WOW on AXS TV results: Powell’s review of The Beast vs. Jungle Grrrl in a No. 1 contenders match, Serpentine vs. Reyna Reyes, Havok and Hazard vs. Stephy Slays and Keta Rush, Siren the Voodoo Doll and Holidead vs. The Psycho Sisters in a WOW Tag Title Series match

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WOW (Women Of Wrestling)
Taped in May 15-16, 2018 in Los Angeles, California at Belasco Theater
Aired October 26, 2019 on on AXS-TV

Highlights aired The Beast challenging Tessa Blanchard to a match only to be attacked by Jungle Grrrl… David McLane stood in the ring and welcomed viewers to the show. McLane was joined on commentary by Stephen Dickey, and Shaul Guerrero was the ring announcer…

The Beast joined McLane in the ring and asked if Jungle Grrrl was ready to take her on. The Beast said Jungle Grrrl doesn’t want any of her. McLane said they would make the match happen. A brief video package stated that it would be a No. 1 contender match and Tessa Blanchard would be barred from ringside…

A video package aired on Havok and Hazard. Havok said they came to take the titles and to pave a path of destruction…

Powell’s POV: My apologies for falling behind on my WOW reviews. I hope to be caught up later today. Long story short, there’s so much pro wrestling content to keep up with that I can’t promise that this won’t happen again, but I’m doing my best.

1. “Monsters of Madness” Havok and Hazard vs. “Bully Busters” Stephy Slays and Keta Rush. Slays was isolated by the heels. Slays eventually made the tag. Rush threw a few rough dropkicks at her opponents and performed a huracanrana on Hazard, who came back with a backpack stunner and scored the clean pin…

Havok and Hazzard beat Stephy Slays and Keta Rush.

A teaser aired for Serpentine vs. Rena Reyes… [C]

Powell’s POV: Rush’s offense after taking a hot tag was weak, but the bulk of the match was fine with the monster heels working over Slays.

2. Serpentine (w/Sophia Lopez) vs. Rena Reyes. Serpentine targeted the left knee of Reyes throughout the match. Reyes fought back late with some strikes and got a two count. She also hit a springboard cutter for a near fall. Lopez caused a distraction and then Serpentine hit her finisher and scored the pin…

Serpentine defeated Rena Reyes.

Powell’s POV: Serpentine is the talented Thunder Rosa doing a masked gimmick, and Reyes (a/k/a Gisele Shaw) is a Lance Storm school graduate, so it’s no surprise that this was a good match. More of these two, please.

A Siren the Voodoo Doll and Holidead vignette aired. Siren said she and Holidead would win “the shiny tokens”…

Lana Star approached Sophia Lopez and asked how her clients get shots against Tessa Blanchard. Lopez told Star if she scratched her back then she’d scratch her back… [C]

A Psycho Sisters vignette aired. The Sisters said they’re not scared of Siren and Holidead, and the chaos that they are can’t be controlled. The trio said it was time to let chaos reign and then they did the big villain laugh…

3. Siren the Voodoo Doll and Holidead vs. “The Psycho Sisters” Fury and Razor (w/Mezmeriah) in a WOW Tag Title Series match. Late in the match, all four women ended up in the ring together. They all went for dropkicks simultaneously. Princess Aussie ran out and attacked Mezmeriah at ringside. Siren hit a distracted Razor with the Vooddo Driver and scored the pin.

Siren the Voodoo Doll and Holidead beat “The Psycho Sisters in a WOW Tag Title Series match.

After the match, Shaul interviewed the winners. Holidead caressed Guerrero’s hair and said the Psycho Sisters thought they were crazy, but they have nothing for the dark side…

A video package set up the main event… [C]

Powell’s POV: I’m not sure who they expected viewers to pull for. The match had some sloppy moments. The finish plays into the possibility that Princess Aussie is working with or being controlled by Siren. We still have no clue how this tag title series actually works.

4. The Beast vs. Jungle Grrrl in a No. 1 contenders match for a shot at the WOW Championship. Tessa Blanchard was barred from ringside. Jungle Grrrl had the first prolonged stretch of offense and went for her top rope splash finisher, but The Lioness came out and pulled her down from the ropes for the DQ.

Jungle Grrrl beat The Beast by DQ.

Lana Star was with the Lioness and ended up in the ring with The Beast, who powerslammed her. Jungle Grrrl looked into the camera and said she wants her one on one match with Blanchard. They cut to a shot of Blanchard laughing as she watched the match. The broadcast team suggested that she orchestrated the DQ…

Powell’s POV: Another week of a big build for a main event that turned out to be a brief letdown. Why? It’s not like WOW has to save their top matches for pay-per-view. The interference finish gives Jungle Grrrl the title match while delaying the inevitable Blanchard vs. Beast match that they have been building to all season. I’m fine with that, but I’m not sure why they had The Beast spend most of the match selling. I should be back later today with my review of the most recent episode.


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