Tom Prichard on the pro wrestling school he and Glenn “Kane” Jacobs opened, his WWE run as part of the Bodydonnas, working with Chris Candido

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Rad Turtles Wrestling Podcast with Tom Prichard
Host: “Rad Rob” Rob Francois
Interview available at

On whether he enjoyed his run as part of the Bodydonnas and the hairstyle “No, not the Donnas. I hated the Bodydonnas… Why not? That’d be great. I bet I’d look great as a crew cut blonde. That’s it. Yeah. Well that’s a hell of gimmick. Yeah. We should put you in charge. How about that? Oh, I think they did. Hey, how about this? How about this? What if we take the hottest chick in the whole deal away from you guys. I mean, you know what? We’re going to give you a new manager. Hey, get this, how about a transvestite. Hey, it’ll be a guy dressed up as a girl and guess what we’re going to call her? Oh, this is the great part. Guess what? We’ll name her Cloudy? How clever is that? Oh my God. I just sat there and Chris (Candido) Actually said, ‘I think it’s the stupidest f—ing thing I’ve ever heard.’ I didn’t say a word. I just sat there and took it like, oh my God, I just want to go home. I just want to go, you know, it was terrible. But that was a bad time for a lot of people, I think.”

On working with Chris Candido: “Chris was fantastic. I love Chris. He had talent and he had passion. He had love for the business too. And that, that was solely being lost art back then too. Cause Chris was a master and Chris could do anything. So yeah, I loved working with Chris. I didn’t like working in the gimmick at all. And you know Tammy (Sytch) was Tammy back then then. I mean, it was in full swing man. It’s like, what, what now what next? Yeah.”

Whether Tammy Sytch hampered Chris Candido’s career due to how she treated him: “Well, yeah, but looking back, we do it to ourselves. I mean, she, she might have, um, been the catalyst, but if it wasn’t her, wouldn’t have been her, it would have been somebody else I think. But I mean it’s where the cards we’re dealt and you’ve got to look at it that way. Well, whose fault really is it? Cause both both did it. And uh, yeah, I dunno man. But Chris was definitely real. Dedication, just from the gym to the ring. And, and you know, it takes somebody who can run a show, and I think he was 15, running a show in Jersey shore with Bam Bam (Bigelow). Fifteen years old, man. I mean, that takes, that takes a lot of drive. He had the drive. He really did. But it happens to a lot of us. We get those roadblocks and yeah, And then you bring it to work with you. It’s like, oh my God, it’s like that cloud over you wherever you go.”

On opening a pro wrestling school with Glenn “Kane” Jacobs: “You know, that was just us talking, why there couldn’t be a wrestling school in Knoxville.? And the reason there couldn’t is the market is just East Tennessee ‘rasslin and what we would get would be the East Tennessee ‘rasslin crowd. And we said, well, no disrespect meant, but I think even those guys would consider when we classify and clarify and define east Tennessee ‘rasslin, some people may not have had that taste or experienced it really. I’d been through that before. And you know, I hate to keep going along, man, but I gotta tell you, I did a wrestling school before, here, and we got the guys who weren’t really interested in learning how to wrestle and kind of use the open ring time, I guess to kind of play. But that’s not okay. That’s one way to learn, but it ain’t the way to learn. Anyway, so we decided we’re gonna open up a wrestling school here in Knoxville, and over time we thought about and thought about it and thought about it.

“And finally we did it. And we’ve been here since January. Started out with six students. We ended up with four.Then we had our second class. We had 12 people and just graduated them. And this past Monday, August 5, I just started the third session with 11 people. And if you want any information about our academy, our school, you can go to and take a look at our fantasy camp that we had a couple of weeks ago as well. People came out to that. I think 12 people came out to that one. Eight people. There’s supposed to be 12. We had eight people show up though. Good for us. Anyway. And so this third session goes 12 weeks and I have 11 people. So if everybody or anyone is interested in learning wrestling, come down for a 12 week course in Knoxville, Tennessee. We have 11 people.”


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