9/14 Impact Wrestling TV Results: Moore’s review of Tessa Blanchard and Tommy Dreamer vs. Sami Callihan and Jake Crist in a street fight, Ace Austin vs. Eddie Edwards, Dr. Wagner Jr. vs. El Texano Jr., Michael Elgin in action

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

Impact Wrestling TV
Aired September 14, 2019 on Pursuit (simulcast on Twitch TV)
Taped August 15-16, 2019 in Mexico City, Mexico at Fronton Mexico

Highlights from last week’s Impact Wrestling show aired…

Josh Mathews and Don Callis were on commentary. Kiera Hogan made her entrance first for the opening match. Her opponent was Tenille Dashwood who was making her Impact in-ring debut. For some reason, Tenille awkwardly pointed at her butt for a second during her entrance. Callis noted that Dashwood could have signed with anyone and she chose Impact…

John’s Thoughts: Ooof. The crowd was very dead for Tenille’s entrance. It totally makes sense, they’re in Mexico where I’m guessing they don’t know who Tenille/Emma is; but at the same time it wasn’t the best visual of having Tenille come out to a apathetic crowd. Hopefully she wins them over with a good match.

1. Kiera Hogan vs. Tenille Dashwood. Josh noted that Tenille has 1.5 Million instagram followers. Josh also noted that “The Legendary Luchador” Dr. Wagner Jr. will be on this episode of Impact. Tenille overpowered Kiera early on before Kiera took advantage by using the ropes to create legal separation from Tenille. Tenille grounded Kiera and hit Kiera with a basement shotgun dropkick. Josh Mathews noted that Kiera made headline news by “being more comfortable about who she is as a human being” (a reference to Kiera coming out as LGBT and in a relationship with former LAX member Diamante).

Callis said he personally thinks of Kiera as one of the most improved wrestlers on the roster. Dashwood got a nearfall on Kiera. Kiera hit Dashwood with a thrust kick to the head. Kiera then hit Dashwood with a head slam to get a two count. Kiera worked on Tenille for a sequence that included some kicks and two-counts. Callis mocked Mathews for Mathews’s pronounciation of “Fi-yah”. Tenille managed to turn the tables and hit Kiera with an Emma-mite sandwich.

Dashwood went for “The Spotlight” but Kiera dodged it and hit Dashwood with a high roundhouse for a two count. Kiera went for a bulldog on Dashwood but Dashwood reversed the Dog into a German Suplex. Kiera blocked a deadlift German and gave Dashwood a palm thrust. Dashwood sidestepped Kiera in the corner and trapped Kiera in the Dil-Emma. It’s an illegal move so it had to be broken. Dashwood hit Kiera with a high crossbody followed by “The Spotlight” (Claymore Kick) which led to the pinfall victory.

Tenille Dashwood defeated Kiera Hogan via pinfall 8:56.

Josh Mathews noted that Tenille’s waistband says “me me me”…

John’s Thoughts: A well-wrestled match that came off very flat due to the flat crowd. Can’t blame them 100% because they are performing in front of a foreign crowd but that can also be compounded with even more unfamiliarity with Tenille Dashwood who is new to Impact. I am also a bit confused as to why Impact decided to feed Kiera Hogan to Tenille Dashwood? As Callis noted, Kiera’s one of Impact’s fastest rising stars for a good reason. So why just have her be Tenille’s showcase enhancement match. Just because they did this with Rhino as well, as long time Impact viewers have felt before, shouldn’t Impact be trying to avoid the perception that they give huge pushes to WWE castoffs? I’m very high on Dashwood as a top women’s wrestler in the world, but a lot of people remember Dashwood as undercard Emma.

Impact cut to this week’s OVE camcorder promo. Jake and Dave were arguing about how to record the video without Sami around. They didn’t have to argue too much because Sami walked into the scene yelling. He was ranting and raving about Impact management not doing the right thing in stripping Brian Cage of the title and are instead rewarding him with six more weeks before his title defense. Sami kept ranting and yelling the words “bull crap”. Dave Crist managed to calm down Callihan. Jake also joined in by massaging Sami’s shoulder. Sami turned his attention to Tommy Dreamer and Tessa Blanchard before the camera feed cut out… [c]

Jimmy Jacobs interviewed The North team of Josh Alexander and Ethan Page about ending the Impact career of LAX. Josh Alexander talked about how it was sweet seeing the faces of LAX after LAX saw their careers end. Ethan Page said that it’s disrespectful that Jacobs is treating LAX’s departure as more important than the Tag Team Champions. Page talked about people whining about their favorite tag team being gone. Page said fairy tales aren’t real, bullies exist (they shoved around Jimmy’s head), and the North does whatever they want. Page said people should see The North as their new favorite team. Page said the North will never give up the tag team titles and it feels great being the greatest team in the world…

Josh Mathews and Don Callis checked in from their commentary booth in Fronton Mexico. Josh noted that The North are wearing LAX’s expulsion from Impact like a badge of honor. Josh Mathews announced Moose vs. Ken Shamrock for Bound for Glory. He also ran through upcoming segments…

2. “Unbreakable” Michael Elgin vs. Dinastia. Josh noted that Dinasta is a mini wrestler and is in fact the AAA Mini Champion. Dinastia had a tail on his trunks for some reason. Elgin has a focused stare on Dinastia. Elgin no-sold Dinastia’s offense and ragdolled him around the ring. Dinastia was pancaked with a chest chop. Dinastia hit Elgin with a huracanrana but Elgin landed on his feet. Elgin caught a flying Dinastia into a backbreaker. Elgin fell out side when Dinastia dodged him. Dinastia went for an Asai Moonsault but Elgin caught him and power bombed him on the apron. Elgiin hit Dinastia with a Clothesline from Hell. Elgin hit Dinastia with an Emerald Flowsion for the victory.

Michael Elgin defeated Dinastia via pinfall in 3:11.

Josh Mathews tried to draw attention to Elgin using the Emerald Flowsion as opposed to the Elgin Bomb. Josh said that it’s Naomichi Marufuji’s finisher. Callis said it’s actually Mitsuharu Masawa’s finisher, Marufuji’s sensei. Elgin cut a promo. He bragged about dominating in Japan against the best of New Japan (he referenced people like Kazuchika Okada without saying their name). Elgin said there was one man in Japan who never witnessed Elgin’s wrath (well? That’s easy, Marufuji was in Noah. Has Elgin faced Kenta too?). Elgin challenged Naomichi Marufuji to a match at Bound for Glory. Josh Mathews said this was a first time only match. Don Callis noted that Elgin was referencing Kenny Omega and Okada in his promo…

John’s Thoughts: Let’s look past the thought of someone in Impact managment deciding to book a match betwen Michael Elgin against a mini. The rest of the stuff was fairly solid. I liked that Elgin pretty much dominated that match and they didn’t try to get too cute by giving the enhancement wrestler too much hope. Best thing, I applaud Impact for giving up on that boring Rhino vs. Elgin feud. Two of the most boring matches I reviewed in recent memory (only because they were also long). I do like the upgrade in an Elgin vs. Marufuji match at Bound for Glory. Marufuji is getting up there in age but he is still really good. He had a run in Impact two years ago when Jeff Jarrett was back in control and had some solid matches. He also had a recent match a few months ago against Kenta and it was solid. Looking forward to seeing was Marufuji and Elgin can bring to the table together.

Taya Valkyrie was in Rosemary’s stairwell lair bragging about being the longest reigning Knockouts Champion. Rosemary wondered how Taya got in Rosemary’s lair. Taya said there was no door, simple. Rosemary claimed that she set up some force field wards that was supposed to melt Taya. Taya joked that her ring gear is shiny and probably reflected the stuff (nice comeback). Taya tried to buddy up with Rosemary and gave Rosemary a smartphone. Rosemary wasn’t buying it. Taya no-sold Rosemary’s resistance and told Rosemary to hang out with her for Mimosas and brunch next week as friends. Taya left. Rosemary looked at the smartphone for a bit and yelled “MIMOSAS!!!”…

John’s Thoughts: Small line, but I cracked up at Taya Valkyrie burying Rosemary claiming to have supernatural force fields. RIP Undead Realm. Anyway, this is interesting. I’m guessing they’re booking towards Taya vs. Rosemary in a Knockouts title feud for Bound for Glory? Taya for sure will handle her end of the feud. I worry most about Rosemary who has been a shell of her former self since returning from injury. She’s less interesting as a character due to the damage of the Undead Realm and her best matches were only really good due to hardcore garbage. I’m also totally all for Rosemary leaving Impact because she could use a good change of scenery. Again, NWA? Maybe even reunite Demon-Bunny in AEW?

Fallah Bahh was shown backstage sulking over Pork Rinds and lime soda. TJ Perkins showed up to the table and sat down with Bahh. He traded Bahh’s Rinds and soda for his omelet and water bottle. Perkins said Bahh hit a rough patch recently and asked Bahh what they say about falling off the horse. Bahh said “Bahh”. Perkins said he’s not going to try to translate. Perkins said they say that you should never give up, ever. Bahh hung his head and said “bahh”. Perkins slapped Bahh’s chest that he and Bahh come from a proud Filipino Culture of surviors that are struggling to find a voice in this world (that’s surprisingly a common thing I hear my Filipino friends say). Perkins said he’s not letting Bahh give up and he’ll help Bahh find Bahh’s voice…

John’s Thoughts: Very intriguing? So they’re going with Team Philippines (hopefully they don’t call them that a la Team Canada). Anyway, that was one of TJ’s better tweener promos. Tweener because it was babyface in nature, but due to TJ’s delivery of most of his promos, they can imply a heel underlying motive. It looks like TJP is replacing Kevin Mathews and Scarlett Bordeaux as Fallah Bahh’s sidekick. If anyone can get natural-heel TJP over as a babyface, it’s Fallah Bahh’s who might arguably be Impact’s babyface MVP. On the other hand, if they want to double down on Bahh as a top babyface, they can also use this to set up TJP turning on Fallah Bahh to set up a good blood feud. That would also have TJP slotted in maybe a more natural position because he was showing such great promise as a heel at the end of his 205 Live run. His heel work, along with Kenta’s heel work, were some of the things that kept me hooked to 205 Live.

Josh Mathews ran through the matches happening on Impact Wrestling “Victory Road” which was going to be a Impact Plus exclusive. The most notable match on the card was Moose vs. “The American Psycho” Stephan Bonnar. Josh noted that Moose wants to send a message to Ken Shamrock. Josh also hyped the AAA show at the Hulu Theater that will also feature Impact Wrestlers. Wrestlers like Drago, Aerostar, Pentagon Jr, and Fenix were shown in the video…

It was time for the Impact Plus Match of the Week. It was LAX vs. OVE from Bound for Glory 2017. This was where Sami Callihan debuted for Impact (Jeremy Borash was also on commentary)…

The show cut to a Father James Mitchell promo where he was in a darkened and red tinted room. Mitchell talked about how he was concerned for Jessika Havok because Su Yung is too powerful and was gaining more power. Mitchell pleaded that Havok drop her grudge against Su Yung due to Su’s power growing. Mitchell said Havok has opened Pandora’s box. Mitchell said there’s a category 5 hurricane of horror coming named Su Yung and if Havok doesn’t flee Mitchell can’t save Havok… [c]

John’s Thoughts: Ok that’s a bit better. I’m still confused in that this feud is still not intriguing yet, but it helps that Mitchell is able to provide some context to this oddball story atop of Su Yung’s undecipherable promos. So I think Havok is supposed to be the babyface? If this “warning” is to be looked into, I would assume that this leads to James Mitchell turning on Jessika Havok to build up sympathy on a future episode of Impact…

Moose was cutting a promo outside somewhere. Very similar content to previous week’s promos where Moose talks about Shamrock not being dangerous and how Shamrock is trying to make a name off of Moose. Moose said he’s going to beat up people in the streets of Mexico next week…

Former AAA Mega Champion El Texano Jr. made his entrance. El Texano Jr. translates to “The Texan Jr”. His opponent is Lucha Libre Legend Dr. Wagner who had El Hijo De Dr Wagner with him. I think? Josh Mathews ran through Wagner’s accomplishments in AAA and New Japan Pro Wrestling. Wagner did his Bien Bien Bien catchphrase and said Viva Mexico.

3. El Texano Jr. vs. Dr. Wagner Jr. (w/El Hijo De Dr. Wagner Jr?). Texano kicked Wagner during the promo, which started the match for some reason. Texano ripped off Wagner’s mask and Josh noted it wasn’t a big deal as usual because Wagner already lost his mask in a match (against Psycho Clown). Josh also noted that Wagner lost his hair to Blue Demon Jr. Texano got Wagner on the ground and tried to slap Wagner with a bull rope, but child referee guy pulled the rope away. Wagner caught Texano and hit him with a series of Dragon Screw leg whips. Wagner hit Texano with a Tower of London.

Texano kicked out of the pin at two. Texano crash and burned outside when Wagner sidestepped him. Wagner hit Texano with a cannonball from the ring apron. The referee took the bull rope from Wagner. Wagner tossed Texano around ringside. Wagner brought chairs to the ring. Texano was like hell no to this. The refere kicked the chairs away. Texano hit Wagner with a kick and a draping DDT for a nearfall. Texano hit Wagner with a Ruff Ryder leg lariat for a two count.

Josh Mathews noted that Wagner made his wrestling debut in 1985. Texano went high risk. Wagner met him at the top rope and hit Texano with a superplex. Wagner got a two count. Callis noted that the move took the wind out of Wagner. Wagner hit Texano with a hammerlock lariat and Dr. Driver for the victory.

Dr. Wagner Jr. defeated El Texano Jr. via pinfall in 5:54.

Wagner celebrated his win with an excited crowd (biggest crowd pop so far at the tapings?). I also noticed that Wagner dyed his grey beard black, so he looks younger…

John’s Thoughts: A fairly solid match that felt a bit rushed. I’m familliar with both of these men’s work in AAA and I’ve definitely seen better from both men stretched out over a little bit more time, even with Wagner being over 50. We just saw Wagner work a solid longer match in MLW against the Parkas. I thought Callis and Mathews did a good job throughout the match giving exposition on Wagner (though Texano received no love). That said it felt a bit like filler because it wasn’t treated as a big deal other than Josh saying in passing that Wagner is a legend.

Alisha Edwards and Ace Austin were chatting backstage about Austin’s match against Eddie Edwards. Austin said he was worried from Eddie’s death threats and he thinks that Eddie might want to at least injure Austin. Austin told Alisha to stay backstage because she might get hurt by her crazy husband. Alisha acted concerned and agreed to stay backstage…

The show cut to this week’s LAX clubhouse skit (wait? They’re still here?). Konnan, Santana, and Ortiz were packing their bags since LAX were leaving. Santana said he’s shocked to see Ortiz drinking coffee for once. Ortiz said he associates alcohol with good times and this isn’t a good time. Konnan asked Ortiz why he was in his ring gear. Ortiz said he can’t let go, that’s why. Santana said that Ortiz has smelly BO. Willie Mack and Rich Swann showed up to cheer up LAX. Willie Mack said LAX “put the tag division on it’s ass and made it ya’ll bitch”. Mack talked about how LAX quieted the doubters. Ortiz talked about the North for a bit. Swann said to not talk about the North but to rather do this for Impact. Rich Swann proposed a match between he and Mack against LAX in LAX’s farewell match…

John’s Thoughts: Ok… I like this somewhat. A babyface passing of the torch. As LAX’s last match in Impact, this should be a show stealer. I had no clue they did another match. With that, it’s also a bit odd that they are throwing out the Luchas De Apuestas credibility to have a farewell match because they could have framed LAX vs. The North as a farewell match. I could swear, don’t quote me on this, that I remember Konnan mentioning on a MLW radio show with Court Bauer many years ago that he was a huge stickler for making sure companies follow lucha libre traditions because of the impact that those traditions can have in storytelling.

4. Ace Austin vs. Eddie Edwards. Austin was the aggressor early on but Eddie quickly turned the table. Eddie caught Austin with one of his signature suicide dives. Ace Austin managed to fight off Edwards for a bit, but Eddie mainted the advantage with his aggression. Josh Mathews quoted Ace Austin saying that “I am going to bang his wife” in regards to Eddie Edwards. Callis said we’ve all said that at some point of our lives.

Eddie tossed Austin ball first into the ringpost. Callis said that means “no bangski” for Austin. Austin threw his jacket at Austin as a distraction to allow him to land a roundhouse. Mathews said that he’s afraid that Austin will go after other wives but Callis said that Ace Austin might just be doing mind games to get a upper hand over Eddie Edwards. Ace Austin did his overdone paper cut spot on Eddie Edwards. Callis said that Ace Austin may have to save some energy for his “bang-a-rama” tonight.

Ace Austin pummeled Eddie Edwards in the corner. Josh Mathews wondered who Alisha is rooting for. Callis said she must be rooting for Austin because Edwards is a scumbag. Eddie got up and no sold Austin’s punches. Austin used a low blow to keep Eddie at bay. Eddie came back with a lariat. Eddie hit rapid fire chest chops in the corner. Callis said it looks like Austin is crying. Austin’s chest looked like hamburger meat. Eddie dodged Austin’s beautiful disaster kick and hit Austin with a Blue Thunder Bomb. Austin managed to get a kick on Edwards for a nearfall. [c]

Austin had the advantage over Eddie back from commercial. Austin hit Eddie with some shortarm knees a bulldog. Callis mocked Mathews for using the words “have relations” instead of saying “bang”. Edwards blocked a Fold with a Flapjack. Edwards hit Austin with the Tiger Driver for a really good nearfall. Austin rolled away to dodge a Boston Knee Party. Eddie hit Austin with a Suicide Dive. Austin tried to get a chair but Eddie stepped on it to control it himself. Austin caught Edwards with a single leg dropkick. Austin did his signature handstand but Eddie tossed a chair into Austin’s shoulder for the DQ.

Ace Austin defeated Eddie Edwards via DQ in 9:30 of TV Time.

Eddie tossed another chair at Austin. Callis said he heard something pop. Eddie hit Austin with a Boston Knee Party. The referee tried to keep Edwards under control but Eddie shoved him away. Indie security guard ran out to separate Eddie from Austin. Austin rolled to ringside. Eddie was about to leave but he also tossed a chair at one of the guards before walking up the ramp…

John’s Thoughts: I’ve said my piece in past reviews of these Austin-Edwards segments. They are tanking Eddie’s career for some reason due to making him and Alisha out to be stupid, but at least Ace Austin is coming out of this looking like a star at the expense of the two Dopey Edwards’s. I did like this match more than most of these Crazy Eddie segments, if only for Don Callis and his fun witty commentary. Callis was great. Josh Mathews is in a tough spot, because he doesn’t want to bury the angle, but he’s burying his credibility by not burying the angle.

Jimmy Jacobs interviewed Melissa Santos and Brian Cage. Melissa Santos said she and Cage are getting married in the ring and the entire roster is invited. Jacobs said that people are saying that Cage needs to be stripped of the title for not appearing on Impact. Cage said he can’t help but agree with that thought himself sometimes because he has missed so much time as champion. Cage said he just wants to be a fighting champion and only wants to lose the title by being beaten. Cage said he doesn’t want to be an attraction but rather as a fighting champion… [c]

A Johnny Swinger vignette aired where this week he was showing off is biceps in the streets. He claimed to eat raw eggs and steak and wondered if Brian Cage even lifts weights…

An advertisement aired for the Valor Bare Knuckle promotion which looks to be a shoot fight promotion presented by Ken Shamrock…

Alisha Edwards was checking up on Ace Austin. Eddie Edwards showed up which means it was time for Alisha Edwards to do her one job in Impact Wrestling, endlessly yelling at poor ol’ Eddie. Edwards said Austin was a fraud and Alisha is Eddie’s wife. Alisha said Eddie is not her husband because Eddie is a “cheating bastard”. Ace Austin was behind Alisha, humping the air to mock Eddie…

John’s Thoughts: Is it just me, or is Ace Austin look to be inspired by Steve Stifler from the American Pie movies? Anyway, I honestly think Ace Austin’s dick in a box really won over Alisha. Eddie needs to find a box and cut a hole in it.

The former AAA Mixed Tag Team Champions Big Mami and Nino Hamburgesa made their entrance. Their opponents were The Desi Hit Squad who were dragged out there by the Deaners. The DHS were forced to wear overalls…

John’s Thoughts: For those of you who don’t habla espanol, Nino Hamburgesa is SPANISH for HAMBURGER NINO! Forgive my bad Chris Farley joke reference. Jokes aside, I hear that Nino is getting a decent push in AAA these days now that Konnan is back in charge of creative and I hear that Nino is one of AAA’s stronger characters. I hear that AAA is back to being a good show these days after a few years of being pretty mediocre.

5. “The Desi Hit Squad” Rohit Raju and Raj Singh vs. Nino Hamburgesa and Big Mami. Raj and Nino started off with a cruiserweight stalemate sequence. Nino took down Raj with a shoulder block. Mami tagged in and struck a Tranquilo pose on the second rope. Rohit Raju tagged in for some comedy hijinx with Mami. Mami did a matrix dodge to Rohit’s move. Mami stopped on a dime and caught Rohit with a running splash. The DHS managed to get control and isolate Nino after Nino tagged in.

Raj hit Nino with a series of dropkicks. Raj went to the top rope and pulled down the overall strap. Nino got out of the way. Mami tagged in. Nino and Mama sandwiched Raj in splashes. Mami hit Raj with a few stink faces. Nino hit Raj and Rohit with a cannonball. Mami opened the ropes for Nino to hit the DHS with an ugly but effective suicide cannonball. Mami went to the top rope and Callis called her a “sexy planet”. Mami fell on everyone with a crossbody. Rohit got into it a bit with Cody Deaner. Rohit accidentily hit Raj with a high knee. Mami hit Rohit with a Samoan Drop. “The Kid who eats hamburgers” hit Raj with a top rope splash for the victory.

Nino Hamburgesa and Big Mami defeated The Desi Hit Squad via pinfall in 5:27

After the match, the Deaners bickered with the the DHS guys. Suddenly a large long haired Indian man ran into the ring and beat up the Deaners. Josh Mathews noted that this man is the returning Mahabali Shera, who is sporting a Roman Reigns haircut. Shera planted Cody with a chokeslam while he planted Jake with a Sky High. Josh said Shera looks like a lion. Gama Singh entered the ring. Josh wondered if Shera would attack Gama but as expected Shera was aligned with Gama. Shera knelt in respect to Gama and he demanded that Rohit and Raj pay their respects to Gama. Josh said this was a game changer.

John’s Thoughts: Interesting development where I’ll take a wait and see approach. Last time we saw Mahabali Shera in Impact was a few years ago where he was not really showing progression in the ring in terms of ability. Since them he’s been a part of WWE’s developmental NXT system. He never made it to TV aside from getting beat up by Lars Sullivan in a backstage segment. I’m actually very intrigued to see if Shera’s time in WWE lead to some improvement. What has me a bit worried in terms of the DHS is they made Shera look like a monster, but we saw this before when they kicked out Gursinder and made Raj look like a monster. Fingers cross that both Shera has improved and that they try to take this esoteric comedy tag team a bit more seriously.

Josh Mathews announced that Brian Cage and Melissa Santos are getting married in two weeks..

Josh Mathews ran trhough the advertised Bound for Glory matches. Josh also announced LAX’s final match for next week which is against Willie Mack and Rich Swann.

6. “OVE” Sami Callihan and Jake Crist vs. Tessa Blanchard and Tommy Dreamer. Both teams brawled at ringside before Tessa and Dreamer could enter the ring. Dreamer and Tessa reversed whips into lariats on their opponents. Both teams brawled at ringside wtih the face team dominating. Sami gained control and he planted Dreamer with a body slam. Jake controled Tessa for a bit. Jake and Tessa brawled from the apron. Tessa slammed Jake to the mat. Tessa said a curse word and she gave Jake a huracanrana. Tessa and Sami Callihan had a standoff. Sami won the faceoff with a right hand. Sami called for Thumbs up Thumbs down. Tessa escaped and hit Sami with a cannonball.[c]

Tessa hit Jake with a tilt a whirl DDT, followed by a few suicide dives. Sami Callihan walked in and gave Tessa a right hand. Sami grabbed a stapler. Dreamer nad callihan argued over the stapler. Dreamer got the stapler and managed to staple the chest of Callihan several times. Tessa and Dreamer gave Jake Dreamer’s signature bionic elbow. Dreamer and Tessa hit OVE with stereo dropkicks and cutters. Sami was able to recover. OVE took down a fired up Tessa with a double thrust kick. Jake superkicked Tessa and OVE hit an assisted cutter on Tessa for a two count. Dreamer saved Tessa from a superplex. Tessa hit Jake with a super crossbody. Tessa hit Jake with The Magnum.
Sami jabbed Tessa in the gut with a baseball bat. Dreamer fought back Sami with a Kendo Stick. Dave Crist and Madman Fulton ran out to distract Dreamer. Sami gave Dreamer a pile driver for the victory.

OVE defated Tommy Dreamer and Tessa Blanchard via pinfall in 9:25 of TV time.

Tessa entered the ring and hit Callihan with a Kendo Stick to save Dreamer from getting pile drove again. Tessa pummeled the OVE guys with a kendo stick. Fulton no sold the stick shots but he sold a kick to the groin. Sami jabbed Tessa with a steel chair to gain control. Callihan was about to pile drive Tessa but Rhino ran out for the save along with RVD. Rhino hit Callihan with a Gore. RVD kicked down Jake and hit Jake with a frog splash. Impact closed with Tessa standing tall with the ECW Originals while RVD’s crappy TNA music played…

John’s Thoughts: A decent match that wasn’t anything all to special, but it did keep the Tessa Blanchard vs. OVE feud going strong while Sami prepares for his match against Cage. I’m guessing this leads to the four OVE guys against Tessa and the ECW Originals next week. Overall this was a solid show and an improvement over the last few weeks of shows. There were still flaws here and there but I felt like all the segments were effective in forwarding some sort of story.



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