Powell’s ROH TV Review: Final hype for the ROH 17th Anniversary pay-per-view with Jay Lethal and Matt Taven, Dalton Castle vs. Kenny King, WOH Champion Mayu Iwatani vs. Holidead, Marty Scurll and PCO vs. TK O’Ryan and Vinny Marseglia

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Ring of Honor TV
Taped February 9, 2019 in Lakeland, Florida at RP Funding Center
Aired in syndication on March 9, 2019, Mondays on the FITE TV app

The show opened with a recap of Jay Lethal destroying Matt Taven’s “real world title” belt at the end of last week’s show… The ROH opening video aired… Ian Riccaboni and Colt Cabana were on commentary, and Bobby Cruise was the ring announcer…

1. TK O’Ryan and Vinny Marseglia vs. Marty Scurll and PCO. The heels jumped Scurll and PCO to start the match, but PCO came right back with a double clothesline. Scurll and PCO cleared the ring and then mugged for the fans. O’Ryan and Marseglia isolated Scurll for a stretch heading into the first commercial break. [C]

PCO took a hot tag and worked over O’Ryan and Marseglia with power moves. There was an awkward spot late in the match where Marseglia set up to powerbomb PCO on the apron. Marseglia did his best to stall by looking to the crowd, but then he had to turn and look for Scurll, who finally arrived to kick him to break it up. O’Ryan performed a spinebuster on Scurll, then Marseglia performed a Swanton and got a two count on Scurll going into a break. [C]

Marseglia set PCO on a table at ringside and then performed a Swanton from the top rope to drive PCO through it. PCO did the monster no-sell and played to the crowd. PCO went up top and was cut off by O’Ryan, who performed a hip-toss from the top rope that sent PCO crashing onto a chair on the ring apron. Good lord. Marseglia performed a Side Effect on Scurll and then O’Ryan followed up with a moonsault for a two count.

A short time later, Scurll placed Marseglia in a Boston Crab and then PCO performed a legdrop from the middle rope. PCO performed a suicide dive on O’Ryan. Scurll went for a chicken wing, but Scurll countered into a pin for a two count. Scurll applied the chicken wing moments later and got the submission win…

Marty Scurll and PCO defeated TK O’Ryan and Vinny Marseglia.

Powell’s POV: That was much more competitive and more entertaining than I expected it to be. O’Ryan and Marseglia gained something in defeat and the babyfaces still came away looking strong. I always assume that O’Ryan and Marseglia will lose when they were facing top talent. Perhaps it’s time to change that mindset, as ROH is obviously giving a big push to Matt Taven and his Kingdom sidekicks.

Rush delivered a backstage promo in Spanish. Bandido showed up and also spoke in Spanish. Bandido offered a handshake, but Rush called him a perro and walked away… A graphic hyped Bandido vs. Rush for the ROH 17th Anniversary pay-per-view…

Powell’s POV: Subtitles, please. Sure, it was easy to understand that Bandido offered a handshake and Rush was disrespectful in return, but I’d really like to know what these guys are saying. Subtitles will be a key way to get these guys over as characters rather than just as great workers.

2. WOH Champion Mayu Iwatani vs. Holidead in a non-title match. The broadcast team hyped the Iwatani vs. Kelly Klein match for the WOH Championship at the 17th Anniversary show. Holidead performed a leg drop onto Iwatani on the apron heading into a break. [C]

Iwatani caught Holidead with crucifix bomb for a two count. Holidead came back with a big clothesline for a two count of her own. Holidead showed frustration over not being able to get the pin. Iwatani slipped out of a powerbomb and delivered a superkick and then a great German suplex. Iwatani threw a kick to the head of Holidead and followed up with a moonsault and scored the pin.

Mayu Iwatani defeated Holidead in a non-title match.

After the match, Kelly Klein entered the ring and took the WOH Title belt. Several Camp Klein members entered the ring and formed a barrier in front of Klein. Iwatani attacked a couple of them and then went face to face with Klein and ripped the title belt away from her. Riccaboni hyped the main event… [C]

Powell’s POV: A really nice match and a quick and effective post match angle involving the new champion and the former champion heading into their pay-per-view rematch.

Footage aired of PCO and Brody King winning Tag Wars to earn the ROH Tag Title match at the pay-per-view. They also showed footage of the big brawl that followed between the Villain Enterprises duo and ROH Tag Champions Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe. The broadcast team hyped the ROH Tag Title match for Friday’s pay-per-view…

3. Dalton Castle (w/The Boys) vs. Kenny King. Riccaboni spoke about how King and Castle have taken different paths since losing major titles. Cabana said Castle hasn’t been the same since losing the ROH Championship. They also noted that Castle was sunburnt and questioned whether that would play into the match. Castle ducked a charging King and pulled the top rope down, causing King to tumble to ringside. Castle ran the ropes and posed. King teased returning to the ring, then dropped off the apron going into a break. [C]

King was in offensive control coming out of the break and the broadcast team narrated footage that showed King using referee Paul Turner as a shield before tripping up Castle on the top rope. Castle came back with a DDT and sold back pain. King and Castle did a sequence where they repeatedly ducked under clothesline attempts before Castle finally connected with one.

King rolled to ringside in between The Boys. King shoved one to the mat and threw the other into the ring. The second Boy hit the ropes when King threw him, but Castle stopped running the ropes, and King entered the ring and hit him with a Royal Flush for the win.

Kenny King defeated Dalton Castle.

After the match, King took the mic and said he just made a former world champion and everybody’s favorite peacock bend a knee. King turned his focus to pay-per-view opponent Marty Scurll. King said he’ll beat Scurll one last time in his hometown in Vegas…

Powell’s POV: I’m not sure if the Boy hitting the ropes was intentional or if he was supposed to hit Castle, but the finish came off fine either way. It was a logical match result given the stories that ROH is telling with both men. King has been given a boost lately, and Castle’s character is becoming more frustrated while on this losing streak.

A shot aired of Matt Taven holding his broken real world title belt. Taven said he didn’t utter Jay Lethal’s name for nine months. He said Lethal destroyed his belt and now he will make him pay by showing him who the real world champion is… [C]

Riccaboni and Cabana ran through the pay-per-view lineup. A brief promo aired from The Briscoes. Jay said Villain Enterprises earned the right to be sacrificed. A Kelly Klein promo aired and she said she will take back what is hers. The broadcast team announced Jonathan Gresham vs. Silas Young for the pay-per-view. A Marty Scurll promo aired. He said Vegas is King’s hometown, but wherever he goes is Villain Territory. He said he would put Lethal out of his misery.

As the broadcast team was talking about the main event, Matt Taven entered the ring and grabbed a mic. Taven complained about Jay Lethal destroying his title belt and called him a coward. Taven noted that the rest of The Kingdom wasn’t with him. Taven said they didn’t have to wait until the pay-per-view. He said if Lethal had any guts then they could settle it once and for all.

Jay Lethal walked onto the stage wearing dress clothes. Riccaboni put over Lethal by saying he epitomizes class and a world champion. Lethal headed to the ring only to be attacked from behind TK O’Ryan and Vinny Marseglia. The Kingdom trio worked over Lethal and tore his dress clothes to shreds. O’Ryan and Marseglia held Lethal while Taven slapped him several times. Lethal broke free and threw punches at all three men, but he lost the numbers game. O’Ryan and Marseglia hit House of a Thousand Horses on Lethal.

The Kingdom brought a table into the ring. Jonathan Gresham ran out to save Lethal, but he was quickly outnumbered and hit with the House of a Thousand Horses move and thrown into the ring post before he tumbled to ringside. Cabana said he wanted to help, but he didn’t have the numbers. Lethal was placed on a table and then Taven performed a top rope elbow drop that broke the table. Riccaboni said they would update Lethal’s condition on social media, then he closed the show with a plug for the pay-per-view…

Powell’s POV: A good angle to put heat on Taven going into the pay-per-view. I groaned when Lethal vs. Taven was first announced. It looked like a fine match on paper and I knew it was coming sooner or later, but Taven just wasn’t clicking as a top heel at that point. Things have come together nicely over the last two weeks with Lethal destroying the fake title belt (good riddance) and The Kingdom getting their revenge on this go-home show. I was worried that this was going to be a standard television episode with only mentions of the pay-per-view rather than final storyline developments, but they came through in the end with a good beatdown angle that left me looking forward to the title match. Join me for live coverage of the ROH 17th Anniversary event as it airs on Friday night at 8CT/9ET. Dot Net Members will hear my audio review of this episode later today, and my pay-per-view audio review shortly after the show.

Check below for the new Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast with Jason Powell and guest Ian Riccaboni discussing his decision to re-sign with Ring of Honor, getting emotionally invested in matches, the March 15 ROH 17th Anniversary show, the G1 Supercard at MSG, and much more.


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