AJ Styles on re-signing with WWE, Paul Heyman being named executive director

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AJ Styles spoke with Brian Fritz of Sporting News and was asked whether he had any thought of looking elsewhere before he re-signed with WWE. “Sure there was,” Style said. “This is my job. This is what I do for a living. I knew that the next contract that I will sign will be my last. I’m getting older and I don’t want to embarrass myself if I don’t have to. That’s why it was important that I made the right decision and I did. I definitely, 100 percent made the right decision in staying with WWE. They’ve taken care of me since I’ve been here. They’ve shown me nothing but respect, so it worked out.”

Styles was also asked about Paul Heyman being named executive director of the Raw television show. “I’ve always been a fan of Paul Heyman,” he said. “This guy is the mastermind that can take performers and hide their weaknesses and exploit their strengths. It’s just unbelievable how good he is at this. To have that guy helping out on Raw, I’m excited. I think everyone’s excited. I think when you see, since he started helping out, how much has changed it’s all positive at this point and I’m looking forward to working with him more.” Read the full interview at SportingNews.com.

Powell’s POV: Styles also spoke about tonight’s Raw Reunion, being aligned with Luke Gallows, and Karl Anderson, moving from Smackdown to Raw, and Seth Rollins’ emerging as vocal defender of the company. It is worth noting that while defending Rollins, Styles criticized critics by saying: “If they were so good at what they’ve done, and I know you’ve heard this before, if these guys who want to criticize wrestling were so good at what they do, they’d have a job in the wrestling business. But they don’t. They rely on what someone else has said and whether or not they agree with that. They pick and choose what they like. You can’t do that. Either you enjoy it or you don’t. Regardless, you’re making a show about it weekly, so something must be going right. Somebody is doing something right.”

For the record, not everyone who criticizes aspects of the product wants to work for one of the pro wrestling companies. Some of us are perfectly happy covering the business and giving our honest assessments. And it’s never as simple as “you like it or you don’t” when it comes to fans or critics of any genre.


Readers Comments (7)

  1. I think he is talking about Wade Keller who is always negative about wrestling.

    • I didn’t take it as a case of Styles talking about me specifically by any means. But he painted with a broad brush, so I felt like it was worth addressing.

      • Jason,
        I’ve always found you to be fair, but there are a few wrestling sites that are always negative and at that point become hard to take seriously.

  2. That’s where you’re wrong, Powell.

    Guys like you, Wade Keller and Little Davey Meltzer are just a bunch of nobody do-nothing keyboard stooges who couldn’t last one day in this business. So you sit there at home in your basement apartments and comment and criticize the wrestling TV shows you’re watching all week, every week.

    Hell, you pudwhacks don’t even go to the shows. That’s why you constantly “need reports” from other people to do your job.

    Guys like you are an absolute joke to the arts. Because you could never do it yourself. Go eat a dick.

    • Something, something, give the troll his attention fix. Thanks for reading!

      • A troll? There’s nothing trollish about it, you simp. I’m shooting straight at you and your weak-ass attempt at feeling important to the pro wrestling community, with this so-called expert analysis you slum to.

        Face it: keyboard critics like yourself could never do what we do on a day-to-day basis. So you have to sit there and complain about it each week like you are part of the community, which you certainly are not.

    • Does your momma know you talk like this?

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