Powell’s Impact Wrestling Hit List: Michael Elgin vs. Rich Swann, Killer Kross vs. Eddie Edwards, Knockouts battle royal, Su Yung vs. Rosemary in a demon collar match

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Impact Wrestling Hits

Killer Kross vs. Eddie Edwards: The match result is proof of my theory that a sociopath will always beat basic crazy. Anyway, it was interesting to see the difference between the two personas. Kross has his sociopath act down and even added some maniacal laughter while taking abuse during the match. Meanwhile, Edwards continues to come off like a guy playing crazy. I have enjoyed Edwards throughout his career, but seeing him act heartbroken by a kendo stick being broken left me begging for him to give up on this bad persona.

Knockouts Battle Royal: This was more than the typical punching and kicking style battle royal, as the women did a nice job of incorporating a series of impressive moves. The return of Glenn Gilbertti as the male chauvinist heel works for me. He did a terrific job during the feud with Scarlett Bordeaux, and he should be a fun foil for Tessa Blanchard.

Rosemary vs. Su Yung in a Demon Collar match. A well worked dog collar match. I enjoy both acts when they are rooted in reality and are presented in a way where viewers can assume that both women are playing mind games rather than using hocus pocus powers.

Madman Fulton vs. Randy Shawn: A solid enhancement match that showcased Fulton nicely.

Impact Wrestling Misses

Rich Swann vs. Michael Elgin in a non-title match: John Moore raved about this match in his Saturday morning review. So why is it in the Miss section? Because we didn’t get to see it on Pursuit (via DirecTV). We saw the beginning of the match and then when they went to commercial an hour and 36 minutes into the show, the remainder of Impact was filled with commercials. Obviously, someone screwed up, and it’s a shame because this was apparently a really good match. Impact’s solution is to make the episode available on Impact Plus. Basically, they are trying to use this error to entice viewers to sign up for a free trial for their subscription service when they could simply air the full match on the company’s Youtube page.

The Rascalz: I want to be excited by the announcement of an LAX vs. Rascalz tag title match. I’m sure the match will be entertaining, but the bad smoke circle and cheesy montage video made The Racalz seem more like mid-card comedy figures than serious contenders.

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Check below for the latest Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast with Jason Powell and guest Conrad Thompson discussing Starrcast II, Undertaker pulling out of the event, hosting AEW rallies and his friendship with Tony Khan, thoughts on how WWE podcasts could work, and more.


Readers Comments (1)

  1. Mid card comedy figures as serious contenders? The New Day says hi!

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