11/10 AEW Dynamite results: Powell’s live review of the Kenny Omega and Hangman Page contract signing for the AEW Title match at Full Gear, Pac vs. Dax Harwood, Bryan Danielson vs. Rocky Romero, Britt Baker, Jamie Hayter, and Rebel vs. Tay Conti, Thunder Rosa, and Anna Jay, Lio Rush and Dante Martin vs. Matt Sydal and Lee Moriarty

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Dynamite (Episode 110)
Indianapolis, Indiana at Indiana Farmers Coliseum
Aired live November 10, 2021 on TNT

[Hour One] The Dynamite opening aired and then pyro shot off while the broadcast team of Jim Ross, Excalibur, and Tony Schiavone checked in. Ross hyped the Full Gear pay-per-view for Saturday… Entrances for the opening match took place while ring announcer Justin Roberts waited inside the ring…

1. Bryan Danielson vs. Rocky Romero (w/Orange Cassidy). Chuck Taylor, Wheeler Yuta, and Kris Statlander walked onto the stage with Romero, but only Cassidy accompanied him to the ring. Matt Hardy sat behind the barricade. Romero performed Sliced Bread for a near fall. Romero followed up with a pair of running clotheslines in the corner. When he went for a third, Danielson tagged him with an elbow. Danielson suplexed Romero and got a near fall.

A short time later, Romero for for a cross arm break. Danielson rolled onto him and powered him up, then slammed him to the mat. Both men traded strikes. Romero rolled Danielson into an arm submission hold. Danielson escaped it and countered into an ankle lock. Romero escaped it and applied the cross arm breaker. Danielson rolled on top of him for a pin, which caused Romero to release the hold.

Danielson threw a kick at Romero. Danielson performed his stomps to the head of Romero and then applied a submission hold and got the tap out victory…

Bryan Danielson defeated Rocky Romero in 10:55.

The broadcast team hyped the upcoming matches and segments… [C]

Powell’s POV: This was the quality match that one would expect from these two pros. The broadcast team did a nice job of talking about the history of Danielson and Romero in Japan. By the way, I am filling in for Jake Barnett tonight, because he will be filling in for me with Friday’s WWE Smackdown coverage and Saturday’s AEW Full Gear coverage so that I can attend Rampage and Full Gear in person.

Tony Schiavone stood in the ring and touted the Minneapolis Street Fight for Full Gear. Schiavone introduced The Inner Circle. Chris Jericho, Santana, Ortiz, Sammy Guevara, and Jake Hager made their entrance to Fozzy’s “Judas” while the fans sang along.

Dan Lambert’s crew attacked The Inner Circle on the stage. Junior Dos Santos punched Guevara in the gut while two of his teammates held him. Lambert entered the ring while Ethan Page worked over Jericho with a kendo stick at ringside. Scorpio Sky slid a table inside the ring and then Page tossed Jericho in the ring.

Lambert stood on the second rope. Page and Sky passed Jericho to Lambert, who powerbombed Jericho through the table. “By God, he might be broken in half,” Sky said while impersonating Jim Ross. Sky said that was just a taste and they would get the full thing on Saturday. The crowd chanted “asshole.”

Page said they would not only win, they would make sure that Lambert pins Jericho. Page said that was Saturday, but tonight they would make sure that Lambert makes Jericho tap out to the Walls of Jericho. Lambert applied the hold and then Sky grabbed Jericho’s arm and acted like he was tapping. Lambert said the move is called the Boston Crab. He mentioned Florida Championship Wrestling from 1975 and “the real Rocky Johnson” before releasing the hold. Lambert posed over the fallen Jericho… [C]

Powell’s POV: The usual good heat for Lambert. They definitely made the right call in having the heels get the better of the Inner Circle in what is probably the final angle between the teams before Full Gear.

2. Britt Baker, Jamie Hayter, and Rebel vs. Tay Conti, Thunder Rosa, and Anna Jay. The entrances for both teams were televised, and Rosa was the last woman out for her team. There were dueling chants for Rosa and Baker when they started the match. A short time later, Jay was isolated by the heel team heading into a picture in picture break. [C]

Later, Rosa dove onto Hayter at ringside. In the ring, Conti superkicked Rebel and set up for a hammerlock DDT. Baker teased entering the ring, but she stopped and then Conti hit the move and pinned Rebel. The broadcast team played up the idea that Baker is fearful of Conti…

Tay Conti, Thunder Rosa, and Anna Jay defeated Britt Baker, Jamie Hayter, and Rebel in 6:55.

A video package aired on the Ruby Soho and Kris Statlander match in the TBS Title tournament and included comments from both women…

Powell’s POV: While we’re getting Baker vs. Conti for the AEW Women’s Championship on Saturday, Baker vs. Rosa is hanging over it as the real showdown match. It’s too bad because Conti has really shined in AEW and earned this moment. Baker vs. Rosa simply feels bigger, and Conti pinning Rebel didn’t change that. On a side note, it’s nice to hear Statlander speaking and dropping the alien gimmick. That said, I really don’t know what her character is now.

Jungle Boy made his entrance to a nice reaction. Anthony Bowens made his entrance while Max Cater rapped. Caster had lines about Jungle Boy stuttering during promos and being so progressive that he leaves his girlfriend alone with seven guys (Anna Jay with Dark Order)…

3. Jungle Boy vs. Anthony Bowens (w/Max Cater). Jungle Boy had a flurry of crowd pleasing offense that he capped off with a nice dropkick. A short time later, Caster grabbed Jungle Boy’s foot while he was on the apron, which let Bowens go on the offensive heading into a PIP break. [C]

Caster climbed onto the apron again, but Jungle Boy sent him to the floor and then hit him with a suicide dive. Bowens caught him on the apron and then performed a nice twisting DDT for a good near fall. Bowens went for a uranage slam, but Jungle Boy countered into the Snare Trap for the submission win.

Jungle Boy defeated Anthony Bowens in 10:05.

After the match, Jungle Boy was celebrating on the ropes when Bobby Fish ran out and attacked him. Fish suplexed Jungle Boy into the ropes. Christian Cage and Luchasaurus ran out, causing Fish to ran away…

Powell’s POV: A nice match. Jungle Boys is always impressive, and Bowens seems to improve with each outing. I didn’t see the post match attack coming. We’ll see if they set up Jungle Boy vs. Fish for Rampage or if they will wait a while longer.

A video package aired on Kenny Omega vs. Hangman Page. Jim Ross said Page has had a lot of setbacks. Excalibur said you can only fall short so many times before people lower their expectations for you. Page said he wants the title more than anything in the world. Omega said he doesn’t lose big matches, whereas Page always loses big matches…

Backstage, Adam Cole spoke with “The Young Bucks” Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson. Cole introduced Bobby Fish to the Bucks. Matt said they know Bobby very well. Matt said there’s no dispute in AEW, it’s the era of the SuperKliq. Cole suggested Fish face Jungle Boy on Rampage and asked him to leave a little so that he and the Bucks could finish the job at Full Gear. Cole said he knew he could count on Fish…

The broadcast team spoke about the SuperKliq and Fish angle, and then set up a video package on the Eddie Kingston vs. CM Punk match, which included footage from their awesome exchange on Friday’s Rampage…

[Hour Two] Wheeler Yuta made his entrance and was joined by Orange Cassidy and Chuck Taylor, who accompanied him to ringside. Wardlow made his entrance…

4. Wardlow vs. Wheeler Yuta (w/Orange Cassidy, Chuck Taylor). Yuta was the early aggressor with a couple of dropkicks. He went for a move from the middle rope and slipped. Wardlow took offensive control and powerbombed Yuta. Schiavone said Shawn Spears wasn’t at ringside because he was training with MJF. Wardlow picked up Yuta and gave him three more powerbombs. Wardlow placed Yuta on the ropes and hit him with a knee strike before pinning him.

Wardlow defeated Wheeler Yuta in 2:20.

After the match, The Blade and Isiah Kassidy attacked Cassidy and Taylor. Matt Hardy joined them in the ring once all three babyfaces were down. Hardy wrapped a chair around Cassidy’s head and put him down with a Twist of Fate… [C]

Powell’s POV: A good squash style win for Wardlow. Yuta hasn’t really clicked in AEW and feels like he’s just filling in for Trent in Best Friends, so he can take the loss. I wonder if the post match angle was done to set up a pre-show match between Hardy and Cassidy for Saturday.

Coming out of the break, CM Punk and Eddie Kingston were being held apart by wrestlers, producers, and referees in a parking garage area. Kingston started to walk away and then tried to run at Punk, but he was stopped. The broadcast team said they would keep their cameras in the back just in case there were any additional developments…

Powell’s POV: Come on, Eddie. You have a lot of great attributes, but running speed isn’t one of them. Kidding aside, this was effective in briefly showcasing the tension between the two.

5. Lio Rush and Dante Martin vs. Matt Sydal and Lee Moriarty. The entrances of both teams were televised. Rush wore gear that completely covered his body. Rush sent Sydal to ringside and then draw Moriarty into the ring. Martin cut off Moriarty, and then Rush hit him with a cheap shot. [C]

Rush had a crowd-pleasing run of offense that was capped off with a “this is awesome” chant. Martin tagged in. Rush went to the ropes with Martin behind, but Sydal pulled him down with a huracanrana. Moriarty tossed Martin fro the top rope and got a near fall moments later. Martn came back with a double jump moonsault onto Moriarty and then pinned him…

Lio Rush and Dante Martin beat Matt Sydal and Lee Moriarty in 10:30.

A Miro video aired. He told Bryan Danielson it isn’t personal. He said Danielson is everything to some and nothing to him. He said Danielson is a body standing between a man and his wife. He said Danielson just needs to say goodbye to his wife so that he could say hello to his own wife…

Powell’s POV: The tag match was a sit back and enjoy the rapid fire action rather than attempt to keep up with it in my report match. Does AEW need a cruiserweight division? They have a lot of smaller wrestlers. Size isn’t an issue in AEW as much as it is in WWE, but an actual cruiserweight division would give these wrestlers a title to feud over. Meanwhile, this version of Miro continues to be fantastic and it sure seems like he’s setting the table for Lana’s arrival.

6. Pac vs. Dax Harwood (w/Tully Blanchard). The broadcast team noted that all active wrestlers were banned from ringside. There was a good early exchange. Ross said the fans love AEW pro wrestling. A “this is wrestling” chant broke out. Pac performed a dive from the ring onto Harwood on the floor heading into a PIP break. [C]

Pac performed a top rope brainbuster. Both men stayed down for a moment, then Pac covered Harwood for a two count. Excalibur pointed out the welts on the chest of Pac that were caused by Harwood’s chops during the break. Pac went up top again and hit a missile dropkick to the back of Harwood.

Pac went up top again, but Harwood rolled to the other side of the ring. Pac dropped down and roughed up Harwood, who eventually dodged him charging in the corner and then hit a brainbuster for a near fall. Harwood showed frustration over not getting the pin.

Pac came back with a superkick. Pac went up top for his finisher, but Harwood recovered and cut him off. Harwood went to the ropes and performed a side suplex. A “this is awesome” chant broke out. Pac came back with a suplex, but Harwood turned him inside out with a lariat.

Harwood performed a slingshot powerbomb for a great near fall. Harwood threw punches at Pac, who hooked him in a backslide for a two count. Pac immediately applied The Brutalizer and got the submission win.

Pac defeated Dax Harwood in 14:00.

After the match, Cash Wheeler ran out and attacked Pac. The lights went out. When they turned on, Malakai Black and Andrade El Idolo were inside the ring. They joined the FTR duo in working over Pac.

Cody Rhodes and Arn Anderson entered through the crowd (were they buying pretzels?) while Pentagon Jr. and Rey Fenix ran down the stage and made the save. Cody and The Lucha Bros quickly cleared the ring…

Powell’s POV: A terrific match. The outcome never really felt in doubt, but the work was so good that it didn’t matter. Cody entering through the crowd was comical. Whether he’s turning heel or not, giving himself a special entrance even in this situation is the type of thing that makes fans resent him.

The broadcast team announced Jungle Boy vs. Bobby Fish, and Orange Cassidy vs. Matt Hardy in a lumberjack match for Friday’s AEW Rampage. They also touted the AEW Full Gear countdown special as airing immediately after Rampage on TNT…

It was also announced that Nyla Rose and Jamie Hatyer will face Hikaru Shida and Thunder Rosa on the AEW Full Gear pre-show. The broadcast team then ran through the pay-per-view lineup. A video package aired on the Darby Allin vs. MJF match…

Footage was shown of The Dark Order and The Elite leaving the building while it was noted that they were barred from the building during the contract signing…

Tony Schiavone stood in the ring next to the contract signing table and introduced “Hangman” Adam Page, who made his entrance. AEW World Champion Kenny Omega was introduced next and made his entrance (without Don Callis again).

Once both men were in the ring, Schiavone asked for Page to sign the contract first. Page said there wasn’t much left to say, and as soon as he signs the contract he knows he’s closer to kicking Omega’s ass and taking the championship at Full Gear. Page signed the contract.

Omega teased signing the contract and then took the microphone. Omega said he was a little sad because he and Page were friends and partners. He mentioned Page’s failures and insecurities. Omega said he and The Elite always had to pick up Page and put him back on the horse when he failed.

Omega said that even after Page walked away, they still invited him back. Omega said he did it because he saw a little of himself in Page. Page recalled Omega having another partner that he felt like he may not have measured up to either. Page said Omega has been champion for over a year and it might be fair to say that he’s surpassed his former partner.

Page recalled Omega telling him that he was proud of him when he beat him in the eliminator tournament. Page said it was a lie because Omega was afraid of him. Page said he didn’t want a fire lit under his ass so that he wouldn’t become what he has become and what he will become when he wins the championship on Saturday.

Omega stood up and said he cares about Page and he did what he did because he wanted to him to realize his potential. Omega offered him one final handshake. Page shook Omega’s hand. “Good job, Hangman, I’m proud of you,” Omega said.

Suddenly, the cameraman hit Page with the camera. The man removed his hat and some fake facial hair to reveal himself as Don Callis (nice). Page bled. Callis said he wanted the world to forget he existed for six weeks. Omega wiped the blood from Page’s head with his index finger and then signed the contract with it…

Powell’s POV: An outstanding closing segment. More of this version of Kenny Omega, please. There was no quirkiness. He was a strong, confident heel champion. The angle with Callis was really well done. I noticed the cameraman walking into the shot, but I didn’t think much of it until he hit Page with the camera.

Overall, this was a strong episode of Dynamite that closed on a high note with a great final push for the AEW Championship match at Full Gear. I will have more to say about this episode in my weekly same night audio review for Dot Net Members. Let me know what you thought of the show by grading it below.

Join Jake Barnett for his live review of AEW Full Gear on Saturday night.

AEW Dynamite Poll: Grade the November 10 edition

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Readers Comments (9)

  1. Botchmania. Wow. Just wow.

    • Which match? I had my laptop in front of me while covering the show, so I likely missed something.

      • There were no botches that were very noticeable or hurt the flow of the show. “Joe” is just another one of your trolls who is desperate to sh*t on what was a very good AEW TV episode. Both Excalibur and JR misspoke a couple of times, but no big thing.

      • One I specifically recall was Wheeler Yuta slipping when he jumped onto the ropes. I believe Pac slipped on the ropes once as well. Honestly, nothing too major.

  2. I’d rather see 50 more 24/7 title changes involving the stars of Sesame Street, Roseanne Barr, Paula Poundstone and a blow up doll of Homer Simpson than ONE MORE contact signing. It’s been done to death and this one was just another retread.

    My god. Has everyone in professional wrestling run out of new ideas??

  3. Sorry, no troll. Just stating the obvious. The show was not good at all. And I watch every dynamite and rampage and will be watching the ppv.

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