3/3 NWA Powerrr results: Powell’s review of Eli Drake and James Storm vs. The Bouncers for the NWA Tag Titles, Ricky Starks vs. Zicky Dice for the NWA TV Title, The Dawsons vs. CW Anderson and Caleb Konley in a Last Chance match, Nick Aldis and Marty Scurll at the NWA Crockett Cup press conference

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

NWA Powerrr (Episode 20)
Taped January 25-26, 2020 in Atlanta, Georgia at GPB Studios
Streamed March 3, 2020 on the NWA Youtube Page

Last week’s show closing angle aired with Kamille spearing Allysin Kay and then staring down NWA Women’s Champion Thunder Rosa… The Pantera “I’m Broken” opening aired…

Sean Mooney checked in and hyped the two title matches and the Nick Aldis and Marty Scurll press conference… The broadcast team was Joe Galli and Stu Bennett…

1. Ricky Starks vs. Zicky Dice for the NWA TV Title. The 6:05 time limit was in play for the title match. A graphic listed the Lucky 7 scenario (if Starks successfully defends his title seven times then he earns an NWA Title shot) and showed that Starks has successfully defended the title twice so far. Bennett said he likes Dice, but he makes sure he washes hands every time he shakes hands with Dice. Funny.

Late in the match, Dice hit his Shake, Rattle, and Roll neckbreaker finisher and appeared to have the pin, but referee Brian Hebner spotted that Starks’ boot was under the bottom rope. Dice grabbed his fanny pack from the corner and threw it at Starks in an attempt to get him in trouble. Starks set up for his finisher, but Dice backdropped him. Starks attempted to roll up Dice, who sat down on him and scored the pin…

Zicky Dice defeated Ricky Starks to win the NWA TV Title.

Powell’s POV: I like the title change in that it makes Dice while potentially freeing up Starks to enter the NWA Title picture coming out of the Nick Aldis vs. Marty Scurll match. I’m not sure if that’s why Starks dropped the title, but the change shows that Dice is a player and not just an undercard pest heel.

Dave Marquez interviewed Dice on the interview set. Dice boasted that he did it. Thom Latimer interrupted and barked at Dice to leave, which he did. Latimer called for Galli to join him on the interview set. An apprehensive Gallis complied. Latimer told Galli that Kamille will speak next week. Galli timidly thanked him for the update. Latimer teased punching Galli, who backed off…

A video hyped the Crockett Cup pay-per-view and the two days of tapings that will follow…

Sean Mooney checked in and spoke about the Crockett Cup and tapings. He also set up footage of Kyle Davis hosting the Crockett Cup press conference and of Scurll and Aldis delivering their speeches. Scurll guaranteed that he would become the NWA Champion at the Crockett Cup event…

A Little Question segment aired with a ventriloquist and a little Question Mark next to the real Question Mark. There was a listing at the end that notes you can now purchase your own Mongrovian flag… Highlights aired of Aron Stevens attacking Trevor Murdoch after he defeated Question Mark…

Aron Stevens and Question Mark were interviewed by Marquez on the interview set. Stevens complained that he and Question Mark haven’t been given a tag title shot. He called out Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson while putting them over as legends. Stevens congratulated Morton on Gibson for finally making it after four or five decades in the ring. “You’re sharing the screen with me,” Stevens said. Awesome.

Stevens said he didn’t want to waste their time since he didn’t know how much time they have left. Stevens then claimed he was talking about the segment time and told the fans that their minds are in the wrong place. Stevens said he and Question Mark want a shot at the tag title belts. He said that if Morton and Gibson “do business” then he would put them in one of his movies.

Morton said he’s an old southern rock & roller and doesn’t know much about the red carpets. Gibson brought up fighting. Morton said they were looking to fight Stevens and Question Mark on next week’s show. Morton said they would do some business, then winked at the crowd, smiled, and headed to the back while Stevens asked what that meant…

An NWA merch ad aired… Highlights aired of last week’s closing segment with Kamille spearing Allysin Kay before she could get to Melina, then having a staredown with Thunder Rosa…

Galli and Bennett set up the Last Chance tag match and noted that one of the teams would have their contracts expired. Bennett noted that it would be fought under tornado tag match rules…

2. Dave Dawson and Zane Dawson vs. Caleb Konley and CW Anderson in a Last Chance match. Konley had a nice run of offense on Zane and cleared him the ring, but Dave then attacked him. The Dawsons hit a double team move on Konley that led to a two count. Anderson ran the Dawsons together, then Konley performed a missile dropkick on both Dawsons.

The Dawsons bounced back and performed corner splashes on Anderson that led to a near fall. A short time later, Konley took out dave with a suicide dive. In the ring, Anderson performed a spinebuster on Zane, then Konley performed a springboard moonsault that led to Anderson pinning Zane to win the match…

Caleb Konley and CW Anderson defeated The Dawsons in a Last Chance match.

Powell’s POV: It was nice to see Konley on the winning side for a change, but the story of the Dawsons losing the Last Chance match felt rushed. Why was this the last chance for both teams? Are the Dawsons actually gone? It would have been nice to hear from both teams going into the match to help sell the high stakes of the match.

Highlights aired from last week’s show of The Bouncers turning on Eddie Kingston and aligning with The Pope… A video package hyped the Crockett Cup and the television tapings…

Sean Mooney hosted a Powerrr update segment and listed the broadcast schedule. He said next week’s show would feature episodes two and three of the Circle Squared show. A Super Powerrr edition will air on March 17 and will include Tim Storm vs. Jax Dayne, the announcement of who will challenge Thunder Rosa for the NWA Women’s Title at Crockett Cup, the in-ring debut of Kamille and her first comments, Rock & Roll Express vs. Stevens and Question Mark, and Marty Scurll and Brody King vs. Nick Aldis and Thom Latimer. March 24 will feature the debut of Powerrr Surge, the Crockett Cup selection show, and the return of Ten Pounds of Gold…

Galli interviewed May Valentine and her BFF Sal Rinauro on the interview set. Galli said he follows Valentine’s vlog religiously and loves it. Valentine said Rinauro broke his arm, which has given him a lot of time to help her work on the vlog. Galli asked Rinauro for an update on his arm. Rinauro said he’s about a month away from returning to the ring.

Rinauro said breaking his arm was a lucky break because if it wasn’t for the injury then he may not have become BFFs with Valentine or gotten a chance to work on her lingerie line. Valentine said the world isn’t ready for Kamille to speak because when she does she means business.

Galli hyped up Valentine for doing a live vlog in front of the fans. Valentine and Rinauro walked over to the crowd and she did a selfie video of them smiling in front of the fans. Royce Isaacs walked out in his Magnum PI attire and barked at Valentine. Rinauro tried to calm him down, but Rinauro took his good arm, placed it on the ring steps, and teased stomping it while Valentine pleaded with him to stop. Isaacs eventually released Rinauro…

Powell’s POV: Is it wrong that I wanted to see Rinauro walking around with both arms in slings?

An ad hyped merchandise and upcoming events…

Marquez interviewed The Pope, Beer City Bruiser, and Brian Milonas about the NWA Tag Title match. Bruiser said he and Milonas are loyal to money, which Pope has. Bruiser said he and Milonas came to the NWA to prove that they are the top tag team in the universe. He said they would win the NWA Tag Titles because of Pope’s money. Pope said that when he presents an opportunity then you take it and cross the finish line…

Powell’s POV: Meh. I get the idea that The Bouncers are motivated by money, but the promos were flat. Bruiser took it too far by talking about how they would prove that they are the best team in the universe. It was a disconnect simply because it didn’t feel true, nor did it feel like he was going over the top in a heelish manner. Meanwhile, Pope seemed more concerned with putting over his role and being clever than actually going for heat.

3. Eli Drake and James Storm vs. “The Bouncers” Beer City Bruiser and Brian Milonas for the NWA Tag Titles. Eddie Kingston stood at ringside during the match. Storm was isolated by The Bouncers. Drake took a hot tag and performed a springboard dropkick on Bruiser, then kicked Milonas off the apron. Drake launched Storm onto The Bouncers at ringside. Storm rolled Bruiser inside the ring. Drake went for a Flatliner, but Bruiser stuffed it. Drake rolled up Bruiser for a two count. The champs appeared to be going for a Hart Attack clothesline, but it was broken up.

Later, the Bouncers set up for their Closing Time finisher on Storm, but Drake broke it up and tagged into the match. Drake and Storm teamed up to bodyslam Milonas. Storm took out Bruiser with a Last Call superkick, then Drake dropped an elbow on Bruiser and pinned him.

Eli Drake and James Storm defeated The Bouncers to retain the NWA Tag Titles.

After the match, Kingston stood in the ring and motioned for Pope to face him. Pope teased removing his vest, but he headed to the back with The Bouncers instead. The closing credits aired to end the show…

Powell’s POV: A rough main event. There didn’t seem to be much chemistry between the teams and that led to some clunky moments, including as the babyfaces awkwardly tried to set up the double bodyslam on Milonas. The Last Chance tag match was oddly presented, meaning two of the three matches didn’t do much for me. The show peaked with the opening match, and Stevens at the interview desk is always a treat. The episode did a good job of building up the next episode of Powerrr, which won’t actually air for a couple weeks.


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