Powell’s Ring of Honor TV Review: The Briscoes vs. The Young Bucks for an ROH Tag Title shot at Final Battle, Jenny Rose vs. Kelly Klein for a spot in the four-way match for the WOH Championship, Matt Taven vs. The Boys in a handicap match

By Jason Powell, Prowrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Ring of Honor TV
Taped November 4 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at Stage AE
Aired in syndication on November 24, Mondays on the FITE TV app, a week delay on FITE TV

Highlights aired of Scorpio Sky and Frankie Kazarian winning the ROH Tag Titles last week… After the ROH opening, the broadcast team of Ian Riccaboni and Colt Cabana checked in and turned things over to ring announcer Bobby Cruise for the opening match…

Ring entrances took place for the Matt Taven and TK O’Ryan vs. The Boys match. Taven asked if it was a joke that the Kingdom was booked to face the Boys. Taven said they would hurt the Boys. Taven then told O’Ryan to go sit in on commentary while he taught the Boys a lesson. Taven hit one of the Boys with his real world title belt.

1. Matt Taven vs. The Boys in a handicap match. O’Ryan sat in on commentary. With one of the Boys selling the belt shot, Taven worked over the other heading into a mid-match break. [C] The second Boy returned and the Boys got in some offense. Balloons floated upward and then Vinny Marseglia appeared from under the ring and attacked one of the Boys. Taven performed his finisher on the other Boy for the win…

Matt Taven defeated The Boys in a handicap match.

Powell’s POV: An ineffective segment. If Taven is supposed to be a real player, then he shouldn’t need help to defeat the Boys even in a handicap match.

Cody was featured in a sit-down interview that included highlight clips. He spoke about his history in ROH and not getting a singles rematch for the ROH Championship…

Riccaboni stood in the ring and introduced Jonathan Gresham. Riccaboni wondered whether Gresham was there for something Final Battle related. Gresham said his partner Jay Lethal has a title match, so he’s left without a match. Gresham issued an open challenge to the world’s best technical wrestlers in hopes of proving that he is the best pure wrestler in the world.

Zack Sabre Jr. appeared on the big screen and accepted the challenge for a match at Final Battle. Fans chanted for Sabre. Gresham asked the fans who is ready to know who the best technical wrestler in the world is. He told people to watch the show to see him tap out Sabre… [C]

Powell’s POV: Solid build for what should be a very cool match between Sabre and Gresham. It’s awkward that ROH has the video messages waiting to play when they have foreign talent accept challenges. I guess I can wrap my mind around the idea that boxers and MMA fighters work angles to sell their fights, so the wrestlers are doing that even within the storyline world, but I wish they’d simply have their talent issue an open challenge one week and have it accepted the next week.

2. Kelly Klein vs. Jenny Rose for a spot in the WOH Championship match at Final Battle. Klein was on the offensive heading into a break. [C] WOH Champion Sumie Sakai was shown watching the match from the stage. Rose caught Klein on the ropes and tossed her to the mat. Rose followed up with a spear for a two count. Klein came back and hit her K-Power finisher for the win…

Kelly Klein defeated Jenny Rose to earn a spot in the WOH Championship match at Final Battle.

Powell’s POV: Most of the women appear on ROH television so infrequently that their programs come off as afterthoughts. And apparently no one cares who attacked Tenille Dashwood at the last pay-per-view because it’s never discussed. The WOH Title match at Final Battle will feature Sakai vs. Klein vs. Madison Rayne vs. Karen Q.

A video package focused on Adam Page heading into his ROH TV Title match at Final Battle… Riccaboni hyped Gresham vs. Sabre as being official for Final Battle and ran through the previously announced matches… [C] Ring entrances for the main event took place…

3. Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe vs. “The Young Bucks” Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson for an ROH Tag Title shot at Final Battle. Cabana gushed over the match being given away on free television, which is a really nice touch to get over the match and the talent. The Bucks worked over the Briscoes heading into an early break. [C]

The Briscoes bounced back and isolated Matt for a stretch. Matt sold back pain. Nick took a hot tag and worked over both Briscoes. Matt and Nick applied simultaneous Sharpshooters until the Briscoes reached the ropes. Matt tagged back into the match. Cabana questioned the logic of Matt tagging back into the match so quickly. The Briscoes quickly regained offensive control and targeted Matt’s back. Matt reached the ropes heading into a break. [C]

Matt avoided the Briscoes performing the Doomsday Device finisher by punching his way out of it. Nick tagged into the match and they performed a neckbreaker on Mark for a two count. Both teams traded punches in the ring, then traded superkicks with the Bucks getting the better of it and picking up another near fall.

As the Bucks set up for their finsiher on Mark, Jay threw chairs into the ring. Jay and Matt picked up chairs and threw them at their respective opponents, causing referee Todd Sinclair to call for the bell.

Jay and Mark Briscoe fought The Young Bucks to a no-contest.

Jay and Matt fought afterward and both men ended up taking out Sinclair with their chairs. Mark and Nick returned to the fight. Security came out and tried to keep the teams apart while fans chanted “let them fight.”

SCU members Frankie Kazarian and Scorpio Sky walked onto the stage. Sky said the match was supposed to determine their challengers, but unfortunately they both lost. Sky said that doesn’t work for them or the fans. Kazarian took the mic and recalled the last time he held one of the tag belts was when the Bucks took them away from them in a match that resulted in he and Christopher Daniels being hospitalized. Kazarian said they would defend their titles against both teams, and proposed they meet in a Ladder War. Fans cheered…

Riccaboni hyped Jeff Cobb vs. Josh Woods, and Christopher Daniels vs. Kenny King, and Kazarian and Sky vs. Stuka Jr. and Guerrero Maya Jr. for the ROH Tag Titles..

Powell’s POV: A solid match between the Briscoes and Bucks, but certainly not their finest since it was a television match without a clean finish. It sets up what should be another insane ladder war for Final Battle. It kinda came out of nowhere, but there’s enough history between the teams, albeit pre-Scorpio, that it doesn’t feel like an out of place gimmick match. Haydn Gleed will be by later today with his audio review of this show for members.

Check below for the new Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast with Jason Powell and Jake Barnett discussing the All Elite Wrestling potential startup promotion.


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