2/19 WWE 205 Live results: Anish V’s review of Mansoor, Curt Stallion, Jake Atlas, and Ashante Adonis vs. Matt Martel, Chase Parker, Samir Singh, and Sunil Singh in an eight-man tag match, August Grey vs. Ariya Daivari

By Anish Vishwakoti, ProWrestling.net Staffer, (@AVX_9001)

WWE 205 Live (Episode 219)
Orlando, Florida at Capitol Wrestling Center (WWE PC)
Streamed February 19, 2021 on WWE Network

Straight to business on tonight’s show, as all eight competitors for the opening eight-man tag made their way to the ring. The wresters were introduced by Vic Joseph and Nigel McGuinness, who were on commentary…

1. Ashante ‘Thee’ Adonis, Jake Atlas, Curt Stallion and Mansoor vs. “BollyRise” Sunil Singh, Samir Singh, Matt Martel and Chase Parker. Mansoor started off in the ring against Matt Martel. They circled for a second before Martel kicked Mansoor in the gut and tagged in Parker for a double shoulder block and elbow drop. Parker worked a face lock and went back to the arm of Mansoor before tagging in Samir Singh.

Mansoor broke the arm lock and engaged Samir on even terms, using the ropes to twist Samir’s arm and work him to his own corner. Adonis tagged in but was immediately jabbed by Samir who tagged in his brother for a double tackle and a facelock by Sunil. Martel then tagged in again, but as he tried for an arm lock, Adonis reversed into a pair of hip tosses and tagged in Atlas.

Martel and Atlas got into it, with Atlas reversing a corner whip into a Tornado arm drag. Stallion then tagged in and with Atlas, hit Martel with a double shoulder block. Martel was whipped to the ropes but used the opportunity to kick Stallion’s head and tag in Parker. Stallion was rushed by Parker but reversed and was able to prompt a striking exchange. Parker pushed Stallion off and into Samir on the apron to hit his own teammate.

In the confusion, Adonis tagged in and was distracted by Martel, allowing Parker to slug Adonis to the ground and allow for Samir and Sunil to each get a strike off on Adonis. Martel tagged in and chopped Adonis before whipping him into the corner. Sunil tagged in and suplexed Adonis for a two count. Sunil used a chin lock to ground Adonis and keep him away from his corner. Eventually, Sunil tagged in Samir, who took over.

BollyRise tagged in and out with Parker and Martel hitting Adonis with a corner clothesline and trip-elbow combo for a two count. Sunil and Samir then held onto Adonis for a top rope back elbow for yet another two count. Martel and Sunil then tried for a scoop slam onto Adonis, but Adonis rolled and Martel just slammed Sunil into the mat.

Atlas was able to get the tag and rushed Martel, knocking all his opponents to the floor before hitting Ever Rise with a rope run head scissors. On the other end, Stallion hit a suicide dive on the Singhs to take them out. Adonis tagged in and hit Parker with a standing dropkick for a two count. Mansoor then tagged in and combined with Adonis for a combo Death Valley Driver. Martel broke up the cover and cornered Mansoor who fought to the top rope.

Samir jumped Mansoor however and hit him with a suplex and was followed up by his brother by a top rope elbow for a two count in a close near fall. Sunil was distracted by Atlas on the apron, allowing Mansoor to hit a Falcon Arrow for a two count which was broken up by an eight man brawl and finisher sequence in the ring. Sunil tried to ross Mansoor to the outside, but Martel accidentally grabbed his leg and allowed Stallion who made a blind tag to catch him with a running headbutt and get the pinfall victory…

Mansoor, Curt Stallion, Jake Atlas and Ashante ‘Thee’ Adonis defeated “BollyRise” Sunil Singh, Samir Singh, Matt Martel, and Chase Parker.

Anish’s Thoughts: A fun opener to kick things off tonight, I thought this was the perfect next chapter in the BollyRise story, as all four men made mistakes in the match that caused them to lose. No excuses, as they all could have done better, meaning that this will be a crossroads for this new team, and I look forward to the next chapter. Mansoor’s and company all got their own time to shine and they each took advantage of it, bringing something different to the match. The outcome was always going to be what it was, as I did not see Mansoor losing his undefeated streak in an eight-man tag match, but they made me second guess a few times, so well done. Great stuff by all eight wrestlers.

We saw a video from earlier in the night where August Grey was cutting a promo with Ariya Daivari’s chains that he stole last week. Daivari blindsided him with Tony Nese and got his chains back…

We also saw a recap of NXT and Santos Escobar’s avoidance of Karrion Kross, and William Regal forcing him to face Kross next week on NXT or be stripped of the NXT Cruiserweight Championship…

2. Ariya Daivari (w/Tony Nese) vs. August Grey. The match started with Grey rushing at Daivari and striking at him. Daivari however used his momentum against him and forced him to bound off the ropes and into a knee and a dropkick to the head. Daivari tried for a Figure 4 but got kicked out of the ring where Grey chased him. Grey punched at Daivari on the outside before rolling him into the ring and hitting the Springboard cross body.

Grey didn’t go for the cover and instead picked him up and stomped him in the corner. Grey then hit a Back Suplex on him for a two count and picked Daivari up for a scoop slam. Daivari rolled out and forced Grey to run at him, catching him with a snappy pull back DDT. Daivari got a two count and then used an over the shoulder cravat to wear Grey down.

Grey rolled through and rolled Daivari up for a two count before hitting Daivari with a Jawbreaker and Neckbreaker combo. Daivari tried to get up and strike at Grey but came up on the wrong end of some forearm strikes. Daivari was able to halt Grey’s momentum for a second by catching a strike and grabbing a sleeper hold but Grey tossed him off.

Daivari however just went right back at Grey and hit a Uranage for a two count. Daivari propped a fatigued Grey up for the Lariat, but Grey rolled out and hit a Superkick before collapsing himself. Grey rocked Daivari with some more strikes and whipped him not a series of clotheslines and a scoop slam for a two count.

Daivari rolled to the apron for some space, catching Grey with a shoulder to the gut and tried for a clothesline, but Grey ducked and hit Daivari with one of his own. Grey rolled Daivari into the ring but got into a verbal battle with Nese on the outside. Daivari used this to dropkick Grey and then rolled him into the ring for the Devil Lock Lariat to get the pinfall victory…

Ariya Daivari defeated August Grey.

Anish’s Thoughts: This was a strange way to book Grey after he had been made to look so strong over the last few weeks. I don’t mind Daivari winning, but Grey lost because he distracted himself. It’s not like Nese really did anything illegal or shady to distract him, Grey essentially took his eye off the game and Daivari made him pay. Nese and Daivari looked very strong after this. At the end of the day, 205 Live needs strong heels, and the match was solid, so it’s nothing to complain about. I’m just surprised Nese didn’t do something more over to distract or compromise Grey. Honestly, it’s a pleasant surprise, so I’ll take it as a positive, as I don’t think it hurts Grey in the long run anyway.

The BollyRise saga dominated the show, so I am a happy camper. As always, I wish we saw more of the NXT Cruiserweight Champion, or even Legado Del Fantasma in general. But the show was sound with some neat wrestling and some plot thickening in respect to BollyRise, so a good show all in all.


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