the production trucks…

Sheamus and Ridge Holland made their entrance for the tables match. “Where the hell is Butch?” McAfee asked… [C]

Drew McIntyre was interviewed on the backstage interview set by Braxton. McIntyre said he thinks the fans deserve to see something special in the form of The Head of the Table getting his head kicked off his body…

[Hour Two] Cole recapped Butch storming out after a match two weeks ago and said he hasn’t been seen since. Cole and McAfee spoke about the social media campaign questioning the whereabouts of Butch… Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods made their entrance…

3. Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods vs. Sheamus and Ridge Holland in a tables match. The fight started the moment the New Day duo entered the ring. Cole explained that it was a free for all with no tags and the only way to win was to put an opponent through a table. Kingston and Woods tried to double suplex Holland through a table, but Sheamus shoved it out of the way.

Sheamus set up a table on the floor and wanted to powerbomb Kingston through it, but Woods saved Kingston. Woods avoided a charging Holland, who ran into the ring steps. Sheamus had Woods on his back on the apron when Kingston broke it up and sent Sheamus to the floor. Kingston dove from the top rope onto Sheamus on the floor, causing Sheamus to knock over the barricade in front of the timekeepers area. [C]

Sheamus and Holland simultaneously clubbed the chests of Kingston and Woods ten times coming out of the break. Later, Woods set up a table in the ring. Woods superkicked Holland and then placed him on the table. Woods went up top, but Sheamus cut him off. Kingston kicked Sheamus off the apron and then performed a running dive over the top rope onto Sheamus on the floor.

Kingston cleared off the broadcast table and ended up hitting Sheamus with a Trouble in Paradise kick. Sheamus was down on the broadcast table. Butch emerged from underneath the ring and helped Sheamus and Holland. With Kingston down on the floor, Sheamus and Holland slammed Woods through the table in the ring to win the match. Butch went after Woods after the match and had to be pulled back by his partners…

Sheamus and Ridge Holland defeated Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods in 12:30 in a tables match.

Powell’s POV: Kingston stood out in this match and performed a couple of big and impressive dives. I assumed that Butch would return, but I couldn’t completely rule out that they would stretch out the “Where’s Butch?” bit a while longer.

Kayla Braxton stood outside of Roman Reigns’ dressing room and interviewed Paul Heyman. She asked Heyman about McIntyre saying that he wanted to kick Reigns’ head off. Heyman asked if she was flirting with him. Sami Zayn showed up. Braxton walked away. Heyman pleaded with her not to leave him alone with Zayn, who told Heyman to tell Reigns that he would deal with Shinsuke Nakamura for him. Heyman told Zayn that Reigns respects and appreciates Zayn’s initiative. Heyman assured Zayn that he would let Reigns know about Zayn’s good deed… [C]

Adam Pearce wrapped up a backstage phone call when Sami Zayn approached him. Zayn asked him for a match against Shinsuke Nakamura next week. Pearce said he could actually face him on the spot. A flustered Zayn accepted the offer…

Chapter five of the Lacey Evans story aired. She said her father lost his battle with mental health and addiction and overdosed two months before her WWE tryout. She said another family member attempted suicide around the same time. Another family member overdosed in a parking lot not far from an NXT show in Florida on the night of her first match.

Evans said she decided that day that she needed to do what was best for her, her family, and her mental health. She said she tried to make her family proud and break the addiction. But what should have been the happiest moment of her life was when she ended up being completely broken. She said it was the first time she didn’t drop everything and go.

Evans said she stayed and then had her first match in front of her daughter. She said she went to the hospital afterward. She said she carried the weight and so much pain for her family. She said it’s her time to show the word that we have the power to break the cycle. Evans said she had one question for the other wrestlers. She asked what they could do to stop her or bring her down that her life hasn’t already done. She closed with her usual line and added that she’s soon to be Smackdown Women’s Champion…

Smackdown ring announcer Samantha Irvin stood in the ring and said she thinks we all appreciate the true Lacey Evans story. She said Evans asked that the fans show the proper respect. Irvin asked the fans to stand and applaud Evans.

Lacey Evans came out to a military theme wearing the same outfit she wore during her interviews. The fans applauded her. She stopped and hugged a woman in the crowd, then climbed onto the barricade and flexed her biceps…

Cole set up a sponsored “highlight of the night” clip regarding Raquel Rodriguez… Sami Zayn made his entrance… [C] Shinsuke Nakamura made his entrance. McAfee stood on the broadcast table and rocked out to Nakamura’s theme song, which irritated Zayn…

4. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Sami Zayn. Cole said a lot of people have labeled Zayn a stooge, whereas Zayn calls himself a locker room leader. Zayn performed a Michinoku Driver for a near fall heading into a break. [C]

Nakamura caught Zayn in an armbar, but Zayn rolled onto him to get a two count and break the hold. Nakamura set up for his finisher. Zayn saw it coming and rolled to ringside. McAfee said that running from people has become Zayn’s finisher. Funny.

Nakamura went to ringside and knocked Zayn down with a kick. Zayn crawled behind the broadcast table. Nakamura grabbed him once he emerged, but Zayn shoved him into the barricade and put him down with a Helluva Kick. Zayn raced back to the ring to get the count-out win.

Sami Zayn defeated Shinsuke Nakamura via count-out in 9:15.

Powell’s POV: Sami is a North American treasure and this was the perfect way for him to steal a win. I love it.

The broadcast team ran through some of the WrestleMania Backlash matches…

Randy Orton and Riddle made their entrance. Riddle kicked his flip flips off and animated giraffes were shown stampeding… [C] Cole plugged a NASCAR race for FS1, and then next week’s WWE Women’s Tag Title match…

Drew McIntyre made his entrance with his lame ass sword. The broadcast team referred to the babyface team as RK-McBro. Once in the ring, McIntyre placed his sword in its holder that’s attacked to the ring post. McIntyre took the mic and started to talk to “Strong Island” until Riddle interrupted him. Riddle asked what they acknowledge. Riddle said he acknowledges that Randy is his best friend.

Orton acknowledged that he has McIntyre’s handprint on his chest from two years earlier when he beat him for the WWE Championship. McIntyre acknowledged that Orton kicked him in the head four times and then he won back the championship. Riddle said they also acknowledged that they agreed to let bygones be bygones. McIntyre and Orton acknowledged simultaneously.

Riddle acknowledged that Orton has the most muscular legs in WWE. This went on a bit longer and they got the crowd to chant “acknowledge.” McIntyre said they all acknowledge that Roman Reigns is the biggest piece of crap walking the earth.

Roman Reigns’ entrance music played and then he made his entrance along with Jimmy Uso, Jey Uso, and Paul Heyman. The Bloodline remained on the stage. Reigns teased speaking, then tossed the mic aside. “Oh boy, you done screwed up now,” Heyman said as Reigns and the Usos started walking toward the ring.

Reigns and the Usos entered the ring and jawed with McIntyre, Orton, and Riddle. The two teams started throwing punches. Riddle was run between the ropes and into the ring post. Reigns caught McIntyre with a Superman Punch. The Usos held McIntyre while Reigns punched him repeatedly. Riddle returned and took out Jey with an RKO, then threw a knee to the head of Jimmy, who was then RKO’d by Orton. McIntyre capped it off with a Claymore Kick on Reigns. The heels retreated while Cole gave final hype to WrestleMania Backlash…

Powell’s POV: A good show-closing angle. The brawl was brief and ended the night on a high note with the babyfaces getting the better of the heels. Overall, this was an easy to watch two-hour show and a solid final push for WrestleMania Backlash despite the fact that it looks like a throwaway event in a lot of ways. I will be back shortly with my weekly same night audio review of Smackdown. Let me know what you thought of the show by grading it below. Have a great weekend.

Join me on Sunday for my live review of WrestleMania Backlash.

WWE Friday Night Smackdown Poll: Grade the May 6 edition

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Readers Comments (1)

  1. TheGreatestOne May 6, 2022 @ 9:06 pm

    Lacey Evans has to be going for a more modern Sgt. Slaughter heel military character, right?

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