Konnan’s “Keeping It 100” (free audio) – Konnan, Glenn Gilbertti, and Jason Powell discuss WrestleMania 35, how the pro wrestling culture has changed over the years, and much more

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

The latest edition of the Konnan’s “Keeping It 100” podcast features Konnan, Glenn Gilbertti, producer Joe, and guest Jason Powell of ProWrestling.net. Listen to the free show below or at the Keeping It 100 website.

Powell’s POV: I had a blast talking about everything from WrestleMania 35 to Josh Barnett’s Bloosport to Disco’s program with Scarlett Bordeaux in Impact Wrestling with Konnan, Disco, and Joe. My appearance starts roughly 28 minutes into the show.


Readers Comments (1)

  1. Konnan has lost my interest long ago when his constant “ITS RACISM!” claims was his explanation as to why he never made it “big” in WCW (the usual “they held me back because of my sex, race, ethnic background, ect ect” crap that seems to be claimed daily now because people HAVE to have an excuse instead of realizing the mirror is the reason).
    Of course, in these times, so many want to do a “pat myself on the back” move as often as possible, so saying that will of course be met with negative responses, but negative responses don’t change the truth into anything…..it still remains the truth.

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