11/5 NWA Powerrr results: Powell’s review of James Storm vs. Colt Cabana for the NWA National Championship, Aron Stevens vs. Ricky Starks in a best of three falls match, Thunder Rosa vs. Ashley Vox, The Dawsons in action

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

NWA Powerrr (Episode 5)
Taped September 30 and October 1, 2019 in Atlanta, Georgia at GPB Studios
Aired November 5, 2019 on the NWA Youtube and NWA Facebook Page

The show opened with a recap of last week’s episode that resulted in Colt Cabana earning a shot at the NWA National Championship via the six-man tag team main event… The “Into The Fire” opening aired…

The broadcast team of Joe Galli and Jim Cornette checked in from their desk and turned things over to Dave Marquez, who interviewed Colt Cabana on the interview set. Cabana said he feels like he deserves to be a main eventer. Cabana said he’s 100 percent and ready to go in his NWA National Championship match against James Storm…

Marquez interviewed Aron Stevens, who had Marquez inform the crowd that they are not allowed to make eye contact with him. Stevens said his loss to Ricky Starks was a fluke and noted that he hasn’t been in the ring in a bit. He said he’s better than Starks and his career and track record prove it.

Stevens said he petitioned the NWA for a rematch in a match that is more fitting of the NWA. The crowd chanted “you got beat.” Stevens said he is the great, great, great, great grandson of William Shakespeare, whom he quoted. Stevens said he had a script from Hollywood and if the NWA doesn’t make right then he’ll go back to Hollywood and leave pro wrestling.

Powell’s POV: Stevens continues to shine in the NWA. I can’t say that I missed him while he was away following his weird run in Impact Wrestling, but I’m definitely happy he’s back in the NWA.

A graphic hyped the main event and said The Dawsons would be in action after the break…

Nick Aldis hyped RetroMania Wrestling and said the video game was coming in 2020…

1. “The Dawsons” Dave and Zane Dawson vs. Mathew Mims and Jordan Kingsley. The Dawsons could have won the match, but they picked up a pinned opponent to dish out more punishment. The Dawsons hit a double team move and scored the pin a short time later.

The Dawsons defeated Mathew Mims and Jordan Kingsley.

The Dawsons went to the interview set and told Marquez that they deserve an NWA Tag Title shot. Eddie Kingston and Homicide walked onto the set. Kingston said they weren’t going to piss and moan about interference in their match because it was a No DQ match. Kingston said that if they want the title shot then they should face them one more time. Kingston said he and Homicide have a title shot and were willing to put it on the line in a match against The Dawsons, who said they would think about the match proposal…

A graphic hyped the in-ring debut of Thunder Rosa and noted that Tim Storm was up next… An ad touted the return to the studio December 14-16…

Joe Galli interviewed Tim Storm at ringside “earlier today” in an empty studio. Galli noted that Storm has had more downs than ups lately and said people were wondering if he was going to hang up the boots. Storm said his match with Nick Aldis didn’t work out the way he hoped it would. Storm said he will hold his head up high because Aldis is a great champion.

Storm said he doesn’t know where he’ll go from here and there are decisions that need to be made. Galli said the NWA Title is no longer attainable for Storm, but they have other titles in the NWA. Storm said he hates hearing that he can’t go after the title (due to the stipulation of his loss to Aldis). He said every title in the NWA is important, but he doesn’t know what’s next. Galli wondered if Storm could talk with Billy Corgan and get back in the title picture. Storm said he’s always been a man of his word and that ship has sailed.

Nick Aldis showed up and asked for a word with Storm. They walked away from Galli and spoke, but the mic picked up the conversation. Aldis told Storm that they wouldn’t be here today without him. Aldis told Storm that he knows who he is and told him not to do something he’ll regret…

Powell’s POV: A good segment with Storm continuing to be a great throwback babyface. He comes off so sincere regardless of what he’s trying to get across. In this case, he seemed legitimately conflicted about his future because he can’t challenge for the NWA Championship again, and I love that he made it seem like he won’t try to get the stipulation overturned because he agreed to it.

2. Thunder Rosa vs. Ashley Vox. Rosa was dominant to start. Vox came back and tried to apply a submission hold. Rosa avoided the hold and ended up hitting a double stomp from the top rope and scored the pin.

Thunder Rosa defeated Ashley Vox.

After the match, Rosa roughed up Vox. Marti Belle ran out. Rosa held up Vox and seemed to encourage Belle to take a shot, but Belle pointed to the back and Rosa left the ring…

Marquez interviewed Marti Belle at ringside. Belle said she doesn’t know Thunder Rosa or what she was up to. Belle said she knows NWA Women’s Champion Allysin Kay. Belle said they are best friends and she took offense to Kay stating that she wasn’t ready. Kay walked out and set the NWA Women’s Title belt on the apron and took issue with Belle not approaching her privately about the situation.

Thunder Rosa attacked Kay and ran her into the ring post. Rosa rolled Kay into the ring and continued to work her over. Belle entered the ring and Rosa held Kay in place for her. Belle kicked Kay and then Rosa laughed…

Powell’s POV: A good segment. Rosa has been a compelling character thus far and I like that she managed to turn Belle against her best friend.

A “Who Is The Mark” video aired…

Ricky Starks headed to the ring for a match while footage of his win over Aron Stevens was shown. Stevens was on the interview set with Marquez and said there was no way that Starks could beat him in a best of three falls match. Stevens headed to the ring for the match…

3. Aron Stevens vs. Ricky Starks in a best of three falls match. The ring announcer noted that Stevens refused to disclose his weight. Stevens charged Starks, who had his back turned, yet heard Stevens coming and stepped aside. Stevens crashed into the corner. Starks rolled up Stevens for a pin to win the first fall.

There was a 30-second rest between falls. Stevens returned to the ring and was dominated by Starks to start. Stevens caught Starks with a poke to the eye while he was tangled up with the referee. Stevens worked over Starks with punches and knees. A short time later, Stevens avoided a Starks move and asked who the loser was now while taking a bow. Starks rolled up and pinned Stevens…

Ricky Starks defeated Aron Stevens 2-0 in a best of three falls match.

Powell’s POV: Stevens’ flesh colored trunks are the leading candidate to win the award for the most disturbing thing we’ll see in pro wrestling this week. That said, this was fun with Starks getting the better of Stevens again. Stevens is a blast as a heel when things don’t go his way.

The Aldis ad aired for RetroMania Wrestling video game…

4. James Storm (w/Eli Drake) vs. Colt Cabana (w/Ken Anderson) for the NWA National Championship. Cabana had a flurry of offense that led to a near fall. Storm came back with a shoulder block in the corner, but Cabana rolled him up again for another two count. Storm caught Cabana with a TKO on the top rope, which sent him to ringside. Storm kicked Cabana through the ropes and then rolled him back inside the ring and hit him with a top rope elbow drop for a near fall.

A short time later, Storm caught Cabana with a Backstabber for another near fall. Storm hit his Eye of the Storm on Cabana for another near fall. Drake climbed onto the apron and bickered with the referee about the count. Anderson approached Drake, who punched him. Kamille walked out and shoved Drake into Anderson, who punched out Drake. Anderson looked confused as to why Kamille was involved. In the ring, Cabana performed his Superman press on Storm and pinned him to win the match.

Colt Cabana defeated James Storm to win the NWA National Championship.

After the match, Storm told Cabana that he was a beaten man and he knows it. He indicated that he’d be back for a rematch. Storm left the ring and jawed with Anderson…

Powell’s POV: A good match. The NWA has a lot of brief matches on the weekly show, but they’ve been good about giving time to their title matches. Kamille showing up came out of the blue. It will be interesting to find out why she was involved and whether Nick Aldis sent her.

The Dawsons showed up on the interview set and told Marquez that they weren’t waiting for the match they were offered. They said they wanted Kingston and Homicide on the spot…

5. The Dawsons vs. “Outlaw Inc.” Eddie Kingston and Homicide. Kingston was isolated by The Dawsons early on. Homicide eventually took a hot tag and worked over both Dawsons with running clotheslines in opposite corners. NWA Tag Champions Royce Isaacs and Thom Latimer showed up at ringside. Homicide kicked one of the Dawsons, who fell onto the tag champions. Homicide went up top for a move but Isaacs and Latimer held him until one of the Dawsons hit him.

“The Rock & Roll Express” Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson came out and fought with Isaacs and Latimer, who quickly headed to the back. In the ring, Homicide avoided a Dawson sandwich and hit a stunner on one of the Dawsons and pinned him to win the match.

Eddie Kingston and Homicide beat The Dawsons to keep their NWA Tag Title shot.

After the match, Kingston and Homicide celebrated with Morton and Gibson briefly… The credits rolled while “Into The Fire” played… An ad aired for the return to Atlanta in December to close the show…

Powell’s POV: I wrote that last week’s show was my least favorite of the NWA Powerrr series. This was a big bounce back week, as this was my favorite of the five episodes to date. Everything clicked from start to finish. The only criticism is that while the show itself fun, it still would have been a good idea to offer a hook for next week. Overall, though, this was a really good episode that is worth going out of your way to watch.


Readers Comments (1)

  1. I believe the promo isn’t just “Who is the mark?”, but actually “Who is the ? mark?”, suiting the question mark on his mask.

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