WWE Performance Center head trainer Matt Bloom discusses NXT’s move to USA Network and when Paul Levesque first indicated the move was coming

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

NXT head trainer Matt Bloom spoke with Jay Reddick of the Orlando Sentinel and revealed that Paul Levesque first teased something big in the works during an August 15 meeting. “He started dropping these hints that everybody would have to raise their game in a few weeks, Bloom recalled of what was later announced as NXT’s weekly television show moving to USA Network. “A buzz definitely went through the room, and when he finally told everybody what was going on, everybody was just ecstatic.”

Bloom also noted that there will be an adjustment for the wrestlers. “There are a lot of things that our talent aren’t used to, like working through commercial breaks,” he said. “We have some of the best staff in the world when it comes to putting on a live TV show, so they can help us really hammer some of the little things in practice, like cameras or promos.” Read the full story at OrlandoSentinel.com.

Powell’s POV: NXT trainer Sara Amato is also quoted in the story and notes that it didn’t feel like a big transition when she was interviewed, yet said the energy and excitement would kick in on the premiere day. Well, that day is here and I’m looking forward to seeing what Levesque and his crew have in store for USA Network viewers. Join John Moore for his live coverage beginning at 7CT/8ET. We will also have free audio available of a post show media call that Levesque will be holding after the show.


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