ROH Wrestling TV results: Powell’s review of ROH World Champion Bandido vs. PJ Black, and Willow vs. Mandy Leon for the ROH Women’s World Championship shot at Final Battle

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Ring of Honor Wrestling TV (Episode 533)
Taped in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 2300 Arena
Aired December 4, 2021 in syndication and on SBG regional sports networks, available Mondays on FITE.TV

Quinn McKay checked in from the studio and hyped the three matches following the usual ROH opening video… Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman were on commentary along with Rok-C, who sat in for the opening match…

Mandy Leon and Angelina Love made their entrance. Brian Zane interviewed Mandy Leon and Angelina Love in the backstage area. Leon spoke about waiting a long time for her shot and said she would win.

Willow made her entrance while a pre-taped promo aired. She said she beat Angelina Love in the tournament and now gets to face her partner in crime. She conceded that the odds may be stacked against her with Love in the corner, but she was bringing the smile and sunshine…

1. Willow vs. Mandy Leon (w/Angelina Love) for a shot at the ROH Women’s World Championship at Final Battle. A graphic listed EC3 vs. Eli Isom for next week’s show. Leon broke a hold by grabbing the ropes and then rolled to ringside. Willow followed and threw a kick that Leon blocked. Leon swung Willow’s leg, which caused her to take a face plant on the apron. Leon ran Willow into the barricade and suplexed her on the floor heading into a break. [C]

Leon remained in control. Willow pulled herself up by the ropes and stopped long enough to look into the camera and say hi before starting her comeback. Willow performed a spinebuster that led to a two count. Willow performed a Death Valley Driver for a near fall. Willow went for a powerbomb, but Leon backdropped her and got a two count.

Willow rallied and performed a top rope moonsault that Leon avoided. Leon dropkicked Willow and then performed a pump-handle slam. Leon was slow to cover Willow, who kicked out at the last moment. Love grabbed a chair. Quinn McKay ran out and tried to pull it away. Chelsea Green came out and helped McKay, but Miranda Alize and Vita Von Starr helped Love. Others joined in.

Max the Impaler made her entrance along with Amy Rose. Max took the chair from Love and then picked her up and tossed her at the heel wrestlers. In the ring, Willow superkicked Leon and then finished her off with a powerbomb.

Willow defeated Mandy Leon in 11:30 to earn a shot at the ROH Women’s World Championship at Final Battle.

The babyfaces entered the ring and celebrated with Willow. A graphic listed Willow as the challenger for Rok-C at Final Battle. Willow offered Leon a handshake, which she actually accepted. A graphic listed the main event… [C]

Powell’s POV: A well worked match. I could have done without all the drama at ringside, but I guess it got the other women on the show and helped establish that the babyfaces are behind Willow.

Backstage, Zane interviewed Willow, who hugged him. She said she was taking a moment to step back and remember what got her to this point. Willow said she beat both members of The Allure to earn the right to face Rok-C…

A Brian Johnson video aired. He spoke about rewriting history at Final Battle. Johnson spoke about the Pure division and said what better way to rewrite history than to beat Josh Woods and become the next ROH Pure Champion…

Edited entrances for the Taylor Rust vs. Chris Dickinson match took place. A graphic listed that the full match could be seen on the ROH Week By Week show on the ROH YouTube page. An edited version of the match aired and showed Dickinson winning with a lariat…

Powell’s POV: This was awkward. The match was advertised last week and there was no indication that we’d only see some highlights. I was looking forward to that match, but I can’t say that I really have any desire to watch it now that I saw the finish.

A graphic listed Brody King, Homicide, and Tony Deppen vs. Tracy Williams, Taylor Rust, and Eli Isom in a six-man tag match for Final Battle… A Final Battle ad aired… [C]

The following matches were listed for for the Road To Final Battle series on YouTube: Dragon Lee vs. Jonathan Gresham on December 6, Dalton Castle and Dak Draper vs. PJ Black and Flip Gordon on December 7, Beer City Bruiser vs. Caprice Coleman on December 8, Shane Taylor, Moses, and Kaun vs. Homicide, Chris Dickinson, and Tony Deppen for the ROH Six-Man Tag Titles on December 9, and EC3 vs. Demonic Flamita for December 10. Each match will air on ROH’s YouTube page…

Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe spoke about their history in ROH in a video package for Final Battle. Mark said it’s the end of an era, but it’s not the end of the road. Mark said the future holds “exciting uncertainty” and said Final Battle will be a historic show. Jay said fans wouldn’t want to miss this event…

Powell’s POV: ROH could dedicate an entire show to the Briscoes discussing their time in the company and what the latest developments mean to them and I would be glued to the television.

PJ Black made his entrance. They cut to a pre-taped segment with Black ready to deliver a promo about the main event. Flip Gordon entered the room and said his Mercenary days was just a nightmare. Black hypnotized Black and told him he would be the Mercenary when he clapped his hands twice. Black sat and stared ahead while Black delivered his promo. Black clapped. Gordon asked where he was going and said he needed to talk to him…

Bandido made his entrance and was accompanied by Rey Horus. Jonathan Gresham was on commentary for the main event… [C]

3. ROH World Champion Bandido (w/Rey Horus) vs. PJ Black (w/Flip Gordon) in a non-title match. The wrestlers adhered to the Code of Honor. Black tossed Bandido to ringside. Gresham spoke about his desire to protect ROH’s history more than anything. He said he’s not concerned about the future and said “it will be here.” Bandido tried to return to the ring, but Black kicked him. A short time later, Black held the ropes open let Bandido return to the ring. [C]

Black tossed Bandido to ringside again. This time Black followed him to the floor and held his arms behind his back while telling Gordon to punch him in the face. Gordon didn’t follow. Black clapped his hands twice and this time Gordon punched hi Bandido the face for the DQ.

ROH World Champion Bandido defeated PJ Black by DQ in a non-title match.

Black clapped his hand again and Gordon acted like he didn’t remember punching Bandido. Horus performed a flip dive over the referee and onto Black and Gordon on the floor. This led to an impromptu tag match…

Powell’s POV: So I guess the idea is that Black somehow has control over Gordon, who has amnesia and believes his run as The Mercenary character was just a dream. I actually wish it was because I see Gordon as a babyface. This feels a little sports entertainment-like for ROH. But at this point, what the hell? I’m actually happy that they are letting us know where this was going. I hope they can somehow do the same with Jay Lethal’s story with The Righteous.

3. Bandido and Rey Horus vs. PJ Black and Flip Gordon. The teams fought at ringside to start, but they quickly entered the ring and followed tag rules early on. Black and Gordon isolated Flamita. [C] Graphics listed Sledge vs. PCO, Miranda Alize vs. Chelsea Green, and EC3 vs. Eli Isom for next week’s show (hopefully none get the highlight treatment).

Bandido took a hot tag and had a flurry of offense. Bandido launched Horus onto Black and Gordon on the floor. Horus tossed Gordon back inside the ring. Bandido performed a top rope frogsplash for a near fall. Gordon and Black came back and Black hit a Destroyer on Horus off the shoulders of Gordon. Damn.

Black went up top, but Bandido cut him off and performed the C4 for a near fall. Bandido hit the 21 Plex on Black and pinned him clean.

Bandido and Rey Horus vs. PJ Black and Flip Gordon.

After the match, Riccaboni delivered some hype for the Final Battle pay-per-view while Gresham applauded Bandido and Horus…

Footage aired of Bryan Danielson talking in an old promo about how the ROH World Championship represents wrestling freedom. Classic footage continued to air while Jonathan Gresham spoke about the company being an alternative and upholding honor at all costs. Gresham said Bandido has done that, but he has yet to defeat a pure wrestler. Subtitles were used as Bandido, who was filmed separately from Gresham, spoke about making Final Battle a night to remember for the fans of ROH. He said he would not give Gresham an easy way out. Gresham said he wanted to give the fans a match to remember and said he would not allow honor to go on hiatus…

Graphics listed the Final Battle matches…

Powell’s POV: There were some impressive big spots in the main event. As risky as a Destroyer off the shoulders of another wrestler can be, Black pulled it off in a manner that looked as safe as it possibly could be for Horus. Gresham held up his end of the Final Battle video package, but Bandido came off a bit generic in terms of his hype for the match.

Overall, a decent episode. Advertising Chris Dickinson vs. Taylor Rust and only showing highlights as odd, as was an ROH singles main event leading to an impromptu tag team match. At least the women’s match was meaningful in terms of setting up the title match for the pay-per-view.

ROH is doing a good job of making Final Battle feel like a big deal, but I don’t believe they’ve told the audience exactly what’s happening with the company going on hiatus after the pay-per-view. Obviously, those who follow the company online are aware and perhaps the wrestler promos are letting more casual viewers know that something is up, but I think ROH would be wise to just put it out there on the television show so this makes sense to everyone. I will have more to say about this episode in my weekly ROH Wrestling audio review for Dot Net Members.


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