Powell’s Impact Wrestling Hit List: Johnny Impact and Brian Cage vs. Killer Kross and Moose, Tessa Blanchard vs. Delilah Doom, Willie Mack and Tommy Dreamer vs. Jake Crist and Dave Crist, KM and Fallah Bahh vs. Reno Scum

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Impact Wrestling Hits

Johnny Impact and Brian Cage vs. Killer Kross and Moose: The big four of the men’s heavyweight division continue to entertain and the storyline continues to be intriguing. All the misunderstandings between Impact and Cage continue to point to an Impact heel turn, but I’ve enjoyed the way that Johnny always has plausible deniability for his actions. It was also nice to see the heels get a win over the babyfaces, as they need to remain strong contenders coming out of the Impact vs. Cage program. Major props to Moose for his awesome robe.

Willie Mack and Tommy Dreamer vs. Jake Crist and Dave Crist: A minor Hit for a solid opening sequence that started with Mack facing Jake in a singles match before evolving into this tag team match. The Crists continue to shine in the ring and they are entering The Revival territory in terms of being an excellent team that suffers from being booked to lose too many matches.

Tessa Blanchard vs. Delilah Doom: A minor Hit for a nice showcase win for Blanchard. I like the way the company took a match that would have screamed squash on paper and made it a little more interesting by positioning it as Doom wanting the match because she was upset by Blanchard interfering in her last match. Blanchard dominated the bulk of the offense before Doom got some hope spots, and the star went over in the end. Nice and simple.

Zachary Wentz vs. Ethan Page: A minor Hit for a solid match that got the NFL alumni members involved from ringside. Wentz continues to impress, while Page continues to feel underutilized.

KM and Fallah Bahh vs. Reno Scum: A minor Hit for another basic tag team match. KM and Bahh continue to be an entertaining mid-card comedy team. It made sense to put them over Reno Scum if the Reno duo isn’t going to be a regular act for the company outside future Vegas tapings. I also liked the fiery KM promo that followed the post-match attack.

Glenn Gilberti: The bit with Gilberti, Dreamer, and the Anthem Owl was good, silly, Bobby Heenan-esque fun. I also got a kick out of Gilberti telling anyone who would listen that he is the new ass to kiss in Impact.

Impact Wrestling Misses

None: There have been stronger editions of Impact. And, really, most of the show was fairly uneventful. Nevertheless, it was a basic, straight forward edition with a good main event, plenty of minor Hits along the way, and nothing that struck me as nonsensical.

Check below for the new Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast with Jason Powell and Davey Boy Smith Jr. discussing what led to the Hart Foundation vs. Lucha Brothers match at MLW SuperFight getting physical, training at a young age, and much more.


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