MLW Fusion Alpha results: Powell’s review of Alex Hammerstone vs. Tom Lawlor for the MLW National Openweight Championship, Aramis vs. Arez, and Alex Kane vs. Budd Heavy

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling Fusion: Alpha (Episode 2)
Taped in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 2300 Arena
Streamed September 29, 2021 on the MLW’s YouTube Page

Arez made his entrance for the opening match. The broadcast team of Rich Bocchini and Saint Laurent checked in before they were interrupted by Contra taking over the feed. Mads Krugger delivered a promo about his mission of taking out Alex Hammerstone before he faces Jacob Fatu at MLW Fightland. They cut back to the broadcast team briefly and then Aramis made his entrance…

1. Arez vs. Aramis. Laurent noted that Konnan pegged Aramis as the next breakout luchador. Both wrestlers ended up on the apron where they both threw kicks to the head. They ended up on the other side of the ring where Arez performed a moonsault off the middle rope onto Aramis on the floor. [C]

The wrestlers traded a variety of kicks. They stood up and performed some mirror image strikes before Arez picked up Aramis and performed a buckle bomb that sent him to ringside. Back inside the ring, Aramis rallied with a kick and a suplex. Arez went to ringside and then Aramis performed a suicide dive.

Aramis tossed Arez back inside the ring and then went up top. Arez rolled to ringside to avoid him, but Aramis walked the ropes and performed a somersault plancha onto him. Arez rallied and performed a Michinoku Driver for a near fall. Aramiz came right back with some impressive offense, including a powerbomb for a near fall of his own.

Arez performed a wild Codebreaker style move for a near fall. Arez went for a shooting star press, but Aramis avoided it. Aramis performed a spinning torture rack into a powerbomb and scored the pin.

Aramis defeated Arez.

After the match, Aramis offered a handshake, which Arez accepted and then pulled him in for a hug. The fans chanted “lucha” for both men…

Powell’s POV: A hot match to open the show. Aramis and Arez worked very well together and both were impressive, but Aramis really stands out as something special.

The broadcast team touted Alex Kane’s upcoming match and noted how impressive he was in the Battle Riot match… A video package spotlighted the Jacob Fatu heading into his title vs. title match with MLW National Openweight Champion Alex Hammerstone that headlines Saturday’s MLW Fightland event… Bocchini touted the television main event… [C]

A vignette aired for Tajiri appearing on the MLW Fightland special that will air October 7 on Vice TV…

Cesar Duran was shown speaking on the phone while his masked sidekick appeared to be searching for something. Matt Cross showed up and said he wanted an answer. Cross said he deserves a shot at the MLW Championship. Duran said Cross could have a title shot against Fatu. Duran nodded and then his masked man led Cross away…

Saint Laurent announced Fatu vs. Cross for the MLW Championship for next week’s Alpha along with Willow Nightingale vs. Ashley Vox… The upcoming fight schedule listed Saturday’s show, the Vice TV special on October 7, and MLW Intimidation Games for November 6 in Philadelphia at 2300 Arena…

2. Alex Kane (w/King Mo) vs. Budd Heavy. The crowd chanted “Budd” when he made his entrance. Bocchini said the fans at 2300 Arena have a history of getting behind underdogs. Kane attacked Heavy when the bell rang and put him down with a clothesline. Kane dominated Heavy and the crowd started another “Budd” chant. Kane suplexed Heavy and had him pinned, but he picked him up to stop the count. Kane no-sold Heavy’s strikes and suplexed him again. Kane eventually finished off Heavy with a with a ripcord Olympic Slam and then put one foot on him while the referee made the count.

Alex Kane defeated Budd Heavy.

Afterward, Heavy flipped off Kane, who returned to the ring and performed a variety of suplexes on him…

Powell’s POV: Budd Heavy earned his payoff. This was a good showcase win for Kane. I’m anxious to see him work with some of the top MLW talent, but MLW is playing it right with the slow build.

Backstage, Alicia Atout interviewed EJ Nduka and noted that he had the most eliminations in the Battle Riot match. Nduka said it felt good to show everyone how good he is. He said he would show up and show out…

A video package aired on the 5150 tag team to spotlight Konnan’s duo of Rivera and Slice Boogie…

Bocchini hosted the MLW Fightland Control Center for the Vice TV special. He hyped Fatu vs. Hammerstone in the title vs. title match, Myron Reed vs. Aramis vs. Arez vs. Tajiri in a four-way for the MLW Middleweight Championship, and Alicia Atout hosts MLW Embedded with pro wrestling reporters taking part… [C]

A vignette aired for Bobby Fish coming soon to MLW (he’s in the Opera Cup tournament)… Laurent noted that Cesar Duran gave Alex Kane the first alternate spot in the Opera Cup tournament because he was so impressed by his performance… Ring entrances for the main event took place…

3. Alex Hammerstone vs. Tom Lawlor for the MLW National Openweight Championship. Laurent said Lawlor could ruin everything for Hammerstone by beating him before his title vs. title match with Fatu. The match spilled over to ringside. Lawlor threw chops at Hammerstone, who no-sold them before picking up Hammerstone and dropping him on the ring apron.

The Contra logo flashed and was acknowledged by the broadcast team. Back inside the ring, Lawlor raked the eyes of Hammerstone and bulldogged him. Laurent hilariously stated that it wasn’t an eye rake, it’s actually a move that Lawlor calls the eye-bar. Lawlor stood on Hammerstone, who was on his back in the corner. Hammerstone powered up with Lawlor on top of him and it dumped Lawlor to ringside.

Later, Hammerstone blocked a Lawlor kick and then hoisted him up for a move. However, Lawlor countered into a standing guillotine. Lawlor drove Hammerstone into the mat and then applied a crossface. Hammerstone put his foot on the bottom rope to break the hold. Lawlor continued to target Hammerstone’s arm. Hammerstone came back with a uranage slam.

Lawlor regained offensive control and then motioned for someone from the back. Hammerstone got up and then Lawlor begged off before kicking Hammerstone’s knee. Hammerstone hit him with a bicycle kick, a German suplex, and a powerbomb for a near fall. Hammerstone hit the Nightmare Pendulum and scored the clean pin.

Alexander Hammerstone defeated Tom Lawlor to retain the MLW National Openweight Championship.

The broadcast team hyped Jacob Fatu vs. Matt Cross for the MLW Championship, Willow Nightingale vs. Ashley Vox, and “5150” Rivera and Boggie vs. “Injustice” Myron Reed and Jordan Oliver for next week’s Fusion Alpha…

Backstage, Atout was going to interview Hammerstone as he headed backstage, but she was pushed out of the way. Contra Unit members attacked Hammerstone and then Contra killed the feed. A Fightland teaser for the main event closed the show…

Powell’s POV: A decent match in quality, and it felt like a big win for Hammerstone in that he beat a former MLW Heavyweight Champion in Lawlor. I assume Lawlor was motioning for Mads Krugger given the teaser at the top of the show, but I could be mistaken. Overall, this was a good hour of television and the opening match is definitely worth going out of your way to see if you didn’t watch the show.

We’ll get a double dose of MLW next week with Fusion Alpha on Wednesday and the Fightland special on Vice TV on Thursday. I will be covering both shows and will have audio reviews available for Dot Net Members. Speaking of which, I see a screener of Fusion Alpha, so my audio review of this episode is available now.


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