Dave Lagana on NWA Powerrr being on Youtube rather than traditional television, why the NWA won’t work with Impact Wrestling, past issues with James Storm

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

This Is The NWA Podcast with guest Dave Lagana
Interview available at TheNWAPod.com

On the lack of entrance music for the NWA Powerrr TV show: A lot of the guys were very concerned by it. I think the energy of the live audience really spoke to why it works. The live audience became the entrance music.

On being on YouTube rather than television: Well, YouTube is on television. I watch more YouTube, kids watch more YouTube than anything. YouTube is democratic. It’s all based on search, queries, and content subscribers. You see more of certain peoples content when you watch more of certain peoples content. So, I really believe in this platform a lot. I want to keep some version of the show on YouTube forever. I haven’t had a “real television” in 5 years… I have DirectTV Now just so I can watch wrestling, everything else I consume on YouTube, Hulu… We decide what we want. The people who lean that we just have to have a TV deal, do you know how expensive [that is]? There’s a lot of hoops you have to jump through. We had no network executives overseeing the show, no middle managers… once you take somebody’s money, you then work for that money, you have to answer to that money.

Why Impact is the only company the NWA won’t work with: The best way to describe it is, in doing business with people you find out what kind of business they want to do and that’s it. We’re not interested. We’ve done the dance with them, there was a strategic business reason why we did that then (The Empty Arena Match with Tim Storm and Jocephus) and that when fine, they were perfectly professional. There was stuff that happened that is not for public consumption and we’re just not interested because they didn’t seem interested in doing good business and it’s very give and take. By the way, Cody Rhodes knows how to do great business, Joe Koff knows how to do great business, they’re open to ideas. Ya know, it’s like “Listen guys, you see that $20 bill? What if I give you $5 for it?” That’s how some people want to do business.

On prior issues with James Storm and him understanding the NWA: I think he’s sees it now, but by the way, we’re all individual businesses. So you get a lot of people that have a lot of thoughts on what they see and they don’t see. So you just have to communicate with them and James believes he should be world champion. I want that in him. I want a talent that wants to be world champion. Eli Drake wants to be world champion. And what does that mean? He wants to show the world that he can be at the highest level. By the way, Nick Aldis was doing this same stuff back in TNA in 2014 or 2013 and the problem was, that place was a viper pit of politics, it makes Washington look like Sesame Street sometimes.

Other topics include the Nick Aldis, Kamille, and Joe Galli storyline, the backstage attitude of talent, Tim Storm’s role, the NWA Championship, and more.


Readers Comments (3)

  1. IMPACT signing Willie Mack from under them is probably why Corgan is so salty with them. Because, Corgan even admitted that before ROH, they approached IMPACT, and IMPACT weren’t interested.

  2. That’s a shame because I really feel that both Impact and NWA would benefit from each other. For example I think Impact Wrestling itself is a bad name whereas NWA has the lineage and tradition. Impact sas AXS which NWA could be on and and NWA could use Impact’ roster.

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