Rob Van Dam says he did not see the key moment of the Ric Flair and Heidi Doyle incident on the WWE Plane Ride From Hell

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Rob Van Dam took to social media to answer questions regarding his appearance on the “Dark Side of the Ring” episode that focussed on the WWE Plane Ride From Hell. Van Dam stated that he did not see Ric Flair force flight attendant Heidi Doyle to touch his genitals. “I can confirm I didn’t see that and I didn’t say that,” Van Dam wrote. “Creative editing will have people hearing it different ways.”

Powell’s POV: Van Dam wrote more about the situation in tweets that can be viewed below. Van Dam stating that he did not witness Flair forcing Doyle to touch his genitalia is an interesting development. Van Dam’s comments on “Dark Side of the Ring” came off like he witnessed the incident and was confirming the allegation made by Doyle. While this doesn’t change anything regarding Doyle’s allegations, it does remove Van Dam as an eyewitness to the incident. It’s worth adding that a Twitter follower quoted Van Dam as stating, “I remember him like crowding her and, you know, trying to make her touch him and stuff.” Van Dam responded that “[Doyle] couldn’t [get] by [Flair] without touching him because he was blocking the way.”


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