1/13 Impact Wrestling TV results: Moore’s review of AAA Reina De Reinas Champion Deonna Purrazzo vs. ROH Women’s World Champion Rok-C in a title vs. title match, Mike “Speedball” Bailey vs. Jake Something, Chris Bey vs. Laredo Kid, fallout from the Hard To Kill pay-per-view

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

Impact Wrestling TV
Taped in Dallas, Texas at the Bomb Factory

Aired January 13, 2022 on AXS TV

Highlights from Impact Hard to Kill aired…

Tom Hannifan and D’Lo Brown were on commentary…

The show cut to W Morrissey looking for Moose backstage. Morrissey made his entrance and asked for Moose to get his ass out to the ring. Morrissey talked about how he had Moose down for a 10 count at Hard to Kill. Moorissey talked about how Moose talks about being the best in Wrestling, but he’s carrying a title that he practically stole. Morrissey talked about Moose ducking out on him. Morrissey asked Moose to be a man for once.

Morrissey said he’s not going to stop doing what he’s doing until he gets an Impact title match. Moose appeared on the big screen. Moose said simply put, Morrissey didn’t beat him. Moose said he’s going to defend the title tonight, but it won’t be Morrissey. Moose told Morrissey to get to the back of the line and watch the greatest World Champion in all of pro wrestling, Moose. Morrissey marched to the back and said he doesn’t think Moose will make it to his championship match tonight.

Morrissey walked into Scott D’Amore backstage at Gorilla Position. D’Amore told Morrissey to not interfere in the math tonight. D’Amore was interrupted by someone on his headset. The show cut to Matt Taven, Vincent, PCO, and Mike Bennett harrassing the announce team. D’Lo tried to fight back, but was put on a table by the ROH wrestlers and driven through it with PCO giving D’Lo two sentons…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Solid start to the show. Looks like they might be going in the direction of Morrissey being a babyface. That’s good. Impact is light on top babyfaces and Matt Cardona wasn’t cutting it. Josh Alexander is around, but they might be saving him to be the person who takes the title from Moose (as the storyline would dictate). Looks like Impact is also going forward with an invasion storyline which has the potential to be good too and almost writes itself. This also gives them some fresh faces after their deal with AEW ended.

Tom Hannifan recapped the last segment and noted that he’ll be flying solo on commentary for the rest of the night due to D’Lo being out. Hannifan ran through the upcoming segments on this week’s show…

A Rok C introductory highlight vignette aired…

Chris Bey made his entrance to the original Bullet Club theme. Trey Miguel joined Tom Hannifan on commentary…

1. Chris Bey vs. Laredo Kid. Bey put the boots to Kid in the corner. Kid turned the tables and gave Bey a few right hands. Kid gave Bey a gamengiri and a crossbody. Kid then hit Bey with a huracanrana. Kid hit Bey with a crossbody at ringside. Bey came back with a Tiger Feint Kick and Asai Moonsault heading into commercial.[c]

Hannifan and Miguel talked in a somber tone about being worried about D’Lo Brown. Bey hit Kid with a neckbreaker on the top rope and slingshot elbow drop for a two count. Miguel taunted Bey when Bey worked on Kid at ringside. Kid made a comeback by hitting Bey with a back suplex on the top rope. Kid then hit Bey with a dive. Kid hit Bey with two moonsaults for a two count. Bey used knees to send Kid into the 2nd buckle. Bey hit Kid with a brainbuster for a two count.

Kid rolled up Bey for a two count. Bey hit Kid with a back kid. Kid escaped an argentine backbreaker. Bey punched Kid off the top rope, but Kid came back with a gamengiri and followed up with a top rope Spanish Fly for the win.

Laredo Kid defeated Chris Bey via pinfall in 8:35 of on-air time.

Miguel joked that Bey was distracted by the X Division title and champion at ringside…

John’s Thoughts: A bit surprising because Impact usually uses Kid to put people over. I’m not complaining because Kid should be utilized more and Bey has been ice cold since joining Impact’s iteration of the Bullet Club. By the way, I’m already liking the shift away from Matt Striker to the former Tom Phillips. Striker was very grating at times and it’s nice to have a more straightforward announcer at the table. Hannifan also comes off as a very affable person.

Heath [Slater], Rhino, Rich Swann, Eddie Edwards, and Willie Mack were pacing around backstage discussing the Ring of Honor wrestlers showing up on Impact. Heath said that the ROH wrestlers ruined Hard to Kill for them. Eddie Edwards recommended that they should split up and get to the ROH wrestlers before they get to them. Rhino said it was time to rip them apart…[c]

This week’s “How to be a professional” skit was titled “How to make a comeback”. Brian Myers was berating VSK and Zicky Dice backstage. Myers threatened to cut Dice and VSK. Dice said he was picked by Moose to get a world title shot on this week’s episode. Dice also got a giant pizza to carb load. Myers and VSK rolled their eyes and took a slice of the pizza before walking off…

Entrances for the next match took place. Ace Austin and Madman Fulton joined Hannifan on commentary…

2. Jake Something vs. “Speedball” Mike Bailey. Something hit Bailey with a shoulder tackle. Bailey came back with a roundhouse and dropkick. Bailey taunted Something with a backflip and karate pose. Something power bombed Bailey on the apron. Something got a two count after a haymaker. Something hit Bailey with a front hip attack. Bailey came back with a Triangle Moonsault. Something blocked a huracanrana but Bailey came back with a few kicks and a standing corkscrew Shooting Star for a two count.

Something slammed Bailey with a Falcon Arrow for a two count. Bailey came back with a spinning roundhouse. Bailey then hit Something with a Top Rope Backflip Meteora, which Hannifan said Bailey calls “Ultima Weapon”, for the win.

“Speedball” Mike Bailey defeated Jake Something via pinfall in 4:16.

John’s Thoughts: A nice introduction of Bailey to viewers who didn’t get to see him on Hard to Kill. Bonus points to the guy being presumably a Final Fantasy fan with the name of his finisher (Maybe he’d be good friends with Chris Sabin or Kenny Omega who also use Final Fantasy in their gimmicks). Bailey stands out in a good way because we don’t always see a martial arts based pro wrestler rely primarily on strikes (it’s usually hybrid). On the other side of the coin, why are they sacrificing Jake Something? Something has the look and confidence of someone you think would be pushed towards the world championship, but instead he’s enhancement fodder.

Violent By Design and The Good Brothers were chatting backstage. Karl Anderson said he doesn’t understand why they are aligned if they aren’t going to take out the top tag teams in the tag division. Eric Young told Anderson that Anderson is trying to put the blame on VBD when it was Anderson who lost the match. Young said it was just a business deal between them. Young said that there was pure dominance in the ring when Doering and Gallows are in the ring. VBD and The Good Brothers saw some commotion, Rhino left lying on the ground with staff checking on him. Anderson asked the staff to go get help. When the staff left, VBD and the Good Brothers put the boots to Rhino…[c]

Gia Miller had a sitdown interview with Matt Cardona and Chelsea Green. Miller noted that Cardona and Green were both unsuccessful at Hard to Kill and wondered if their mindset has changed. Cardona said he has no excuses and he doesn’t know when he’ll get another opportunity. Cardona said all he can do now is be “always ready”, make his own luck, and create his own opportunities. Green cut Cardona off and said that Cardona’s match was amazing. Green said Cardona could have won. Green said Cardona always sells himself short.

Green said she also had a chance to win, even unhooking the X. Tasha Steelz and Samantha Evans interrupted. They shooed off Miller. Steelz bragged about winning Ultimate X. Steelz got on Green’s nerves by saying that she has to wake up next to a loser like Matt Cardona every day. Cardona held Green back. Green challenged Steelz to a match next match. Steelz refused. Green shoved Steelz on the chair and said she’d better think about it…

John’s Thoughts: Eh, not a bad promo but I’m not sure there’s money behind sappy babyface Matt Cardona. On the other end of the interview, I like that Tasha Steelz is seemingly getting a singles push. She’s been very impressive since becoming less over-the-top after her pairing with Kiera Hogan. Steelz is somone to look out for as a future Knockouts Championship standout.

Entrances for the next match took place…

3. Masha Slamovich vs. Vert Vixen. Masha ran through Vert and hit her with a few snapmares. Masha dominated for a stretch. Vert managed to dodge Masha. Masha no sold forearms. Masha hit Vert with a clothesline. Masha hit Vert with a modified Death Valley Driver for the win.

Masha Slamovich defeated Vert Vixen via pinfall in 1:05.

Masha crossed paths with Josh Alexander who made his entrance. Alexander soaked up “walking weapon” chants. Alexander talked about how people have been telling him for months to keep his emotions in check in order to get a world championship match. He talked about how he defeated Minoru Suzuki and Jonah. He said he’s been broken and battered but hasn’t lost focus. He talked about being embarrassed in front of his wife and child by Moose.

He said he held the world title and sees himself as the uncrowned world champion. Alexander blamed Moose from hiding from him. Alexander said Moose would only prove himself if he goes through him. Former WWE Tag Team Champion, Charlie Haas, made his entrance. Haas introduced himself and said it was the first time he’s been in the Impact ring. He said that Josh is a great wrestler. He talked about him and Alexander being very technical and how they were both a part of great tag teams. Haas challenged Alexander to a match.

Alexander said everyone knows Haas, one of the greatest amateur wrestlers in pro wrestling. He said it’d be an honor to face Haas. Alexander said he would fight Haas after getting the world title back because he’s had to go through many hurdles in recent months. Haas gave Alexander a right hand. A brawl ensued with security running out to break them apart. Alexander took the mic and granted Haas the match…

Rok C was getting prepared backstage. Mickie James showed up to welcome Rok C to Impact. Rok talked about liking Mickie’s match at Hard to Kill. Mickie said she’s here to warn Rok C that she shouldn’t underestimate Deonna Purrazzo…

John’s Thoughts: Seems like a bit of a step down, after Minoru Suzuki and Jonah going to Charlie Haas. That said, it is still cool seeing Charlie Haas back in pro wrestling. Alexander is still being kept in side feuds to keep him warmed up away from the title picture and it’s good to see Alexander acknowledge that as a part of his path back to the title.

Entrances for the next match took place. Moose made his entrance in street clothes. Brian Myers joined Tom Hannifan on commentary…

4. Moose vs. Zicky Dice (w/Brian Myers, VSK) for the Impact World Championship. Moose hit Dice with a uranage and put his foot on Dice for the easy win.

Moose defeated Zicky Dice via pinfall in 0:19 to retain the Impact World Championship.

W Morrissey made his entrance looking for a fight. Morrissey and Moose traded punches. Morrissey gave Dice a Yakuza Kick. Moose rolled away and backtracked up the ramp. Morrissey held up the world title. Morrissey grabbed VSK and gave him a chokeslam. Morrissey left the ring and chased Moose to the back. Moose drove off in a car when Morrissey made it to the parking lot…

John’s Thoughts: Simple and effective segment to set up a Morrissey and Moose singles feud (which is an upgrade over the one that also included Matt Cardona because it spotlights Morrissey as the main event babyface). I feel bad for Dice though (and even VSK for that matter). Dice showed a lot of personality in NWA when he was spotlighted and I feel like this role as Myers’s stooge is really hindering his potential.

Raj Singh made his entrance. Scott D’Amore joined Tom Hannifan on commentary. Hannifan asked D’Amore for an update on D’Lo and if he knows the intention of the Ring of Honor wrestlers that showed up on Impact to attack him. D’Amore noted that Jonathan Gresham and Rok C are representing Ring of Honor formally. D’Amore said the group that includes Matt Taven are a renegade group. D’Amore said he’s looking forward to the winner take all match between Purrazzo and Rok C. Raj asked for a challenge. Jonah accepted…

5. Jonah vs. Raj Singh. D’Amore noted that Raj is the son of Gama Singh. Jonah no sold Raj’s lariats. Jonah came back with a lariat of his own. Raj rallied back with right hands. Jonah came back with a press slam and running senton. Jonah hit Raj with a Tsunami Splash for the win.

Jonah defeated Raj Singh via pinfall in 1:24.

John’s Thoughts: Good to see that Jonah is not finished with Impact. Jonah never really got a shot in WWE and I hope Impact can utilize him in actual storylines, even if he is here for a cup of coffee and not long-term. If I remember correctly, Raj was by himself because Rohit Raju announced his departure from the company.

Tenille Dashwood, Madison Rayne, and Kaleb Konley cut a promo backstage taunting The IInspiration. Havok and Rosemary showed up to challenge Dashwood and Rayne to a match next week. The segment was cut off when a staff member yelled for help after seeing Eddie Edwards left lying on the floor…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Welp, Eddie’s dumb plan to split up and challenge 4 or 5 people on 1 isn’t working out. This reminded me of when Moose was the dumbest babyface in Impact and would randomly get his ass kicked by challenging 5 guys at a time and being left on the ground.

Gia Miller interviewed Jonathan Gresham and wondered if he had insight on the renegade ROH wrestlers showing up. Gresham said he doesn’t know what they are doing. Gresham said he’s proud of the future of ROH being “pure”. Steve Maclin showed up and wondered if Gresham was lying about not knowing about the intentions of the renegade ROH wrestlers. Maclin said where he comes from you don’t turn your back on your brothers. Gresham said he’s going to ROH management and going to ask for them to allow him to defend the ROH title against Maclin next week…

Ton Hannifan announced the following segments for next week: Tasha Steelz vs. Chelsea Green. Gallows and Doering vs. Heath and Rhino, Charlie Haas vs. Josh Alexander, and Jonathan Gresham vs. Steve Maclin for the ROH Championship. Ian Riccaboni joined Tom Hannifan on commentary. Riccaboni said he apologizes on behalf of ROH for what people like Taven, Vincent, PCO, and Bennett are doing…

Entrances for the title vs. title match took place. Bobby Cruise handled the introductions. Matthew Rehwoldt joined Ian and Tom on commenatary…

6. Rok-C vs. Deonna Purrazzo for the Ring of Honor Women’s World Championship and AAA Reina de Reina’s Championship. Rok C avoided Purrazzo and taunted Purrazzo with Purrazzo’s pose. Rok C locked in a crossface with Purrazzo rolling to ringside.[c]

Rok C hit Deonna with a backflip. Purrazzo dropped Rok C to ringside when C went for an Old School. Deonna worked on Rok C with methodical offense. Rok C came back with forearms. Deonna reversed a test of strength into a armbreaker. Deonna escaped a straightjacket hold. Rok C sidestepped Deonna, sending Deonna into the buckle. Rok C hit Deonna with a top rope Thesz press. Rok C hit Deonna with a Russian Legsweep. Rok C sold an arm injury, failing to lock in a corssface.

Purrazzo hit Rok Z with a Russian Legsweep and Fujiwara armbar. Rok C escaped the subsequent pin attempt and hit Deonna with a Code Red for a two count. Deonna countered a Code Red into a Fujiwara Armbar which Rok C countered into a Crossface. Purrazzo countered back into a Fujiwara Armbar. Brian Hebner was about to call for the bell, but Rok C held on to his leg to signal that she wasn’t passed out. Deonna grabbed on to the second arm to put Rok-C in the Rings of Saturn for the tapout win.

Deonna Purrazzo defeated Rok-C via submission in 10:10 of on-air time to win both the Ring of Honor Women’s and Reina De Reina’s championships.

Maria Kenellis showed up to confront Deonna in the ring. Taven, Bennett, Vincent, and PCO showed up to surround Deonna. The ROH renegade wrestlers put the boots to Matt Rehwoldt when he went to Deonna’s defense. Swann and Mack ran out but were beat up due to the numbers advantage. The ROH rogue wrestlers posed to close the show (do we have a name for them yet? Do we call them The Kingdom + PCO?)…

John’s Thoughts: Great women’s match and one of the best singles women’s matches we’ve seen in a good while in Impact (Mickie vs. Deonna has been ok, but their two matches haven’t exactly hit that high note). I don’t like that they rushed to Purrazzo vs. Rok C so soon after introducing Rok C to the Impact audience. It would have been good for them to at least give Rok C some introductory matches to the Impact viewers (like they’re doing with Jonathan Gresham). Very odd of them to rush the title off her (has me wondering if Rok C appearing at a recent WWE tryout lead to her getting signed? Just spitballing). I also wonder if they wanted to go the belt collector route with Deonna and the Knockouts title, but Mickie’s Royal Rumble thing put that on hold?

Deonna feuding with Maria? That doesn’t seem like the greatest, but at the same time where Maria lacks in the ring, she totally kills it on the microphone so that can lead to an amazing match build. I hope Maria gets showcased again somewhere because she’s one of the best and most underutilized talkers in all of pro wrestling. I’m very intrigued to see where this Impact and ROH relationship goes because a bunch of new faces can seemingly freshen up what has been a pretty stale show.







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