WWE renames The Viking Experience

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE has already renamed The Viking Experience. The team formerly known as the War Raiders in NXT are now listed as The Viking Raiders on WWE.com.

Powell’s POV: Well, that didn’t take long. The Vikings Experience name was mocked heavily last week after it was introduced on Raw. Raymond Rowe is still listed as Erik, and Hanson is still named Ivar. At the rate we’re going with Superstar Shakeup reversals, Raw may open with Roman Reigns getting out of the shower in a Bobby Ewing moment.

Check below for the latest Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast with Jason Powell and Jake Barnett discussing WWE Superstar Shakeup and all the news of the week.


Readers Comments (3)

  1. I feel like when they originally renamed “War Machine” –> “War Raiders”, I thought it was a missed opportunity. They could have been “Warmongers”, which is an actual thing, like “War Machine”, and also coincedentally a reference to a character from Iron Man comics (like “War Machine”).

    “Viking Raiders” sounds okay. I hope Erik gets billed as coming from Minnesota and Ivar is from Oakland. Have them throw nerf footballs into the audience, and give them No Way Jose’s conga line.

    It will be great.

    And then rename them “Booty Parade”. Which may or not be a synonym for an actual series of films that I have enjoyed in the past.

    Just my two cents.

  2. After a quick google search I have discovered the Iron Man villain was named Iron Monger, not Warmonger. I will my kick my own ass later about this.

  3. I don’t get the frequent name changes for this team. Supposedly they dropped “war” from their name as it was believed people might find it “offensive” but yet Ember Moon is repeatedly referred to as “The War Goddess” even though being a goddess of war seemingly has little to nothing to do with her gimmick. To me she seems more like an arsonist based on the lyrics of her entrance theme. “Ember sparks a fire, Ember lights a flame.” “Burn, Yeah, Burn.” Calling her “The War Goddess” would be like calling Braun Strowman “The sexiest man alive” even though he has a gimmick that couldn’t be more opposite and unrelated to that.

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