Vince McMahon to “shake things up” on WWE Raw

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE announced Friday that Vince McMahon will appear on Monday’s Raw television show “to shake things up.” Read more at

Powell’s POV: It’s uncertain whether this is setting up an early Superstar Shakeup or if they have another approach in mind. Here’s hoping that the change starts with abandoning the tired heel authority figure concept.

Check below for the new Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast with Jason Powell and guest Konnan, who discusses his return to the ring for MLW in Miami on Friday and shares the crazy story of how he started in pro wrestling.


Readers Comments (3)

  1. Most likely outcome- The GMs are being replaced with “Operational Managers”, while nothing really changes, and all will be right through Vince’s eyes…

  2. Here’s a wild thought:

    Vince announces he’s stepping down after Mania to focus on the relaunch of the XFL, ceding full control to Steph and Hunter.

  3. Maybe Raw goes back to being two hours. I can only dream.

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