AEW Rampage Poll: Grade the January 7 edition January 7, 2022 CategoriesREADER POLLS AEW Rampage Poll: Grade the January 7 edition A – Great Show B – Good Show C – Average Show D – Disappointing Show F – Awful Show free polls Listen to "Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast" on Spreaker. WE VALUE YOUR PRIVACY PRIVACY POLICY INFO HERE Topicsaewaew rampage
5/11 AEW Dynamite results: Barnett’s live review of Darby Allin vs. Jeff Hardy, Adam Cole vs. Dax Harwood, and Toni Storm vs. Jamie Hayter in Owen Hart tournament matches, Ricky Starks vs. Jungle Boy for the FTW Title, CM Punk vs. John Silver, Danhausen vs. Tony Nese, MJF and Wardlow contract signing for Double Or Nothing
AEW Dynamite Hit List: Shaquille O’Neal and Jade Cargill vs. Cody Rhodes and Red Velvet, Tully Blanchard, Dax Harwood, and Cash Wheeler vs. Jurassic Express, Ryo Mizunami vs. Nyla Rose in the AEW Eliminator tournament final, final hype for AEW Revolution
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