7/8 Impact Wrestling TV Results: Moore’s review of the Kenny Omega vs. Sami Callihan contract signing for the Impact World Championship match at Slammiversary, Rosemary and Havok vs. Kimber Lee and Susan to become No. 1 contenders to the Knockouts Tag Titles, Jake Something vs. Brian Myers

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

Impact Wrestling TV
Taped in Nashville, Tennessee at Skyway Studios

Aired July 8, 2021 on AXS TV

Highlights aired from last week’s Impact Wrestling show…

Gia Miller ran into Kenny Omega and Don Callis, who were entering a lobby at Skyway Studios. Miller asked Callis and Omega if they were worried about Sami Callihan’s unpredictability going into Kenny’s contract signing with Callihan. Callis said everybody knows that Sami is a degenerate, visigoth, troglodyte, and a creep. Callis said he doesn’t care because it’s a big night with a big contract signing. Callis and Omega walked past Miller…

The Impact Wrestling intro theme aired…

Josh Mathews and D’Lo Brown were on commentary. Dave Penzer was the ring announcer…

1. Brian Myers (w/Sam Beale) vs. Jake Something. Something dumped Myers to ringside and tossed him around. Myers got back in the ring and was dumped by Something again with a lariat. Myers tripped up Something and dragged Something to ringside. Myers gave Something a suplex on the ramp. Myers beat the 10 count at 6, but walked right into boots from Brian. Beale gave Something a cheap shot punch while Myers distracted the referee.

Something rallied back with punches. Myers avoided a tackle in the corner, but Something kept control with hammer fists on Myers. Something hit Myers with a sitout power bomb for a two count. Myers caught Something with a kick and the Edgecution DDT for a two count. Something and Myers brawled to the top rope with Myers shoving off Something and hitting Something with a diving elbow drop for a two count. Both men blocked each other’s finishers. Myers ran the ropes but ran right into a Black Hole Slam from Something. Something picked up the pinfall win.

Jake Something defeated Brian myers via pinfall in 5:15.

Something dragged Myers back in the ring so that Myers could call him a “professional”. Myers got a mic and apologized to Something. Before Myers could say anything, Beale punched Something in the back and the heels put the boots to Something. Entrance music played, leading to Matt “Zack Ryder” Cardona running out to beat up Brian Myers after a double leg takedown. Cardona hit Beale with a Ryff Ryder Leg Lariat. The heels retreated as the segment ended with Something and Cardona standing tall…

John’s Thoughts: As much as I would like to see Myers get elevated up the card, I’m all for boosting up Jake Something because Something has the look and potential to be a homegrown face of Impact Wrestling. Who I’m not to excited to see elevated is the WWE-grown face of Woo-woo-woo you know it, Matt “Zack Ryder” Cardona. I mean, he’s been dressing up in all black recently? So maybe he’s redefined himself? I don’t feel like he’s redefined himself. The fact that he still has music performed by Downstait makes me still think of him as WWE’s Zack Ryder? I hope he proves me wrong. Seriously.

Josh Mathews and D’Lo Brown checked in from their commentary set. Mathews noted that it was the Penultimate episode of Impact Wrestling before Slammiversary. The commentary team ran through some advertised Slammiversary matches along with upcoming segments on this week’s show…

Gia Miller interviewed Deonna Purrazzo and asked Deonna about her future plans now that she’s separated from her alliance with Kimber Lee and Susan. Deonna brought up Kimber and Susan bringing up possibly being the reason why she’s Knockouts Champion. Deonna said she became 2 time Knockouts Champion without their help. Deonna said she’s broken bones and snapped necks with her signature moves and she hasn’t seen Susan or Kimber do anything like that. Deonna said she’s going to prove that she can continue to dominate on her own, forever. Deonna said she’s going to the ring to lay out an open challenge for anyone who thinks they can dethrone the Virtuosa…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Standard confident heel promo, but I like that she’s back to showing confidence. We’ll see if this is more “false confidence” down the road, but I hope that Impact has figured out that Deonna Purrazzo is money when she’s confident, dominant, and given plenty of mic time.

An ad aired for Impact Plus…

Gia Miller caught up with Sami Callihan, who was texting on his cell phone. Callihan said he usually doesn’t do interviews like this but he’s in a good mood today. Gia wanted Callihan’s thoughts heading into the contract signing with Kenny Omega. Callihan said it’s just 9 days away before Omega gets in the ring with the Death Machine. A random guy in a black “Sheriff” shirt showed up and said he was arresting Sami Callihan for the “assault of Don Callis”. Security guards pinned Callihan to the wall and cuffed him. Callihan said “I did nothing this time…dammit!”. Callihan was dragged off set by security…

Deonna Purrazzo made her entrance for her upcoming open challenge. Her open challenge opponent was “Lady Frost”. Frost was billed as being “from somewhere cold” by Dave Penzer. Josh Mathews noted that Frost has wrestled for WWE and AEW (I assume as a local enhancement wrestler?)…

2. Deonna Purrazzo vs. Lady Frost for the Impact Knockouts Championship. The opening chain wrestling sequence ended in an initial stalemate. Frost blocked Deonna’s early armbar attempts. Purrazzo gained momentum after giving Frost a forearm to the back. Frost got Purrazzo to the mat after a side kick. Deonna avoided a moonsault from Frost. Deonna gave Frost a Side Suplex. Deonna went for the pin but broke up her own pin so she could put Frost in the Fujiwara Armbar. Frost tapped out.

Deonna Purrazzo defeated Lady Frost via pinfall in 2:33 to retain the Impact Knockouts Championship.

Deonna took the mic and gloated about her win, calling herself the greatest Knockouts Champion of all time. Deonna’s promo was cut off by Gail Kim making her entrance…[c]

Deonna told Gail that she respects Gail Kim and Kim is one of the most pivotal women to help make Deonna the champion she is today. Deonna said she does, on the other hand, expect that respect to go both ways and Gail shouldn’t interrupt her. Gail told Deonna that she does respect Deonna. Gail said since she’s been working backstage with Impact, she’s followed the career of Deonna and watched Deonna become the face of the Knockouts Division. Gail said she’s proud that Deonna is carrying the legacy that Gail helped build.

Deonna cut off Gail and said she already accepts Gail’s challenge for a match at Slammiversary. Gail said she’s retired from pro wrestling and has nothing to prove, but Deonna has something to prove. Gail said what Deonna has to prove is that Deonna is the greatest Knockouts Champion in history. Gail said she talked to Scott D’Amore and they booked Deonna in a Knockouts Title defense where Deonna won’t know her opponent until the match is about to begin. Gail Kim told Deonna to prepare for the fight of her life because it’s not just Impact’s world that changes that day, it’s Deonna’s. Gail Kim’s theme played to end the segment…

John’s Thoughts: Like Deonna, I couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed that Gail Kim wasn’t the one challenging Deonna to a Knockouts title match at Slammiversary. I would argue that Gail Kim was the greatest women’s professional wrestler of all time, so that would have been an actual dream match; but at the same time I respect that Gail is also not risking her health now that’s she’s moved on from in-ring competition. As for the opponent? Given the high expectations Gail set up, my guess is that they might have Mickie James in for the night? I’m not 100% sure of that prediction though. They did tease Mickie a few weeks ago with the trash bag gag. I can also see this as someone like Ruby Riott making her Impact debut with Impact giving Ruby that spot to thrust Ruby right into the main event scene. Again, my guess is Mickie, but it could also be a debuting wrestler too (If it’s Laurel Van Ness, I would think that would be a bit of a disappointment).

This week’s Impact Plus Flashback Match of the Week was Mickie James vs. Angelina Love for the Knockouts Championship from Slammiversary 2011. Winter was at ringside and I think this was around that time Winter turned Angelina to a zombie? I forget. After fast forwarding a bit, Mickie pinned Angelina after a (botched) Mickie-DDT…

John’s Thoughts: Welp… That’s laying the tease on a bit thick.

The show cut to this week’s Swingers Palace segment. Chris Sabin showed up and sat at the table, despite the casino being closed and Johnny Swinger not being around. Moose showed up and beat up Chris Sabin. Moose got a handful of poker chips and smacked Hernandez in the head with them. Moose slammed Sabin head into the roulette table. Moose said, “you want me at Slammiversary, Sabin? At Slammiversary, you’ll find out why I’m a wrestling god!”…

A Slammiversary ad aired…

Josh Mathews recapped last week’s segment where Chris Bey teamed up with the babyfaces of the Impact X Division in order to counter Ace Austin and Rohit Raju…

Gia Miller interviewed Chris Bey on Bey finally making his decision. Bey brought up Madman Fulton ruining the match at Against All Odds and how having Mahabali Shera involved would just make things worse. Bey said having those two big men involved simply lower his chances to win Ultimate X. Bey said he picked a side, but he’s not friends with Trey, Josh, or Petey. Bey said he picked “his” side and everyone else just happened to be standing on that side too…

W. Morrissey made his entrance for an upcoming handicap match. His three opponents were already in the ring. Morrissey said he knows Eddie challenged him to a match at Slammiversary and he accepts the challenge. Morrissey said he knows Eddie is in a hospital bed right now, thinking. Morrissey said he’s going to help Eddie prepare for that upcoming match, not by being a friend like all the frauds backstage, not with respect like people in the locker room try to do. Morrissey said he’s going to demonstrate exactly what’s going to happen to Eddie at Slammiversary…

3. W. Morrissey vs. Jason Page, Manny Smith, and Deonte Evans in a handicap match. Morrissey easily swatted away each man that ran at him. Morrissey gave all his opponents corner splashes. Morrissey gave one of the wrestlers a chokeslam. Morrissey gave one guy a power bomb. Morrissey gave Smith an F5. Morrissey stacked all three opponents on top of each other and put his foot on them for the pinfall win.

W. Morrissey defeated Jason Page, Manny Smith, and Deonte Evans via pinfall in 1:50.

Morrissey stood tall to end the segment…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Another good promo and squash segment for W. Morrissey. Morrissey vs. Edwards should be a good match with Morrissey going over strong, but will Eddie Edwards be recovered in time from his Appendectomy? I forget the timeframe for those surgeries. Maybe they bring in Kojima or someone for that match, but either way they should have Morrissey go over whoever his opponent is at Slammiversary to not squander the build-up they’ve been giving Morrissey so far.

Gia Miller interviewed Don Callis and asked Callis about the supposed assault on him by Sami Callihan. Callis said he was assaulted as he spoke in a somber tone like he was traumatized. Callis brought up Sami attacking Eddie Edwards and himself over the last couple years. Callis said he provided the production truck with Sami’s attack on him.

They aired the footage and it showed some guy dressed up in Sami’s clothes threatening Callis with a bat, ultimately punching Callis. Scott D’Amore showed up to Callis’s interview. D’Amore said that he expects Callis and Omega to be outside for the Contract Signing. Callis said he doesn’t think Sami will make it to Slammiversary due to legal problems. D’Amore told Callis to humor him tonight…

Entrances for the next match took place…

4. Susan and Kimber Lee vs. Rosemary and Havok. Rosemary and Havok sandwiched Susan with forearms. Havok nosold Kimber’s punches and tossed her around the ring. Rosemary tagged in. Kimber raked Rosemary’s eyes to escape a Fireman Carry. Lee hit Rosemary with roundhouses and a Buzzsaw Kick for a two count. Lee put Rosemary in a reverse Deathlock. Rosemary bit Kimber to escape the hold. Susan tagged in and put Rosemary in a Full Nelseon. Susan slammed Rosemary to the mat and got a two count.

Kimber and Susan tried to suplex Rosemary, but Rosemary blocked it and tagged in Havok. Havok took down both opponents with a running lariat. Havok dominated both opponents. Susan dodged a face wash. Havok kicked Susan into Kimber to knock Kimber off the apron. Rosemary tagged in. Havok held Susan in place so Rosemary could hit Susan with a Spear for the victory.

Rosemary and Havok defeated Susan and Kimber Lee via pinfall in 4:09.

The show cut to Tenille Dashwood and Kaleb’s backstage “All About Me” talk show. Kaleb joked that since Ellen DeGeneres is gone, Tenille’s show is the hot show now. Jazz was the guest of the show. Jazz wore a Shad Gaspard shirt (RIP Shad). Dashwood sounded bored (as she does by default). Jazz wondered why she was even here. Dashwood got pissed and talked about how she felt betrayed by everyone for not being her tag team partner. Dashwood said she had instant chemistry with Rachael Ellering, but Jazz showed up and ruined everything. Jazz tried to leave. Dashwood told Jazz to leave, just like what she did with her wrestling career. Jazz said if Dashwood had anything to say, to say it to her face. When Jazz turned her back on Dashwood, Dashwood tossed Jazz into the camera…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Yep, Dashwood is still boring. I give Impact a bit of credit for tweaking her presentation here and there, but she just sucks the charisma out of most segments she’s in. Maybe the problem is her speaking because I remember her getting over as a badass in Ring of Honor by being a silent badass (similar to when Ricochet being a badass when presented as a silent protagonist). I don’t know, Maybe Dashwood is a lost cause?

Referees and security guards were checking on Jazz who was laid out on the floor. Jordynne Grace and Rachael Ellering showed up to help Jazz to her feet…

The show cut to Rachael Ellering and Jordynne Grace cutting a promo. Both women addressed Dashwood attacking Jazz. Grace said she’s on the same page as Ellering and now they have a list of goals. Grace said that Dashwood and Kaleb are on the list and next week they’ll be crossed off…

Rich Swann and Willie Mack made their entrance. Swann got a mic and called out Violent By Design. TJP and Fallah Bahh made their entrance. Perkins got the mic and pointed out that all four men in the ring have a common enemy. Perkins said that the line starts behind him and Bahh, so Mack and Swann shouldn’t bypass that. Both teams argued over who was the number one contender. Eric Young, Deaner, Rhino, and Joe Doering made their entrance. All eight men stood across the ring from each other.

Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson made their entrance. They were both in preacher mode as they caught a holy themed promo on the way to the ring, talking about how they are going to be the future tag team champions. After Gallows and Anderson entered the ring, “Anthem representative” Tommy Dreamer made his entrance. Dreamer noted that D’Amore is busy dealing with Sami Callihan’s legal issues so he came out to announce VBD vs. Good Brothers vs. Bahh and TJP vs. Mack and Swann for the tag team championships at Slammiversary. Dreamer said that match will happen on this show, except it’s non title…[c]

After the break, Josh Mathews clarified that one match from each of the teams would be wrestling in the next match…

5. Deaner (w/Eric Young, Rhino, Joe Doering) vs. Rich Swann (w/Willie Mack) vs. Karl Anderson (w/Doc Gallows) vs. TJP (w/Fallah Bahh). Anderson and Deaner dominated the other two opponents to start the match. TJP and Swann dumped Anderson and Deaner to ringside. Perkins took down Swann with a dropkick. TJP gave Swann a series of face wash kicks. Swann blocked a Face Wash and gave TJ a rolling lariat. Deaner caught Swann in the back with a clothesline.

Deaner hit Swann with a Power Slam for a two count. Perkins tossed Deaner into the corner and put the boots to Deaner. Anderson, Deaner, and Perkins brawled to ringside. Swann took out all three men with a cannonball.[c]

Swann hit Deaner with a leg drop. Swann was dumped to ringside. Anderson and Deaner brawled. All four men took each other out with kicks. Anderson gave Perkins a back suplex to leave all four men lying. Perkins slammed Anderson in the corner and hit Anderson with a series of Face Wash kicks. Anderson escaped a Detonation Kick. TJ escaped a Gun Stun. Anderson took out Deaner with an uppercut. Perkins hit Anderson with a Detonation Kick. Deaner dodged a Mamba Splash. Swann took out TJP with a enzuigiri.

Deaner hit Swann with the Deaner DDT. TJP broke up the pin. Mathews noted that Deaner had the match won. Deaner went for a draping DDT on Anderson but Anderson escaped. Anderson hit Deaner with a Gun Stun for the victory.

Karl Anderson defeated Deaner, Rich Swann, and TJP via pinfall in 9:41 of on-air time.

Gallows and Anderson faced off against the four Violent By Design member in the ring…

John’s Thoughts: Your typical TV preview match for a future PPV match. Not sure how Anderson and Gallows get a title shot other than them politely asking, but whatever, the match is better with them in it. The match was solid, but if I were to do anything different I would have had Deaner pick up that clean pin over Rich Swann. Deaner did such a great job reinventing himself yet he still takes a ton of losses. I would have thrown the guy a credibility bone by having him pin a former world champion. It wouldn’t have hurt Swann one bit.

Kimber Lee and Susan met up with Father James Mitchell backstage. Mitchell sent Susan into a random room. Mitchell asked Lee if Lee was sure about what she wants Mitchell to do to Susan (bring back Su Yung). Mitchell said he’s not sure how long it’ll take, but he’ll try his best. Mitchell said “trust me, I’m a man of the cloth”…

Josh Mathews and D’Lo Brown checked in from their commentary set. The commentary team talked about how creepy James Mitchell is. The commentary team ran through the advertised Slammiversary card. The following segments were announced for next week: Ace Austin, Fulton, Raju, and Shera vs. Alexander, Bey, Trey, and Williams, Tenille Dashwood and Kaleb Konley vs. Rachael Ellering and Jordynne Grace, Havok vs. Tasha Steelz, and Willie Mack vs. Fallah Bahh vs. Doc Gallows vs. Joe Doering…

Scott D’Amore was in the ring to moderate the contract signing. He asked for Kenny Omega and Don Callis to come out first. Impact World Champion Kenny Omega and Don Callis made their entrance to Omega’s Little V entrance theme. Callis took the mic and joked that only one man showed up to the two man party because Sami Callihan won’t be able to show up. Callis said he was a victim for being attacked. Callis said Omega doesn’t have an opponent now because Sami has eight strikes against him. D’Amore said to humor him and sign the contract anyway just in case Sami can make it.

Kenny Omega signed the contract. The lights flickered and security cam footage of the “Sami Callihan attack on Don Callis” appeared on the screen. Johnny Swinger was shown to be the cameraman. John E Bravo was revealed to be the fake Sami. Don Callis claimed that the footage was doctored. The lights flashed again and Sami “teleported” into the ring (he may have just ran very fast this time, I don’t know). Sami cleared everyone from the ring while wielding a bat. While Callihan was jawing at Callis, Omega blindsided Callihan and pummeled him with punches and boots.

Omega was about to pile drive Sami with his thumbs up thumbs down thing, but the thumbs allowed Sami to low blow Omega (see! The thumb thing is stupid!). Callihan did the thumbs thing to Callis as he gave Omega a Package Piledriver. Sami Callihan signed the contract to make his match at Slammiversary official. Callihan teased leaving, but he ran back to the ring to power bomb Omega through the table. The fake crowd noise cheered Callihan. Impact closed with Sami’s theme playing and Sami celebrating his beatdown of Omega…

John’s Thoughts: A solid contract signing segment to put some heat behind Sami Callihan heading into his title opportunity against Kenny Omega. A totally predictable segment, but the purpose was to set up Callihan as a badass anti-hero. Callihan is starting to remind me of his old tag team partner Jon Moxley. Not fully, but they’re going for the same unpredictability aura.

Overall this was a solid episode of Impact as Impact has been putting on solid episodes for a hot minute. Nothing was offensive. They’re building towards Slammiversary. We even got a straight up Mickie James tease with the Gail Kim announcement and subsequent Impact Plus moment of the week.


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